Problem with this: many dungeon changes to fix easy exploits are never documented. Like the changes to the Spider Queen today - that's not on the patch notes. The dungeon community is constantly complaining about dungeon changes that fix exploits/cheese tactics, not being in the patch notes. And the things being fixed, usually make the dungeons harder.
An example:
Not that I know what you're trying to prove anyway. I don't think dungeons have been explicitly made easier other than AC story. Most changes were fixes, adjustments, smoothing out rough edges, which when combined with stat creep (Ascended) and players becoming familiar with content, can make it seem like things have been made easier, but in reality, they've just been made *better*.
Today's Jira's birfday.
Happy birthday dooooooood
I think the key for me is understanding what you mean by "actually right click and use the mouse since I find it targets more accurately." I might be taking you too literally but one way of interpreting this is that you actually take your hand off of the gamepad and right-click on your mouse itself, do something with the cursor, and then go back to your gamepad. If this is actually the case, I'm not surprised that you run into issues with the profile... this solution is absolutely not meant for one to use both the actual mouse and controller during combat. But I may have misunderstood, so just let me know. If nothing else if we start from scratch we can make sure it's working the way it should be.
Old quote. Yes, that was what I was doing. So, yeah, I've been avoiding doing that. While I can't target individual player effectively with the gamepad, AOE isn't that bad anymore since I got used to moving the camera to move the AOE target.
However, is there a way to disable clicking on the right thumbstick? Trying out grenadier engineer right now and, probably thanks to the continuous need to mash buttons, I keep on accidentally clicking on the right thumbstick. I'm guessing I just delete F7 from X-padder, but I want to make sure before I mess anything up.
Anet... Pls... When S2 of LS begins, stop putting all the skins in the gem store. It's really starting to suck that you can get like... one or two pieces of skins in content and the rest requires you to pay up gold to gems or just buy gems...
Or hell release more armor that you buy with Karma. I know that sounds crazy, but...
That's how they make money bro. Make gold in game and transfer to gems. Otherwise, just wait I guess. I hope they have more skins attached to LS, yeah.
Thanks to Kos, Callunah, Trey and Hawk for the dungeon runs! We all did pretty good I think, not that I know how quick they should be. I really wanna start doing more dungeon runs but.. besides when someone in the guild decides to run one, what is the best way to find a run? Ask in map chat or something?
Oh and I can't believe some of you fell for my Eternity drop prank.. mwuhaha!
It sucks because the "meta" or "end-game" for GW2 is supposed to be skin-collecting...
LFG tool. It's in the friends tab, default shortcut is the 'Y' key.
For sure... we will Saturday night but maybe there'd be desire to do a weeknight as well?
Yes, please! I'd love a night where we aren't being pressured to get done before mission time.
I love how that ends on now kill her for me
I missed it!!
Congrats Brax!!
Say hello to my little friend!
My reaction
Saw ArenaNet congratulating Wildstar on Facebook! Classy of them![]()
This is a fallacy propagated by people who don't like Guild Wars 2. Playing dress-up is an aside, a totally optional component to GW2's "end game", which is simply "the whole damn game". Nobody at ArenaNet ever said the "end game" for GW2 was skin collecting. That's something people in the community came up with themselves, because they didn't understand how GW2 doesn't have an endgame (which is good).
They sent the WildStar team cupcakes, many of the Anet devs are playing WildStar (and WildStar devs play GW2), etc. The industry isn't as cutthroat as it might seem - not among the devs anyway.
The people that make the games are gamers themselves, after all.
It's only the tribalism inherent in the "communities" that play the games, that tend to devolve into an us/them dichotomy.
Yerp, i really love that about the game, how its "do whatever you want breh, it's cool" "endgame" structure is really just a lobby filled with activities to run solo/with your bros, and gear/rng wont hold you back.
Also grats to Brax! Your bindings freak me out, man. Running a two button mouse?
They sent the WildStar team cupcakes, many of the Anet devs are playing WildStar (and WildStar devs play GW2), etc. The industry isn't as cutthroat as it might seem - not among the devs anyway.
The people that make the games are gamers themselves, after all.
It's only the tribalism inherent in the "communities" that play the games, that tend to devolve into an us/them dichotomy.
Yerp, i really love that about the game, how its "do whatever you want breh, it's cool" "endgame" structure is really just a lobby filled with activities to run solo/with your bros, and gear/rng wont hold you back.
Also grats to Brax! Your bindings freak me out, man. Running a two button mouse?
Put it in gaming forum unless you find a beta/demo OT.btw, pretty offtopic i go myself here: is there a place were we can post demos or games/stufflikethat that we made here in neogaf? i made something small and wanted to get some feedback, so i can fail faster and improve faster.
They're both NCSoft games, upper management probably made them pimp Wildstar![]()
Also grats to Brax! Your bindings freak me out, man. Running a two button mouse?
I guess following my advice helped you out quite a bit.
Put it in gaming forum unless you find a beta/demo OT.
thanks, im looking for it.
What's wrong with my bindings? :3
I have a two (extra) button mouse yeah. I have dodge on one and weapon swap on the other. I should probably do something more optimal but I'm happy with what I have atm.
You're using the tab targeting- hold RB and flick the right stick right or left? In most situations it works pretty well.Old quote. Yes, that was what I was doing. So, yeah, I've been avoiding doing that. While I can't target individual player effectively with the gamepad, AOE isn't that bad anymore since I got used to moving the camera to move the AOE target.
However, is there a way to disable clicking on the right thumbstick? Trying out grenadier engineer right now and, probably thanks to the continuous need to mash buttons, I keep on accidentally clicking on the right thumbstick. I'm guessing I just delete F7 from X-padder, but I want to make sure before I mess anything up.
Whenever I read stuff like this I get worried because it makes me think that people have been using the solution without major components of it working. It's hard to tell for sure from your description but it seems possible that auto cursor-recentering aspect of the script isn't working. First, you aren't running Windows 8 are you? Second, when you press the Back button once, does the cursor reset to a certain position (it should be centered horizontally and about kind of halfway between your character and the top of the screen vertically. If this is functioning properly, you can easily aim AOEs by hitting the button, and then aiming the "crosshair" the skill is centered around, using the right stick/camera. If it isn't working, your cursor will be all over the screen and AOEs will be incredibly tough to aim.Speaking of Xpadder .
When playing a class that uses aoe for most of it attacks (necromancer) with a controller it is difficult to place those fields with a controller .
With a mouse you would just select the skill .place the field where you want it and execute .
With a controller i lose that ability to quickly place fields where i want them and just using the attack most of them appear right at my feet or on the opposite side where i want them .
The major problem is that without using a controller i truly suck at the game .
In fact , i would argue that i am incapable to play any game competently while using a M/K
I would love some sort of solution for this if possible .
Given that you've managed to clear the gauntlet, nothing. Dont worry be happy mang
But modifiers, man, they freak me out. If you're going for modifiers, unless you got dat pinky dexterity which i sorely lack, you can only use one finger for movement, and then diagonal motion is out, then there's that arcane "maximum simultaneous keypresses" criteria that varies from keyboard to keyboard.
Hawkian said:Grats Braxzy! I knew you could do it, and without the cheese too <3
I'm thinking we'll run boss blitz tonight at 8:30. Official post to follow.
Whenever I read stuff like this I get worried because it makes me think that people have been using the solution without major components of it working. It's hard to tell for sure from your description but it seems possible that auto cursor-recentering aspect of the script isn't working. First, you aren't running Windows 8 are you? Second, when you press the Back button once, does the cursor reset to a certain position (it should be centered horizontally and about kind of halfway between your character and the top of the screen vertically. If this is functioning properly, you can easily aim AOEs by hitting the button, and then aiming the "crosshair" the skill is centered around, using the right stick/camera. If it isn't working, your cursor will be all over the screen and AOEs will be incredibly tough to aim.
In my opinion, this aspect of the script (which was a major contribution from Weltall) elevates the gamepad solution from just workable to awesome. I was doing AC with an underleveled Staff necro last nice and it was joyous. I was able to place all the marks rapidly and accurately. Essentially, any time you activate an AOE skill it should be centered on the same "point" on your screen for your to aim. If this isn't working as described, something is wrong and we can troubleshoot.