Yesterday, we witnessed a strong showing from two of the big console makers. My score for Sony is an A- . Here's just a few of my thoughts on the show:
The games in the beginning and end were hitting all cylinders for me. I did miss Rime and a few other titles but overall, I was far from disappointed. There are so many games that I want to play and I can't wait to get. Yes, some of them were already announced but overall, my wallet is still going to hurt.
Some of my highlights:
Indie games, especially No Man Sky, are something that has grown as a bigger genre that I look forward too. The quality of those studios sometimes rival bigger dev groups 10x their size.
Far Cry 4 and its ability to allow other PS4 players to play with you,even if they do not have the game themselves. From what we saw, the world seems alive and I can't wait to hop into it.
The Order looks awesome to me. It seems more realized as an interactive film, which I know some people do not like but it's right up my alley
Grim Fandango was one of those PC games that I remembered seeing when I was young at Funcoland (remember Funcoland, which had one of the coolest return policies ever?) but we never had a PC that I could play it on. Getting a chance to go back to some of the LucasArts classics is exciting. I hope the Indiana Jones games are added too
I guess I was one of the few people who was excited about the Powers announcement (which was a little longer than needed). Its a very awesome detective comic series and as a fan, I'm excited to see that Sony is releasing original content. This may not be big for the gaming only crowd but it is for those who enjoy comics and original programing. Sometimes we forget that there are people who game and don't simply want games and nothing else.
Also, I'm hyped about the CE of Disney Infinity 2.0 for the PS consoles. My wife and I loved the first one and can't wait to grab this day one.
Outside of the lull moment (which, imo, people are blowing way out of proportion), I felt Sony knocked it out of the park. They already have a few hundred dollars with their name on it from my bank account for this late Summer/Fall .
I'm excited for the offerings of both PS4 and XB1. My home office is going to have the please do not disturb sign up quite a lot this Fall