adelgary said:I prefer the original picture. It's a more appealing atmosphere to me. Sure I wont complain about more detail, but not necessarily in more enemies or NPCs.
Matlock said:
No.beerbelly said:I want to see more detail in the forest, lots of enemies wherever you go (similar to LTTP) and Navi to come back.
Matlock said:Gattsu, you're a sly one, but I'll outdo you yet!
DarkGiygas said:Someone needs to sacrifice themself to the ban and put a goatse popping out from behind a tree.
Grubdog said:
ohamsie said:OMG! Celda 2: Teh Ocarina of Mature!
jiggle said:Playable Zelda.
El Papa said:![]()
Here's something along the lines of beerbelly's idea, more environmental detail. I also brought up the darkness levels a bit and gave it more color.
HAH HAH awesome. You rock.El Papa said:Move him over to the right a bit more and you can see what I had originally![]()
Priceless!CrunchyB said: