So good. Several people sitting next to me in the theater were talking about trading in their black PS4s for a white one. I'm tempted to do it myself lol.
Sony games shown at the conference:
Uncharted 4
The Order 1886
The Last of Us
LittleBigPlanet 3
Ratchet & Clank
Planet Side 2
inFAMOUS Second Son DLC
Third Party:
Not a Hero
Let it Die
No Mans Sky
Batman: Arkham Knight
Dead Island 2
Far Cry 4
Grim Fandango HD
Mortal Kombat X
Magicka 2
Disney Infinity 2
Battlefield Hardline
Diablo III
Kingdom Under Fire II
PlayStation @PSN_Updates
Great News @SOFstudios can start making H-Hour for PS4 very soon since the dev kits have been sent out, i'm looking forward to playing it !
David Sears and SOF Studios (The guys behind creating H-Hour, the spiritual successor to SOCOM 2) are getting a Dev kit for PS4. Great news for SOF Studios and SOCOM 2 lovers. They've been meeting with investors every day of E3 so far and apparently have several interested parties.
Am I the only one who thinks the sony conference is going from strength to strength post the actual conference?
- ND trailer being confirmed as fully real time
- bloodborne gameplay being shown / leaked
- order being touted with hands on impressions as good
- driveclub videos releasing/ also weather added.
its almost as if they showed teasers to everything but the details keep coming out and keep embellishing their conference in a good way.
I don't know how anyone can say MS had a better show than Sony. No way.
For months after Phil was appointed head of Xbox we've had nothing but twitter tweets posted and hype about an amazing E3 show. But in reality it was average. The so called early reveals was to free up space because they have too many games to show. Instead we ended up seeing some of the exact same games. The way their conference was talked about i was expecting a major surprise and exclusive games to affect the PS4. Nothing like that was shown. They were the ones that had alot to prove.
Are any of the major press conferences available for download in HD format? Something better than Youtube and Gametrailers' spliced versions, preferably. Used to be easy to hunt these things down after E3 had ended, but not having much luck this year.