She's barely in 4 and that's one of the best games in the series.
That was so fucking awkward.She's not in it much, but her scenes in 4 are really fucking good.
Any tips for the dancing mini game? I seem to keep missing the prompts.
Oh, and Kazuma is just adorable. I love how happy he is when winning a pocket racing tournament against children. Or how dejected he is when he loses. And the little inner monologues at the end of substories are cute as well, reminds me a lot of Gravity Rush 2 and how Kat would sum up her feelings at the end of a side mission, often on a positive, optimistic outlook.
Any tips for the dancing mini game? I seem to keep missing the prompts.
Very tempted to skip playing 5 and just play this. Still have to beat FF XVas well.
Very tempted to skip playing 5 and just play this. Still have to beat FF XVas well.
I'm a Fisting Expert
I gotta wait a couple fuckin more weeks for this game but does the back of the cover say 1-2 players?
Just wondering at what point do you gain access to the Pocket Circuit Stadium? I'm at the beginning of Chapter 2, btw.
which is awesome, i'm glad that they included thatProbably, there are minigames you can play with others such as Darts & Pool.
Those are some good tips, John. Now if you could just give me a few Space Harrier cheat codes... I promise I won't tell anyoneIt's always a half a beat longer than you initially think, but listening to the music and timing out how many steps helps don't rush to the next square if its got a long timer, take some extra steps. Oh, and if you hit the edge it'll actually stun you a bit. I personally found Friday Night the easiest song to practice on.
Sooo tempted to buy this game... But so many good games coming out right now.(and so little time and money)
Decisions decisions..
Sooo tempted to buy this game... But so many good games coming out right now.(and so little time and money)
Decisions decisions..
It is super entertaining. Trust me, you guys won't regret buying this.Yeah, I feel ya. I could definitely see this game lasting me until March. I haven't had a lot of time to game lately, but this just looks super entertaining.
Thanks for the dancing tips.
Another question, how do you pass Miss Tatsu's Classes? The game doesn't seem to give you enough time to destroy all the manequins.
Not sure about that, but the game is around 23 store's yet to receive it..may I ask what's the amount of memory space that's written on the back of the box for Yakuza 0? Thank you.
my store's yet to receive it..may I ask what's the amount of memory space that's written on the back of the box for Yakuza 0? Thank you.
Thanks for the dancing tips.
Another question, how do you pass Miss Tatsu's Classes? The game doesn't seem to give you enough time to destroy all the manequins.
Not sure about that, but the game is around 23 gigs.
There's already two potential OT2 titles
|OT2| That's rad.
|OT2| I used to be a Yakuza like you but then I took a knife in the ribs
|OT2| you can go back and finish 5 later
There's already two potential OT2 titles
|OT2| That's rad.
|OT2| I used to be a Yakuza like you but then I took a knife in the ribs
I really enjoyed this localization article of Yakuza 0 with Scott Strichart from Atlus.
Article Here
A couple of choice questions/answers -
Almost any time now, pretty sure I went in just at the start of Chapter Two. Maybe need to do some story things first but you're nearly there.
To be fair, even brawler feels off without his signature Square x 3, Triangle x 2 combo
Can please someone explain me how do I unlock the locked tiers for abilities? I have ALL the abilities for Beast/Slugger trees and yet I dont have access to the next tier. I've talked to the girl in the pier to see if I could unlock more but it's a no-go.
I hate you guys so much....... I was about to only buy Nioh next month but now...... I really want to try a yakuza... i have so little money.... nghhhh