Artgerm finished his Windranger. He's going to draw more heroes, Earthshaker is next.
Rest of the work can be found here:
"LD might have the weight advantage but the white fluffy cat will win" - James
It really is quite amazing.
And people seem to have the system backwards. Its not giving you worse team mates as you win more, its giving you better opponents.
Who's casting with Lumi right now?
Sing has excellent music taste.
The russians are often pretty good. I've played with plenty of Russians that made sick plays.
Welcome to the interwebs, where you're a drop in the ocean and your opinions don't matter.
Man.. see its shit like this that make me upset..
Play against axe, dude wreck chit up!!
Have axe on my team , dude dies to creeps..
You play with russians they all pull dendi plays...
i get russian scribles in caps on my screen
James seems like a pretty big dick
Man.. see its shit like this that make me upset..
Play against axe, dude wreck chit up!!
Have axe on my team , dude dies to creeps..
You play with russians they all pull dendi plays...
i get russian scribles in caps on my screen
Fuck these compendium heroes.
How do I play Chen? Why can't I hold all these creeps?
Artgerm finished his Windranger. He's going to draw more heroes, Earthshaker is next.
Rest of the work can be found here:
What, did you post it before or something? Or don't like the wording?
This iceiceice set is also nice (but that may be just because I really like snow)
Best detail is behind the driver seat with the tree kill count.
I remember when I was spamming CM in ranked and solo supporting with her, and I couldn't even get those utility items. I was buying courier, flying courier, wards, sentries, dust when needed (almost always) etc. And I had to pay for all this whilst my 4 teammates soaked up all the farm on the map with their core heroes, and I had to live off assist gold. And cus I was so squishy, I die in fights easily to AOE when trying to help. It's a hard life, having boots only 25 mins in, maybe an urn if I'm lucky. Since then I've started picking supports that can farm more easily.
Let's not forget when the supports forgo Urn, Mech, Force Staff and Wards to get Aghs. Because it's just too good on Bane to pass up.The poor itemization part of Dreams post drives me insane with my group. I usually play offlane and will routinely have to tell my carries that they should get a bkb when the other team has decent magic damage but not a lot of disables. They like to think that bkbs are only good for disables and not the magic damage portion of spells. We lost a game the other day that we should have easily won because we were up against a Lich and Mag combo and no one bought a bkb because "their only real disable was RP and it wasn't that big of a deal". Except for the fact that when the Mag did land his RPs and Lich was there to combo it that plus they physical damage they had with Clinkz destroyed us in fights.
Our carries had out farmed theirs pretty well so they thought that they could take them in fights pretty easily. They were right in that when they didn't get RPed we had no problem in winning fights. I hate games like that.
I'm not sure I believe that.
Whenever I get ahead by a notable amount of wins to losses, I get game after game with HORRIBLE teammates, causing me to lose several in a row. If the opponents were actually better, I'd be able to realize that was what is happening, however that is NOT the case. I get team after team of people who are far below my skill level, which is evident by their actions. Examples are supports who don't actually support at all (no wards, no stacking, no pulling), carries that are just bad. I compare this to when I play support, I stack and pull the lane to keep it as close to our tower as I can, I stack ancients, I buy wards, dust and smokes. When I get a team with decent players, we win games.
This happens like clockwork, every time I get ahead. I still manage to keep more wins than losses, but I'm convinced that something is in place to attempt to make me lose games as I win more and more. When this happens, and I end up losing more games than I win for a week straight, I start to get normal teams again that are actually around my skill level.
It's not an excuse for bad play, it's not that I'm getting put against opponents that are at a high skill level.. it obviously matches me with people far lower than I should be rated. I rarely play ranked games as solo, so I can't comment on ranked. I only play those with a 5 man team.
this is my fear
i was going to do like the 8 that I can bullshit my way through then reroll
but what if I get like chen and outworld destroyer
my life would be over
So looks like 6 million might really happen then huh? Wonder if they will add more stretch goals, I hope they do.
What was the biggest prizepool in e-sports with that last LoL event? It was higher than TI3 right?
this is my fear
i was going to do like the 8 that I can bullshit my way through then reroll
but what if I get like chen and outworld destroyer
my life would be over
OD is easy thoughChen is good too, just grab the right creeps and micro.
If you actually believe this then looooool. I'd advise you to post some games you consider to be examples of this so that people can watch and explain the real reason for the loss.
Edit: Oh and James humour is definitely British.
Source: I'm English. Insulting people is the best kind of humour, it just relies on them giving as good as they get.
Not sure why this is funny. I didn't realize you're the programmer who works for Valve who coded the match-making algorithms.
There's obviously something in the background causing this to happen. If it occurred occasionally, then I could understand, but it happens every time. When something happens all the time with the same trigger, there's obviously a reason for that happening. And it is definitely not being queued against more skilled opponents.
Not sure why this is funny. I didn't realize you're the programmer who works for Valve who coded the match-making algorithms.
There's obviously something in the background causing this to happen. If it occurred occasionally, then I could understand, but it happens every time. When something happens all the time with the same trigger, there's obviously a reason for that happening. And it is definitely not being queued against more skilled opponents.
NigelWestDickens said:And I can tell you, with no uncertainty, that forced 50% is no laughing matter!
What I'm saying is that these people are not worse than you. Not by the amounts you describe anyway. Dreams made a good post on reasons they could be having a bad game. I've had games where I was 0-5-0 in the first 10 minutes, that doesn't mean I am suddenly way worse than my teammates in that game.
Edit: I really want to see these 15 game win steaks and 10 game loss streaks.
What's happening here is cognitive bias. You're mentally partitioning your games into loss streaks and win streaks and trying to draw some sort of conclusion regarding the underlying algorithm from that. Had both streaks been interwoven with an even sprinkling of wins and losses, you wouldn't think twice, despite the same results. But because you're intuiting these patterns, you think there is less randomness than there should be and clearly something up behind the scenes.There's obviously something in the background causing this to happen. If it occurred occasionally, then I could understand, but it happens every time. When something happens all the time with the same trigger, there's obviously a reason for that happening. And it is definitely not being queued against more skilled opponents.
Yep its Valve, the only reason people are losing games is because valve coded it to be this way. C'mon man, you don't need to be a programmer to see how ridiculous this is. If forced 50 is a thing, then how come not everyone is 50%?
And why are some people lower then 50?
Some people are bad enough that they can't win matches, no matter the circumstances. It's really not rocket science.
What's happening here is cognitive bias. You're mentally partitioning your games into loss streaks and win streaks and trying to draw some sort of conclusion regarding the underlying algorithm from that. Had both streaks been interwoven with an even sprinkling of wins and losses, you wouldn't think twice, despite the same results. But because you're intuiting these patterns, you think there is less randomness than there should be and clearly something up behind the scenes.
The idea that a series of wins and a series of losses is somehow intrinsically less random than one win for every loss is fallacious.
From what I understand, unranked matches are still ranked, so it can match-make correctly. Some people are probably good enough to get to the point where their hidden ranking matches them with competent players constantly. Some people are bad enough that they can't win matches, no matter the circumstances. It's really not rocket science. They obviously can't force all players to 50, all the time. I'm not at 50, but it sure seems like the system is attempting to lower my ratio on a constant basis.
People don't complain of a forced 50 in League of Legends.. Not surprisingly, I had far more wins than losses when I played LoL.
James seems like a pretty big dick
Tonight we agreed to kill the "white fluffy cat" first. #TI4EUHub #Hype![]()