from page 7:
for the sake of everyone, I hope Microsoft holds off until summer or early fall 2006.
from page 7:
So, when can we expect to get the next console in our grubby little hands? By all indications, it appears that we'll be getting something before the holiday season in 2005, well before Sony and Nintendo will have consoles ready. This is yet another issue that has divided the gaming community. In a lot of ways, Microsoft is blaming the relatively weak showing of the Xbox on the fact that they were the last console to make it to market, so they are pushing the development schedule forward in an attempt to be the first to market the next time around. Sounds awesome, doesn't it?
Well, yeah, in some ways it does. There are a lot of consumers out there who will always rush out to buy the newest and most powerful gaming machine on the market, myself included. If I had to make a choice between playing Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS2 or Halo 3 on Microsoft's next console, you know damn well which one I'd be choosing.
However, there are a lot of ways that this strategy could blow up in Microsoft's face. First of all, the first console to market usually ends up being the least powerful machine, and the fact that Nintendo's next console will feature a CPU by IBM and a GPU by ATI means that Microsoft and the big N will have more or less identical key components in their machines. However, if Microsoft's console comes out a year before Nintendo's, there's always the chance that Nintendo can take a look at what Microsoft is offering, then change their machine to trump all of Microsoft's features, essentially making the machine obsolete in the eyes of many hardcore gamers.
Finally, Microsoft has to consider the position of the developers. A lot of the developers that create cross-platform games are still raking in the profits from the current generation, and Microsoft will essentially be asking them to spend a ton of money to create games for one next generation console. If a developer is forced to make a choice between spending a few million dollars to create a game for all of the current generation of consoles (with an audience somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 million total gamers) or spending tens of millions of dollars to make a game for just the next Microsoft console (with an audience of a few million gamers at best), which do you think they'll choose? Some large publishers and developers can afford to develop games for both generations, but the majority of them will have a tough choice to make.
So, there you go folks, that's pretty much everything we know. There's sure to be more info coming forth in the next few months, and a lot of these points could be dead on or dead wrong. Only time will tell, right?
for the sake of everyone, I hope Microsoft holds off until summer or early fall 2006.