So despite that horrible middle part, pacing, and sound issues, Sony's E3 had:
Littlebigplanet 3
Uncharted 4
Infamous: Second Son DLC
The Order: 1886
TLOU Remastered
GTAV announcement
BOMBSHELL Grim Fandango remaster, PS exclusive
Incredible No Man's Sky video
Batman: Arkham Knight gameplay
PS TV coming to US
White PS4
Not sure how anyone can think this was a terrible showing....I think the TLG disappointment is clouding some people.
How can you tell me that was amazing when we knew all of it except for what I bold.
Uncharted is Uncharted. We know what to expect. I'm getting it day 1 but it's still Uncharted
Second Son DLC looked alright. Fetch was nothing special so I have no interest for it really.
The Order footage looked horrible and really puts a bad name to those games that do try to do something cinematic but actually remember they are games too. This is trying to be a movie but not in a QD type of way.
I don't even know how TLOU is even on this list. We've all played it so why not waste 5 minutes talking about it. It shouldn't have even been in the conference especially since we didn't get any gameplay footage.
Same thing as above. We knew that GTA V was coming to next gen but the only note worthy thing is that it's coming to PC. We didn't need to see another trailer for a game that came out less than a year ago.
No Man Sky looks great but the footage I saw really didn't change my view on the game than the footage I saw at VGX.
Arkham Knight looked amazing but it was no megaton. This was on par with MS's conference where they showed Unity or The Division.
White PS4 isn't anything noteworthy. It's only a different color.
Sony's conference wasn't bad (well it was terrible for those 20 minutes that no one wanted) but I don't see how it beats MS conference when MS also showed a lot of new games and showed a lot footage for game we already knew about. They were both on par, Microsoft might have been a little better since there was no talk of stupid TV stuff and comic stuff and numbers.