Guys I'll be max 5 minutes late for boss blitz. Wait for me. Please.
Now I was out eating poutine and drinking maple syrup.
Were you at the gym like me?
Yeah.Has two-step. So did our banks get cleaned out again?
These Ashodin gym pictures are seducing me back to the game.
These Ashodin gym pictures are seducing me back to the game.
I posted this at SBI's forums, but I want GAF to know they should come too:
This week I'd like to think most of us are taking it a lot easier after a hard nine weeks of pushing ourselves. Plus, the match-up this week put us in an unfavorable position no matter what other circumstances were put into play.
One thing we didn't do this week was have any prepared teams in SBI BL at reset - not because of the competition we were going up against (everyone thought it would be a different and easier matchup), but because barely anyone wanted to go into SBI BL right after that hard tournament. Maybe people didn't think it would be very fun to defend.
This week, I want to change that - sign up with me and on Friday, June 6th at reset, we will defend our BL with a swarm of minions the likes of which our enemy will never expect. The natural predator of the Minion Master zerg is the inaccessible arrow cart, and there should be a lot fewer of those when we defend our home turf. It's going to be fun, and we will bury even the best hammer squads under so many minions and poison bombs that no enemy will stand a chance.
What you'll need:
- a Necromancer (preferably level 80, but at least try to be level 30 for Flesh Golem)
- a Staff (secondary weapon is whatever you prefer, but I like Dagger+Dagger personally)
- An ability bar full of minions, like so:
Blood Fiend, Bone Minions, Bone Fiend, Shadow Fiend, Flesh Golem
What I recommend:
- Power + Vitality + Toughness (PVT) Armor/Weapons/Accessories.
Recommended Traits (up to personal taste in the end, however):
Spite III: Spiteful Removal (Condition Removal as we mow through unfortunate zergs that oppose us)
Spite IX: Training of the Master (Increases Minion Damage; self explanatory)
Death Magic III: Minion Master (Increases recharge on MM skills)
Death Magic X: Flesh of the Master (Minions have increased health; more Toughness for Necro)
Death Magic XI: Death Nova (When enemies die, they spawn MORE MINIONS. When minions die, they explode POISON.)
Blood Magic II: Bloodthirst (Siphoning health is more effective; more uptime and less dying)
Blood Magic VII: Vampiric Master (Minions siphon health and transfer it to Necro)
Consider these Runes:
Superior Runes of the Lich for extra life + extra minion (Cheap)
Superior Runes of the Ranger for a lot of extra DPS (Pricier)
Superior Runes of Speed / the Traveler for movement speed (Super Pricey)
Consider these Sigils:
Sigil of Frailty to inflict Vulnerability (Cheap)
Sigil of Purity for extra Condi Removal (Super Cheap)
Sigil of Water for healing allies around you (Super Cheap)
A lot of peeps like to run Minion Masters their own way, and that's great; the main thing is that I want to see a whole BUNCH of Minion Masters on Friday, ready to swarm and devour whichever enemy team tries to take our BL.
If you are interested in joining in, post here and then be here on Friday. SBI has taken a week of rest but I want to show everyone else in our tier that our BL is no longer welcome to intruders.
I can't believe this. Even after she changed her password earlier yesterday it still happened. Hope ANET can roll back her account.Callunah![]()
I can't believe this. Even after she changed her password earlier yesterday it still happened. Hope ANET can roll back her account.
I put a two step authenticator yesterday on my account. Have to figure out how to do that for my email aswell.
So I got an ascended weapons box (Coalforge/rampager stats). Now I plan on making a condi thief so rampager works on him (too bad he can't use the weapon yet since he's just 21 lol), but what weapon for the thief has much condition attacks? mh Dagger or mh Sword?
If you are using Gmail there's the Google Auth route too, which you can set up through here.
So I got an ascended weapons box (Coalforge/rampager stats). Now I plan on making a condi thief so rampager works on him (too bad he can't use the weapon yet since he's just 21 lol), but what weapon for the thief has much condition attacks? mh Dagger or mh Sword?
Aww I was going for a melee and a pistol/pistol build, so I take it dagger dagger sucks for pve?
Aww I was going for a melee and a pistol/pistol build, so I take it dagger dagger sucks for pve?
Got my necro to all of level 40. Should be ok to party tomorrow.Bumping this for a new page. Will need more bodies for Friday!
Aww I was going for a melee and a pistol/pistol build, so I take it dagger dagger sucks for pve?
On a semi related note, what sort of gear is best for a ranger? I finally hit 80 on mine, and have little idea how to best gear this class. I've got some bleeds and traps, which suggest conditions could be nice to have, but i'm really not sure here.
Going to take a few days off to finish Tex Murphy's new game, then probably just farm festival till season 2 starts. Granted, last week of the month i'm off on vacation.
If it's for PvE only, I'd consider a hybrid damage Pistol/Pistol build to be pretty good. You'd want your swap to pack more damage or more utility than Dagger/Dagger though. If you try to use Dagger/Dagger for both Deathblossom and Cloak and Dagger+Backstab you'll be running out of initiative too quickly (not to mention that P/P is already an initiative heavy set). So I'd put Pistol/Dagger or the good old standby Shortbow as the weapon swap.
S/P is high strait DPS. Pretty nice for PvE. S/D is usually better in pvp or wvw because S/P roots you and that is bad. In pvp, a rooted thief is a dead thief.Is P/D mainly for Cond or is it viable for DPS builds? Or would S/P be better for DPS?
Thieves have too many combinations, making it so confusing.
"After the extensive first narrative season in which Scarlet Briar claimed the lead role, Guild Wars 2 soon starts the second Living World chapter. The cliffhanger of last season caused a lot of speculation: what will happen to the ruins of Lion's Arch and is Tyria now safe or not?
Not everyone was happy with the temporary content of the biweekly updates. A lot of players missed a couple of episodes of the story, but this will no longer happen in the second season. NCsoft and ArenaNet developed a journal in which the Living World chapters can be saved. All you have to do is login once during such a biweekly event, in order to save it for later. Whether you're in need of time or whether your character is too low level, this is no longer a problem. Do you not succeed in loging in after all, then you can still (re)live everything for a small in-game fee." (source)
A Dutch GW2 site is reporting a Journal Feature is coming to GW2 just in time for Season 2 of the Living Story. Here's a translation from Reddit:
DragonSeason is reporting that more news will be coming today (within the hour) and that this site broke the embargo early.
Obviously being in English would help, but it sounds like you just need to log in once during a Living Story event to have it saved to your journal, or can go back and unlock it later (in-game fee could be gems or gold). I wonder if this will be integrated with the Personal Story somehow.
Thread is already ready to be posted in 10 minutes.It's legit. I got the pr yesterday.
Reddit is already declaring this as ArenaNet caving in and allowing Living Story content to be instanced by groups / guilds, at the exclusion of all others. From a translated article that broke embargo early. Fucking Reddit.
Yeah, I figured it wasn't fake, but there's definitely details missing here.
Don't worry, there are some screens and the pr message will explain most of it. The blog will probably go into bigger detail![]()
Nice, looking forward to reading it.
Also, from Reddit: "Oooh instanced permanent farming locations, gimme."
How do these people function in the real world?
Nice, looking forward to reading it.
Also, from Reddit: "Oooh instanced permanent farming locations, gimme."
How do these people function in the real world?
Nice, looking forward to reading it.
Also, from Reddit: "Oooh instanced permanent farming locations, gimme."
How do these people function in the real world?
That was what I was thinking too, unless they remove the rewards somehow.
Also, I hope I don't have to finish my PS before I can do Living Story content, even if I'm 80.
You do not need to complete the personal story on a character in order to play the Living World content, although it will make more sense if you do!
That does not seem to be the case.
Appears to be a discussion there, although short. Survivability is also argued in the second page.
Their guides for guard and especially necro dps did wonders for me.
Maaan, be careful with cond. So many damn things in this game cause bleed that even in a 5man you'll be hitting the stack cap super fast. It's part of what made me come to terms with not rolling a condi necro in pve.
Really fun in the wubs, tho.
D/P and s/d have little to no condition damage on them. S/d is nice because it does lots of direct damage, removes boons, shadow steps, dodges on 3, cripples, and has a stun/blind stealth attack. D/p has some poison on the 3rd autoattack but that's it. Nice set for stealthing but it has no aoe.Yeah pistol/pistol is one weapon combo I'll use.
What about dagger/pistol or sword/dagger, not condi friendly?