erm...WARNING: sickening event below...don't read! [well if you want to...]
Earlier tonight, apparently my little bro [6] stopped up the toilet, erm...doing his business...and so my grandpa [the two of us are staying here for "vacation"...UGH just 7 more days...] takes the plunger to it, and all seems right...about 5 min later I was brushing my teeth when I heard this weird sound coming from the drain in the tub...WTF LITTLE PIECES OF SH** JUST CAME UP THROUGH THE DRAIN, along with water...that's what it looked like anyway, I didn't wanna look at that for too long..EUGH what's if I had been taking a shower or something??? WTF!
so, discuss. ;-)
Earlier tonight, apparently my little bro [6] stopped up the toilet, erm...doing his business...and so my grandpa [the two of us are staying here for "vacation"...UGH just 7 more days...] takes the plunger to it, and all seems right...about 5 min later I was brushing my teeth when I heard this weird sound coming from the drain in the tub...WTF LITTLE PIECES OF SH** JUST CAME UP THROUGH THE DRAIN, along with water...that's what it looked like anyway, I didn't wanna look at that for too long..EUGH what's if I had been taking a shower or something??? WTF!
so, discuss. ;-)