
... and I have to deal with these people all day
Anyone else have any good stories/examples along these lines?
Hooker said:Dude, be glad you won't have to deal with them on the phone :/
Discharger said:edit: If anyone cares, I asked him what happens when he tries to browse and if he gets any error messages what do they say. He hasn't responded yet. Probably won't, thank god.
Can't find the internet!
Hamfam said:Wouldn't he have to be connected to the internet to send that in the first place?Oh the humanity.
iapetus said:I'm confused. Why did you black out 'Ellison' in the first picture? :\
Discharger said:The last name on the first pic is not Ellison. I'm just blacking out any last names and my employee number just to be safe.
*right click* *save as* *repeat*Discharger said:Yes. Actually, I hadn't thought of that. Well, I'm going to fix the pics a bit and up them back up.
Discharger said:Alright, here's another one I just got.
iapetus said:I have to ask, do you ever feel tempted to give these people deliberately bad advice that will prevent them from owning a computer that they're clearly unequipped to own? And possibly enter them for the Darwin awards? "I see. Well, your bingotogo is probably getting stuck in one of the cables. Unplug all the cables from the back of your PC one by one and stick them in your mouth and blow down them. Make sure you get lots of spittle in there - it's good for them. Especially that big one plugged into the mains."
How do you resist these urges?
[NB: Kids, don't try to clean your power cable by salivating into it. And if you do, please get your parents to sue Microsoft, not me.]
I'm confused. Why did you black out 'Ellison' in the first picture? :\
Discharger said:Then again, I remember one woman who asked me if her ADSL connection would work without power. I sort of hung my head for a moment then said "Will your computer work without power?". At least at that point she realized she'd asked a dumb question and said so.
Discharger said:Alright, here's another one I just got.
maharg said:To be fair, phone lines do carry enough electricity to run a phone without plugging it into an outlet. It's hardly a stupid question, just ignorant.
And I hope you're not the one who I got on that service who insisted that a UPnP IP was perfectly normal and that I "was connected" even though I kept telling him I was using my neighbor's internet via wifi.
Whoever that was should have been fired. He seriously had me considering a switch to Shaw. Got on the phone service, they figured out that whoever had set us up when we moved hadn't fixed up our OCA account for the new area, and it was fixed in about 10 minutes.
WHATDischarger said:Alright, here's another one I just got.
Discharger said:Yeah, phones work without power and since ADSL works through the phone lines, that's likely why she asked. As I said, pretty much right after she said it (I responded right away) she realized what she said and told me "that was a really dumb question, wasn't it?". I had no issues with her - it was a dumb question and she realized that. That makes her 10x better than most people I talk to as they wouldn't realize the mistake period even after I informed them. I don't want to come across as someone always in BOFH mode - I will if someone is becoming irate for something I don't consider a valid reason, if they're just being a dick to me or if they are pretty much refusing to do anything I suggest because they're too lazy. If it's just some joe blow who wants to get his adsl working and is willing to work with me to get there I'll give it all I can. That is the reason is why I get to work on special projects like eCare and such.
As for your question, no, that wasn't me. If you were asking about an issue with wireless internet though, there only a few of us that currently support that at the moment (although I imagine that going to change as "TELUS Home Networking" is really taking off). I've been messing with wireless way before TELUS started supporting it about 2 months ago, so I've got a pretty good grasp on the situation. I can't really say much about what that analyst did since I haven't seen the ticket on our system, but it sounds like it's someone who didn't know a lot about how wireless works before they were trained on it and since they haven't taken a lot of calls on it didn't know how to handle the situation/hadn't thought of that possibility.
As for calling in on the phone and getting the issue fixed - it's likely you got another one of the small number of us that support wireless (or someone who like myself knew about wireless outside work/didn't know about wireless, but decided to troubleshoot what he could and OCA accounts are something you deal with regardless of if you've got wireless or not) as we are all cross-trained and do multiple things depending on how busy the various queues are or how many people are staffed. For example, I support phones, dial up, adsl, home networking, eCare, telus games, desktop backup, cityplace centre in toronto, plus a few things that we are conducting employee trials on that I can't mention until they go live for the regular public. If you want, PM me and I'll give you my contact info - as long as I'm working at the time, I can definitely help you out.
yoshifumi said:hahahaha these are hysterical. i need a job that lets me deal with people like this.
maharg said:No, I had no issue with wireless. I was using my neighbor's wireless because *my* internet wasn't working. This guy completely shut down the whole thing by assuming that because my modem's lights were all green and windows was using a UPnP address (as in, the address range Windows falls back on if it can't find a DHCP server), I must have internet, even though I told him I was using alternate means of getting on the internet.
It was very frustrating.
Discharger said:Okay, now I get you. Even though you said that your connection wasn't working and you were leeching a neighbors wireless, he didn't listen? Wow, that would piss me off too. I've never heard the term UPnP used that way (I was thinking universal plug n play, not a 169 ip like you were referring to in this case) but it makes sense now. Since I started working at TELUS, I've had to call in a few times to get my connection fixed (you can't place reports about your own connection) and one of the times, I told the person I worked at the helpdesk but they ignored it and kept asking me a whole bunch of stupid questions - it was pretty annoying, but what can you do?