Useless Gene story:
I once went to a Playboy convention in Hollywood that housed every living playmate, and they were in attendance to sign autographs and take photos with people, etc (super big names like Anna Nicole and Pam Anderson were not there). My friend took me there so he could get his Kiss 8x10, which he'd had signed by the other three band members, signed by Gene.
So Gene comes out, does his tongue shtick, and then signs autographs for about eight minutes before getting up and walking away. The crowd followed him, and my friend managed to get up there and hand Gene the photo, along with a silver pen (the other signatures were in silver). Gene took someone else's blue magic marker and signed the picture, then handed it back to my friend. Turns out that it had taken my friend like five years to get the other three autographs, so he was a little pissed that they weren't all the same... plus, the majority of the photo was black, so the blue didn't show up well.
He stopped, looked down at it, and was like, "You fucking greedy Jew, I'll put you in an oven!" and then he took off running. I caught up to him in the parking lot, and we went home.