Nope that never happened to me. I do wish that first area was a bigger, fully explorable area, so I think I want the exact opposite of what you want!Does anyone else feel the beginning section before you get to Seattle was the best part? Don't get me wrong, I love the whole game. But when it changed from a linear story with finely crafted environments tailored to the narrative, to an open world that feels largely homogeneous and bland it made me really want the next game to be a more guided experience like say, Alan Wake.
Is it possible to quickly go through the game as good without doing any side stuff to leave that to the expert playthrough or will I get stuck?
Does anyone else feel the beginning section before you get to Seattle was the best part? Don't get me wrong, I love the whole game. But when it changed from a linear story with finely crafted environments tailored to the narrative, to an open world that feels largely homogeneous and bland it made me really want the next game to be a more guided experience like say, Alan Wake.
So, spoiler/question from Paper Trail part 3 puzzle that I don't understand...
Looks complete... That didn't do it? Might have bugged out on ya.
I absolutely hated the fading screen and the obnoxious voices when you have no life, I can't play it with headphones because of how annoying it is. Wish SP would tone it down in the update.Started getting into Infamous now that i finished Dark Souls 2....someone has got to make Sucker Punch stop with the on screen damage indicators. I hate it how getting shot is just a standard thing and Sucker Punch's only instinct is to make the screen as annoying as possible. Uh Uh Uh now turn the screen grey and moody.
I'm on the verge of buying a PS4 and Infamous for my little brother (his bday is this Friday).
A few questions about the latter:
1.) Is it worth $60?
2.) On what level would you put the open-world of the game? Are we talking on the level of GTA V? Or another open-world game you can compare it to?
3.) For anyone familiar with Hulk Ultimate Destruction, which is an open world game where you have a ton of moves and can destroy basically everything, is Infamous like that?
I think if it was the way it was intended it would have stopped working and a prompt would have come up asking you to hold it sideways again. Kinda like it does for the rest of the game, such as keepng hold of the touchpad when you're destroying the DUP truck.
It was insanely accurate and moved the paint cursor in the right direction when held normally, so saying it was the "way it was intended" is a bit presumptuous.
However, to each his own.
yeah this.
It definately is intended to be Held sideways.
Just feels intuitive.
1. No. Not a lot of content, weak side activities, and an incredibly short main game. It's good. But It was pretty much a friday night and few hours on saturday type of game. Nothing to really do after you beat it either (nothing substantial anyway).
I also think that the city is too small for a next-gen game.
As a someone, who generally hates open world games, and all the back & forth travel and repetition they involve, I'd say the map was just perfect in size. When I look at GTA maps, like San Andreas, I just get the feeling I don't even want to start the game. Too much is too much.
Well, inFamous: Second Son has very good quick travel feature (the loading times are very short) so it wouldn't be a problem. Plus the game (including the main story mode) is built in a way so that there isn't a lot of backtracking involved.
It's short. 12 hours for 100% is short. That includes doing all of the side activities. The main game is like 8-9 hours. And after that you're done. Sure I could collect every shard, but I'd much rather move on to a new game.Wut?! It took me six evenings to 100% the game, probably 15-20 hours in total (I wish I could see the playthrough time somewhere). Now, that I'm doing another playthrough on expert/evil, and skipping most of the side missions, I've reached halfway, the other side of the town, after two evenings (6-8 hours).
As a someone, who generally hates open world games, and all the back & forth travel and repetition they involve, I'd say the map was just perfect in size. When I look at GTA maps, like San Andreas, I just get the feeling I don't even want to start the game. Too much is too much.
It's short. 12 hours for 100% is short. That includes doing all of the side activities. The main game is like 8-9 hours. And after that you're done. Sure I could collect every shard, but I'd much rather move on to a new game.
On my first good playthrough I did all the side missions, and it took 15-20 hours, considering that I played about 3 hours on six days, sometimes even longer. I did spend some time to inspect the surroundings, instead of rushing from one mission to another. On the second playthrough I've pretty much concentrated on moving forward, doing only the side missions that are different for evil (stencil art, sign twirlers, street musicians, and Akura gang... I already did the activists & civilians/wounded enemies missions on the first time), and collecting all the shards to max out the powers, which I think is pretty essential. Getting halfway has taken at least 6 hours. It's definitely not 8-12 hours for everyone's playthrough.
The big problem with this game was the main campaign. Very short and shallow, generic missions. Most missons are go there, get power relay. Come on - thats shit, SP.
A great inFAMOUS game would have lots of missions/structures like the big tower where traversal/platforming and combat works great together, or the space needle one.
But for whatever reason SP isn`t willing to offer more of those types of missions/structures (iF 1 did it the best) and the consequence for me is, that i`m losing interest in this series.
The big problem with this game was the main campaign. Very short and shallow, generic missions. Most missons are go there, get power relay. Come on - thats shit, SP.
A great inFAMOUS game would have lots of missions/structures like the big tower where traversal/platforming and combat works great together, or the space needle one.
But for whatever reason SP isn`t willing to offer more of those types of missions/structures (iF 1 did it the best) and the consequence for me is, that i`m losing interest in this series.
I traded inFamous in over the weekend. Beat it at 100% on a Normal Good playthrough, and I started an Expert Evil playthrough and played for a few hours, but didn't really feel compelled to keep pushing through (although recklessly murdering civilians was kinda fun).
The game was good overall, and parts of it were great, but it definitely felt a little hollow. Rockstar has done such a good job showing us how an open world should feel, and inFamous didn't live up to that. It desperately needed some substantial side missions along with a bunch of random encounter type events. Really a missed opportunity there.
Oh man. Talk about a game getting progressively worse. I liked it from the start, but soon you realize it's a shallow game in a nice suit. And what about that last boss fight? Did they design it to be as shitty as possible? So frustrating and boring.
The big problem with this game was the main campaign. Very short and shallow, generic missions. Most missons are go there, get power relay. Come on - thats shit, SP.
A great inFAMOUS game would have lots of missions/structures like the big tower where traversal/platforming and combat works great together, or the space needle one.
But for whatever reason SP isn`t willing to offer more of those types of missions/structures (iF 1 did it the best) and the consequence for me is, that i`m losing interest in this series.
Sums up how I feel. Sony needs to either give sucker punch more developers and money to expand the games or drop the frachise. As more and more huge and immersive next gen open world games come out, infamous will continue to feel stale.So I think I'm about halfway through the game (just got to the second island) and while I like the traversal, combat, and pretty visuals, I'm pretty disappointed that Sucker Punch has yet to fix any of the flaws that have existed in the series since the first game. I'm now understanding what the 'last gen gameplay' complaints were about. It's an Infamous game with pretty graphics, and that means that it has the good and bad parts of the series.
Why does these games have to take place in a military controlled city? Why are they so afraid to stray from the mechanic of liberating districts by completing a handful of extremely similar sidequests. There's absolutely no variety in these quests, and they've been pretty much the same ones since the first Infamous game. You'd think they'd want to change it up for one of the PS4's first big exclusives, but it seems Sucker Punch is content with recycling the same 'find the hidden camera' and 'locate the undercover agent' missions that we've been doing since Infamous 1. The only remotely new sidequests are the spray-painting ones, which are pretty lame and are used roughly three times per districte because they couldn't be bothered to come up with one or two more sidequests to recycle throughout the game.
I know that coming up with a unique sidequests for every area requires a ton of time, money, and effort, but if they're going to recycle them then at least come up with some new ones to recycle. And it really wouldn't hurt to change up the general structure of the games too. Just because the first and second games were about locked down cities doesn't mean this one had to be, and I really hope future entries stray from this formula. It's starting to get stale.
will you get the expert achievement as long as you change it before you get to the beach house?
I only used the fast travel, when moving to the other side of the town. Traverse with the powers was quick enough in an environment of that scale.
It's short. 12 hours for 100% is short. That includes doing all of the side activities. The main game is like 8-9 hours. And after that you're done. Sure I could collect every shard, but I'd much rather move on to a new game.
I don't have the game, but it is funny that you say that, because when I watched a friend play the beginning portion it reminded me very much of Alan Wake for some reason.
I had the same experience. Definitely 15-20 hours (probably closer to the latter) for my first playthrough--which as doing the good path on normal difficulty and doing every side mission, getting all the shards etc. (all districts to 0% DUP controlled).
Granted I'm not great at games so I died more than a lot, and did a lot of take a guy or two out, run a way to heal, take another guy out, run away again etc. type battles, so that probably added up time.
So I'd say it's probably 10ish hours for hardcore gamers who are good at games AND rush through games, 15+ for the average joe who will die more and maybe take more time to see the sights etc.
Forgot to mention that. I especially liked fully upgraded Light Speed (Neon power) to quickly move from one district to another.
Anyone miss the cover system from the first two games? I adapted but it was disheartening to see it excluded from this game.
My waifu Augustine is misunderstood.
Also, is there a way to jump saved files from PS4 to PS4?
It's short. 12 hours for 100% is short. That includes doing all of the side activities. The main game is like 8-9 hours. And after that you're done. Sure I could collect every shard, but I'd much rather move on to a new game.