
The OT for backwards compatibility on the Xbox One
Updated: 14/12-2015
- "Over 100+ Titles available on public release (November 12, 2015)"
- DLC currently not working widespread, needs to be added case by case
- Future Games with Gold titles on Xbox 360 will all be backwards compatible
- Games need to have publisher approval
- Multi-disk games currently not working
- Microsoft plans to have all MS published titles available
- 360 games using peripherals/kinect will not work
- Menu+View brings up the 360 guide while playing a BC title.
- You can party chat with 360 users while using a BC title.
- Xbox One features such as screenshots, clip recording, Snap and twitch streaming can be used with BC games.
- If you upload your Xbox 360 game saves to the cloud you can access them when playing BC titles via Xbox One
Have a title you want to come to backwards compatibility? Vote here:
List and facts by Banjo-Kazooie:

The following titles are now officially supported via BC:
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
LEGO Batman
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space
Trials HD
Plus, Alan Wake is confirmed as coming soon, as anyone who purchases Quantum Break for Xbox One also gets the full version of Alan Wake, plus its two DLC bits (The Signal and The Writer).
Red Dead Redemption - Was available, then pulled for maintenance, pretty much a sure thing.

Bayonetta - Source
Burnout Paradise - Source
Hitman Absolution - Source (Thanks to Gaf member Syriel for info.)
Experiences around Gaf and other known issues with BC games.
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts: Currently only works with Rare Replay
- Borderlands:All DLC is FREE and included
- Defense Grid: 567MB update on 11/4 - enables DLC
- Dirt 3: Seems to have some framerate hickups.
- Fallout 3: Popping in the second disc for GOTY edition will download all the extra DLC.
- Gears of War 3: Seems to be framerate issues.
- Gears of War: Judgment: Performance issues when running on internal HDD, external seems to fix these.
- Halo Reach: Framerate issues and visual bugs, patched on the 22/12 to fix a lot of issues.
- Mass Effect: Gaffers are reporting the framerate is improved and fixed over the beta BC version.
- Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage: This is the SOR collection, the (crappy) standalone SOR2 made by Backbone is not available.
- Shadow Complex: Recently update(8/22), smooths out framerate
XBLA compilation discs with BC listed games:
I have a bunch of XBLA compilation discs and the results on getting them to be recognized has been mixed.
Dreamcast Collection - Recognized
Crazy Taxi
Namco Museum Virtual Arcade - Not Recognized
Pac-Man Championship Edition
Popcap Arcade Hits Vol. 2 - Recognized
Feeding Frenzy 2
Heavy Weapon
Qubed - Not Recognized
Lumines Live
Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc - Recognized
Feeding Frenzy
Pac-Man Championship Edition
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Vol. 1 - Not recognized
Bejeweled 2
Hardwood Backgammon
Changing your Xbox Gamer Tag:
So I recently changed my Xbox Gamer Tag, and now none of my BC games work because it's looking for my old GT name
Now what??Launch a 360 game and redownload your gamertag. Worked for me with Peggle.
Gears Of War Ultimate and download keys for Gears originals:
Where are my Gears Ultimate codes at?!
Those who play Gear Of War Ultimate live online before December 31, will get their download codes sent out December 1 at the earliest for Gears Of War, Gears Of War 2, Gear Of War 3 and GOW: Judgement. EDIT: Codes have been rolling out since the 19.11.
Will my Gears DLC work?!
People testing out Gears 3 here on GAF seem to indicate that they indeed work very well!
OT title courtesy of:
Xbox One BC |OT| "Fortunately, we have a product for people who don't own a 360"