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Worst sex you've ever had?

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Van Owen

I've been with girls who were pretty much already "lubricated" before they were even undressed. And this was with having sex on the regular, so it's not like she was starved. It just depends. There are so many factors that go into a woman's sex drive and preferences, and it can vary widely.

Not many girls can take a BIG THICK DICK LIKE MINE without some foreplay bro.

Not prepared as in without a rubber on, it feels totally different. As in the first thought that enters your mind is "woweee," followed closely by "uh-oh." Or in other terms, I think some of the half-pipe runs from the Olympics might have taken longer.


Ok, because I read it as "ew gross there's vagina all over my weewee"

In general it takes more than five minutes of foreplay for the woman to become properly aroused and for the vagina to properly lubricate itself, thus making sex pleasurable.

Not entirely true, depends totally on the girl.

Honestly I don't think I've ever been with a girl that takes 5 minutes+. Hell, current girl is like....20 seconds.


Not entirely true, depends totally on the girl.

Honestly I don't think I've ever been with a girl that takes 5 minutes+. Hell, current girl is like....20 seconds.

Even if she doesn't "need" it, it's not a bad option. It's not all about making sure she's ready for you......

In general it takes more than five minutes of foreplay for the woman to become properly aroused and for the vagina to properly lubricate itself, thus making sex pleasurable.

I've only ever been with one girl, but she's never taken more than five minutes to get... ready. She hardly lets me spend longer than five minutes on foreplay anyway. I don't think this is an uncommon thing; I'd say taking longer than five/ten minutes would be more uncommon if you're young.
Not entirely true, depends totally on the girl.

Honestly I don't think I've ever been with a girl that takes 5 minutes+. Hell, current girl is like....20 seconds.

I've only ever been with one girl, but she's never taken more than five minutes to get... ready. She hardly lets me spend longer than five minutes on foreplay anyway. I don't think this is an uncommon thing; I'd say taking longer than five/ten minutes would be more uncommon if you're young.

So glad everyone has only been with women who are aroused in under five minutes. I sincerely hope that continues for you guys.


I try to be honest as possible during sex. I'd much rather work on pleasing the other person than have them wasting their time trying to get me off when I know I can't.

My "what the fuck" was aimed at the idiot who wouldn't stop playing with your vagina when you told him to. Sorry I didn't make that clear lol

Van Owen

Studies show that average arousal time for women (And men, actually) is ten to eleven minutes. Not sure what the standard deviation is. Generalized, maybe, but scientifically generalized. :p

Well statistically the average gaffer can get a woman wet and ready in half the time or less of a normal male so that makes sense.


Sex without any real form of intimacy blows. One-night stands and the like leave me feeling worse.

Thankful right now that I've found a lover/person I'm dating that is really compatible sexually. Each time seems to bring us closer. Great.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Hm... let me think about it...

Hm... i was masturbating and my girlfriend was looking at me doing it and she got some in the eye when it came out?

Yeah, that's about the "worst" "sex" that happened to me. Regular sex has been great so far.
Hm... let me think about it...

Hm... i was masturbating and my girlfriend was looking at me doing it and she got some in the eye when it came out?

Yeah, that's about the "worst" "sex" that happened to me. Regular sex has been great so far.

Your girlfriend was just watching you masturbate?


I love how the original question FK responded to was how to fuck up sex in a 'Worst Sex Thread' and she responds 'not enough foreplay' and you guys argue about foreplay length in a 'Worst Sex Thread'.

I'll say this, I've never had BAD sex when I've done some proper fucking foreplay. How's THAT for anecdotal evidence.

I didn't conduct a survey with every woman I've slept with though, so who knows. :lol



Not prepared as in without a rubber on, it feels totally different. As in the first thought that enters your mind is "woweee," followed closely by "uh-oh." Or in other terms, I think some of the half-pipe runs from the Olympics might have taken longer.


Haha. Yea reminds me of my first time... didn't have a rubber and it was similar to what you describe.

Gentlemen, remember to wear a raincoat.


Junior Member
Seriously though, I don't have trouble with sex but I don't really know why what I do works. I just do whatever feels right and it's great for everyone involved. Granted, I don't have a lot of one-night stands. Usually sex happens with someone I already have this mental bond with, so the feelings are gonna be totally different. In that case, "what feels right" usually is, because you understand each other physically and mentally. You're not even trying to notice signals or anything, but you notice and respond without realizing it.

But with a random hookup? People always give this generalized "there are so many signals and it's so easy to respond to them" bullshit. Alright, great. The internet shall henceforth know you as a god of sex or whatever. What signals are you talking about? What do you do?

I've never had a random hook-up, so I have no idea. I didn't want to come off as coy or portraying myself as a master in bed, either. I think I do rather well, though, but that would only be due to not having any "moves", and to just find the whole thing extremely fun and interesting. I wouldn't tie any pride to it, either, because that would just leave me less likely to take in criticism. I'm much more about trying to bite here and tweak there, maybe while also touching over there. Then see how they react, feel their response through my fingers, through their expression. It sounds very ethereal and vague, but that's because it is.

I'd say, read up on techniques and things like "how to give oral well", but some of them might go "then tease her by nibbling up thigh, then down the other, but skipping the in between. The wait will build it up for her" - they're great tips, but you can't do that every time. It's all about just being spontaneous. Just do. Don't necessarily focus on her pleasure. I think it's amazing to see pleasure in her, so I like doing things that provokes that response. If I was there to plainly give her an orgasm, I'd probably not do so well. But I have to admit, I've picked up some of my core stuff from what others have written. You just have to process that all. Learn about the g-spot and even the e-spot. Just chew the information and try it out in your own way. If you're in a steady relationship, ask questions. Definitely not always, but sometimes it's good to just ask "could I touch you in a better way?" - I asked that once, and she proceeded to show me how she liked it. I just watched, which was awesome, then tried it out myself. Then I got very explicit feedback on when it was done right and not. Then you learn something about why sometimes it's just awesome, while other times it simply isn't.

She also once told me how she was amazed by my attitude in bed, pointing out a time early in our relationship that, after sex, I lied between her legs and just looked and marveled. I think it's just one of those things you'll be good at if you think it's fun.

I guess it's time to try and pin-point my worst time. I think I have to go with my first time with an ex. We'd been in bed together before, and we both came and had an amazing time, but there was no penetration. I was looking forward to our first time, and we had agreed that it would be better to just wait for her period to end. However, she couldn't contain herself the next time we were together. Despite my pointing out our previous agreement, she was very pushing towards wanting to have sex. We both came, and she insisted on removing and disposing of the condom. It was just an uncertain situation. I had never had period-sex before, and I hadn't imagined my first time with her would be that. It wasn't the fact that it was period-sex, it was just the fact that I had no idea what to expect of a mess, and that it was on the couch, and that I basically said that wasn't how I envisioned it that made it not so good. But, hey, it wasn't bad, either. I guess I haven't had any bad experiences.

Or maybe the time she brought chocolate syrup to the bed, and we had fun putting it on each other and licking it off, proceeded having great sex, but also forgetting that the bottle was still in the bed. Having to explain to my mother why there were chocolate stains on my pillow and pillow-case, and of course also explicitly say that it was in fact chocolate syrup, was rather awkward. She didn't ask why that was there.

Get a grip.

Haha. Amazing.
I've never had a random hook-up, so I have no idea. I didn't want to come off as coy or portraying myself as a master in bed, either. I think I do rather well, though, but that would only be due to not having any "moves", and to just find the whole thing extremely fun and interesting. I wouldn't tie any pride to it, either, because that would just leave me less likely to take in criticism. I'm much more about trying to bite here and tweak there, maybe while also touching over there. Then see how they react, feel their response through my fingers, through their expression. It sounds very ethereal and vague, but that's because it is.

I'd say, read up on techniques and things like "how to give oral well", but some of them might go "then tease her by nibbling up thigh, then down the other, but skipping the in between. The wait will build it up for her" - they're great tips, but you can't do that every time. It's all about just being spontaneous. Just do. Don't necessarily focus on her pleasure. I think it's amazing to see pleasure in her, so I like doing things that provokes that response. If I was there to plainly give her an orgasm, I'd probably not do so well. But I have to admit, I've picked up some of my core stuff from what others have written. You just have to process that all. Learn about the g-spot and even the e-spot. Just chew the information and try it out in your own way. If you're in a steady relationship, ask questions. Definitely not always, but sometimes it's good to just ask "could I touch you in a better way?" - I asked that once, and she proceeded to show me how she liked it. I just watched, which was awesome, then tried it out myself. Then I got very explicit feedback on when it was done right and not. Then you learn something about why sometimes it's just awesome, while other times it simply isn't.

She also once told me how she was amazed by my attitude in bed, pointing out a time early in our relationship that, after sex, I lied between her legs and just looked and marveled. I think it's just one of those things you'll be good at if you think it's fun.

I think we're on the same page, then.

My first sexual relationship, at 19, was with a girl who seemed really.. non-hormonal. It's like she wanted sex because she thought she was supposed to want it, but the actual chemistry was barely in her. She once said something about her mom giving her pills in her pre-teens "because her boobs were growing too fast and too early" which sounded pretty fucked up to me. Dunno if that has something to do with hormonal issues. Anyway, sometimes the sex would suddenly be amazing, but usually she was kind of only half into it. It didn't feel genuine. Somehow we stayed together for 3.5 years, and that did a number on me psychologically I think. Worried too much that I just couldn't please her. We were so incompatible on so many levels, though, but we got attached.

Fast-forward a couple years with a few flings, a few heartbreaks, some good sex but not a lot of "love," attachment or emotion. Current girlfriend has made all the difference in the world now. She's... relatively inexperienced and yet it's so spontaneous and fun and amazing between us. Sorry for the brag if that counts as one. Sadly, we're long distance now. In fact we're about as far as we can possibly be from each other without leaving planet Earth. Sucks. Trying to keep the romance up somehow.

That whole tangent aside, my point is that I really do believe some people are less sexually compatible than others. If you get with someone and, despite having feelings for each other, you just can't get on the same wavelength sexually, it isn't necessarily all your fault. S/he might just be the wrong person. So keep that in mind, I guess.
Probably this one girl I picked up one time. She kept wanting to take smoke breaks in the middle of doing it, which made it impossible for me to adequately perform. Like every 2 minutes. She was also into pain and I wasn't. I didn't mind giving her pain but she insisted on doing the same things to me. Both were huge turn offs for me and made the night very difficult to enjoy.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Huh. Seeing as I look and sound like Jabba the Hutt when I masturbate, I don't think I'd be comfortable doing it with my gf watching.
My gf has told me if she ever caught me masturbating she would offer to help me out, but I don't think she knows how weird and sad it looks. There's nothing sexy about jerking off.
I'd say this one time where she jumped on a little too enthusiastically and tore something on me. It was a really tiny tear so it was like a brief stab of pain and then no problem. I don't think she even knew. I took a look afterwards just to be sure and everything is a-ok now.
My gf has told me if she ever caught me masturbating she would offer to help me out, but I don't think she knows how weird and sad it looks. There's nothing sexy about jerking off.

Instead of using waggle, keep your hand idle and use your pelvis to thrust. Then at least it looks a little more natural.


Junior Member
I think we're on the same page, then.

My first sexual relationship, at 19, was with a girl who seemed really.. non-hormonal. It's like she wanted sex because she thought she was supposed to want it, but the actual chemistry was barely in her. She once said something about her mom giving her pills in her pre-teens "because her boobs were growing too fast and too early" which sounded pretty fucked up to me. Dunno if that has something to do with hormonal issues. Anyway, sometimes the sex would suddenly be amazing, but usually she was kind of only half into it. It didn't feel genuine. Somehow we stayed together for 3.5 years, and that did a number on me psychologically I think. Worried too much that I just couldn't please her. We were so incompatible on so many levels, though, but we got attached.

Fast-forward a couple years with a few flings, a few heartbreaks, some good sex but not a lot of "love," attachment or emotion. Current girlfriend has made all the difference in the world now. She's... relatively inexperienced and yet it's so spontaneous and fun and amazing between us. Sorry for the brag if that counts as one. Sadly, we're long distance now. In fact we're about as far as we can possibly be from each other without leaving planet Earth. Sucks. Trying to keep the romance up somehow.

That whole tangent aside, my point is that I really do believe some people are less sexually compatible than others. If you get with someone and, despite having feelings for each other, you just can't get on the same wavelength sexually, it isn't necessarily all your fault. S/he might just be the wrong person. So keep that in mind, I guess.

That's not bragging. That's just you being in a good place. I hope you can keep it up long distance. Communication is important, here. Although, whenever is it not?

Yeah, it's definitely true. Aside from some people having preferences that obviously isn't compatible with someone else's preferences, sexuality and relationship is a game of rhythm to me. If you both swing in harmony, or in two periods that align well, there's something inherently 'right', in my book. If your tempo and rhythms don't align, then one will play catch-up to the other.

I don't think I can sound any more ethereal than that, so let's leave that tangent. I guess some people are better at attuning to others, and might have a broader range of compatibility.. oh, there I go again.

Best of luck, anyway!
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