i'm very happy with the Vita version. but i'd kill for a PS4 entry.
The potential mh buyers buy mh4u next year including me.
Btw. my Tenko changed his/her voice. Anyone knows what benefits this has?
Damn, why can't i play this on my Vita TV? Does it work for anyone who happens to have one?
I can play the Japanese Demo just fine and it looks fantastic on the big screen, but my EU Retail copy doesn't work.
The potential mh buyers buy mh4u next year including me.
Btw. my Tenko changed his/her voice. Anyone knows what benefits this has?
Ultimate is the western name for mh4g. The name is Capcom not Nintendo.The potential MH buyers who won't buy a Wii U. Me included. I bought a used Wii for Fatal Frame IV and MH3, but that was so cheap.
The cost of entry to play MH now is too high, especially when there is very little else on the Wii U that I'm interested in. Bayonetta 2 and what else? Uhh...I got nothing.
Oh, it's 3DS? ....why is there a U in the title? Goddamn your naming conventions, Nintendo.
Ultimate is the western name for mh4g. The name is Capcom not Nintendo.
Tecmo-Koei could pull PS4 port if there is demand to that or Sony asking for it. There is chance, albeit very slim.
is there a PS4 version of shahid that actually keeps his promises?
I need to demand this happens.
is there a PS4 version of shahid that actually keeps his promises?
I need to demand this happens.
I hope you get it to work because I was seriously considering getting one for big screen Toukiden. Please update if you make any progress.
What's the best strategy for the chain and sickle? I enjoy latching on to oni and wailing on them, but it's really annoying when they attack me and send me flying. Which happens a lot. Should I just attack them with square and triangle until its parts come off and it falls to the ground, then latch on to them, or..?
Alright, I'll keep at it. It's definitely a weapon I want to be good at because I think it has potential. I like being able to hit basically every body part instead of being restricted to the ground with the gauntlets.pick your air combos wisely, but no you should be going into the air throughout the fight and not just when he gets knocked down. It's tricky finding a good opening to go in for an air combo but that's what makes the weapon harder to use compared to most of the others. I usually just make the best out of whatever space/scenario I'm in. if I'm far I'll do a square combo, if I can get close I go with trianglex3, square+x to get some space then pick the best option from there. it's very much like a fighting game with the spacing. get yourself familiar with monsters and their movesets or you will get royally fucked up for trying to go in with a stylin air combo. I was getting exposed when I first started but now I can go in with a good hook to trianglex3 to square+x or down+square basically whenever I want. it's all about making reads.
My current daily task: Work, eat, toukiden, sleep - repeat.
I seem to miss all the online stuff in this threadthat's time zones for you I guess! Wish more people were playing online though - there's definitely a solid amount of posters in this thread but it's nowhere near as interactive as MH3U's community was (And yeah I know, Vita and all but that was on Wii U lol).
My current daily task: Work, eat, toukiden, sleep - repeat.
as I said before, there's just not a market for these games on handheld in the US. MH3U online community made this look like peanuts. Hell, MH3U is still more popular online now than this is and it's a year old. And like you said that's on a console as unpopular as Wii U. I'm lucky to find five public lobbies in this game when I search, just really sad.
Speaking of online, anyone playing any time soon? Still want to finish off Phase 4 (At 4-7) and do the Cthonian Fiend quest a few times to get mats. Probably should've done it myselfwould've been quicker than waiting to find an online party lol.
You're on the road to 200. Just 300 more hours.Got my first Mitama.
Haha sure, just booting up now. I'll create a room with the usual name.I would like to try my luck. Just post the room. Two of us and two AI should be enough.
Question: do mitama skills stack? I got Protection lvl 2 and I'm not sure I should erase Protection lvl 1 or something else.
It's Oo no Yasumaro; I was thinking of getting rid of Taunt (stock +1), but only if Protection stack.
Killatopak, Jim, thanks for the help previously =]
Can you cycle through which body part you lock on too or do you have to unlock relock to try a different location?
Gonna post a room for phase 4 and up.
Room: GAF fun
PW: tri3
You're on the road to 200. Just 300 more hours.
Just got my 2nd, I'm getting there![]()
I'm not finding the room. I've searched under both English Version and All.
Try now. We just got done with a Bloodhunter round.
Haha yeah I thought so, since it's taking so long to load. Seems to have more chance of happening when someone other than the room leader takes the quest, I think Shengar was dedicated leader when I dropped out before. I'll create again.
I ended up joining Ramyeon's room.
Edit: Not all players ready glitch. Ugh. This hasn't happened to me since the demo.
Haha yeah I thought so, since it's taking so long to load. Seems to have more chance of happening when someone other than the room leader takes the quest, I think Shengar was dedicated leader when I dropped out before. I'll create again asap, as soon as I get off this loading screen lol.
The potential mh buyers buy mh4u next year including me.
Btw. my Tenko changed his/her voice. Anyone knows what benefits this has?
meh, MH is one of my favorite series and I'm not buying MH4U. No point in trying to play hunting games on a 3DS.
What's the best strategy for the chain and sickle? I enjoy latching on to oni and wailing on them, but it's really annoying when they attack me and send me flying. Which happens a lot. Should I just attack them with square and triangle until its parts come off and it falls to the ground, then latch on to them, or..?
My current daily task: Work, eat, toukiden, sleep - repeat.
This game is just too much fun...I mean I've always loved the "idea" of Monster Hunter more than the chore of actually playing it (it is a really great series, but I feel you have to put soooo much work into it and invest a lot of time), but what this game does is distill that series down to all the parts I like most. It is MH that gets right to the point and gets you right into the action very fast. I almost missed my bus stop because I couldn't take my eyes off the game on my commute home from work today
That "Not all players" are ready glitch rears it's ugly head again lol.
This time I got the error where as soon as I go to accept the quest you've started it acts as if everyone has accepted and starts loading lol. Then promptly crashes the entire game of course.
The net code really has some issues.
Good fight ramyeon and AmethystEnd! I'm glad we able to finish many hunt together.
It seems I can't connect somehow right not if the host isn't ramyeon. Maybe I can't if the host hasn't DMZ'ed their vita
Well at least now I have the chance to grab some breakfast![]()