Most people dispose cooking oil by pouring the thing on the kitchen sink, eventually it ended up in the sewers wich couses a lot of problems specially if the city is really old. I give you, the "Fatbarg"
It's a huge piece of fat, garbage and waste, it's the size of a Boeing 747

It's a huge piece of fat, garbage and waste, it's the size of a Boeing 747 Water, the company that keeps sewers flowing freely under London, has released a set of disgusting pictures of a "fatberg" that took a week to remove from a 262-foot stretch of Shepherd's Bush Road in West London. The water authority claims it was the size of a Boeing 747, if it was buried underground.
"A team of sewer experts from the company fought the berg all last week (Tuesday, Aug. 26 to Friday, Aug. 29). The immense, solid blockage needed to be broken up and removed from the sewer to prevent sewer flooding to nearby homes and business," the company said in a press release.
Fatbergs are composed largely of cooking oil that has been poured down drains while hot and runny. Once in the cold water of the sewer system, however, the fat congeals. The solid mess then combines with "wet wipes." The wipes are frequently labeled as "disposable" but are turning out not to be.