AC on Bristle is brutal, why would you ever go Blademailor Shiva
shivas isnt terrible
ac is better most of the time tho yea
AC on Bristle is brutal, why would you ever go Blademailor Shiva
wouldn't that gold bounty thing matter for spectre only when she's really far behind in farm? I don't see how you'd benefit greatly from it once you get your radiance because you can farm pretty quickly yourself and with relatively minimal risk.
every game that i pick timbersaw, i get somebody telling me im stupid for buying blink dagger on him
why wont people let me live
I could see it in some situations, but you already have a pretty reliable movement skill that has a 4 second cooldown.
There's a reason why both get recommended for new players as initiators (Tidehunter moreso).I swear, centaur and tidehunter are stupid easy heroes to play
Do you have digital or physical? Cuz digital unlocks at 12 am pst
but ya i feel u, im hella hyped for this game, hard to concentrate on school work.
oh god for real? I bought premium on steam... I get to play this tomorrow night at 3AM?!
oh god for real? I bought premium on steam... I get to play this tomorrow night at 3AM?!
just went 43-7-16 with a mirana. this patch is crazy but fun I have to admit.
Ok, no one signed up for my fantasy league, so I'm going to delay the draft and cry my self to sleep.
people actually pay 2 play dota fantasy league when it's not packaged with an international compendium ? $2 to get parser results and to open Dota 2 everyday? Make it free FFS.
also, if anybody is having Phantom Lancer woes, Witch Doctor really works well against him
Fantasy football is free right?
That instant Valve damage control, counter-spin.
If you can't get more than one GAF person interested in it - what does that say?
Dota just doesn't lend itself to fantasy games. There were weeks where I literally had zero points because none of my players had a match. It's stupid.
not when I disjoint his cask![]()
New PL was the hero I've been waiting for.![]()
Sometimes you get a player on your team who is so BLATANTLY RETARDED that its a miracle they can even operate something as complex as a computer
This Doom used his ult on Tinker ONCE. Just once. In a 1h10m match
Despite me shouting at him to ult tinker at least 500 times
This game is stupid and I hate it
^ the visage birds are doing most of the work.
this is the future of 6.82
towers are worthless
fight all of the time