Broken Joystick
At least you can talk. Who are you?
Ultron Drone
edit: okay apparently this is old, my bad.

edit: okay apparently this is old, my bad.
Not really fair to force Cheadle to work with a racist.
Has Mel Gibson overcome his issues or is he still a bit off the rails ?
Could deserve a second chance. Bad upbringing and addiction shouldn't put him out in the cold for life if he sorts himself out and rights his wrongs.
He's probably too old to just stop being racist. Fuck him.
I love how GAF is supposed to be this great bastion of tolerance and progress but refuses to believe people are capable of change.
Renner saying they go in and shoot about 3 takes and they are out says it all about Whedon's directorial capabilities.
I found this, but I don't know where it originated from.
Renner saying they go in and shoot about 3 takes and they are out says it all about Whedon's directorial capabilities.
Says more about the time and budget constraints. Fifty takes per shot on a movie like this would probably be a luxury for most directors.
If it's up to the writing, they're screwed. The writing in Avengers was awful.
It doesn't have to be 8 or 80. I really liked Serenity and Avengers, but I was hoping for Whedon to bump up his grasp on visual language and overall aesthetics. This makes me feel that once again it will be up to the witty writing and acting to carry the movie.
But I'm ready to be surprised.
The writing in Avengers was awful.
Yes but they're lower than us, we're far too intelligent to enjoy the campy, witty humour which the masses enjoy.The incessantly laughing crowds in the theaters I saw it in seemed to enjoy it.
Renner saying they go in and shoot about 3 takes and they are out says it all about Whedon's directorial capabilities.
And the movie ends with Sentry going crazy and ripping Ares in half?What's more likely is Avengers 3 would be the end of that particular team configuration. For Phase 4 they rebrand the team as The Mighty Avengers, replace Cap with Carol, Thor with Ares, Hulk with Sentry, Tony with T'Challa.
Well what if Marvel is betting on getting the rights back to F4 and or Spidey by Avengers 3 time?
The comments from people that have seen the comic-con trailers pretty much puts your concerns to rest.
As the director, Whedon has direct control over how the movie is shot.
However, as the director, he also doesn't have the time to dictate every scene, shot for shot. What he really needs is a better cinematographer. AoU has a new guy, Ben Davis, who also was the director of photography for Guardians of the Galaxy, Kick-Ass, Stardust, and Layer Cake. I like his body of work more than Seamus McGarvey who did the first Avengers movie.
Seamus McGarvey is a tip top cinematographer. I have no idea what the hell happened with him on Avengers.
Renner saying they go in and shoot about 3 takes and they are out says it all about Whedon's directorial capabilities.
Maybe.That being said, I could totally see Marvel and Sony working out something to get Garfield Spidey in A3 somehow. That would be huge for everybody.
This.This seems like such a click bait article. There's literally nothing to report on in this article. It all comes down to "hey people's contracts are going to expire In a little while. What if this happened?" Stupid article-don't give them the clicks.
This seems like such a click bait article. There's literally nothing to report on in this article. It all comes down to "hey people's contracts are going to expire In a little while. What if this happened?" Stupid article-don't give them the clicks.
I can kind of see where they're going with the Avengers 3 being two movies thing.
The first movie would focus on Thanos getting the infinity gauntlet and essentially beating the fuck out of the current Avengers and friends. It would be an Empire Strikes Back kind of deal, everyone's seemingly fucked but there is a glimmer of hope.
The second part has the new guys + possibly Guardians finding the deus ex MacGuffin they need to beat Thanos and then doing so.
This could work exceptionally well because after the ending of the first part everyone would be on a cliffhanger to see what happens and would be highly motivated to go see the next part even though all their friends are dead.
Then we'll get some Days of Future past reboot magic and all the roles are recast with cheaper actors, blah blah blah, the Marvel marches on.
Literally nothing to report except for a big rumor that his sources seem to believe is true. Darn them, reporting on credible rumors.
Again though-his "Sources" are reporting on nothing. "Hey, lets say we Disney can't sign on more films for the contracts-what if this happens?"
My interpretation of the article is that the threshold for what counts as a scoop or story is currently so low, that they'll run anything. So much for vetting sources and shit.This seems like such a click bait article. There's literally nothing to report on in this article. It all comes down to "hey people's contracts are going to expire In a little while. What if this happened?" Stupid article-don't give them the clicks.
Seems to be something there if he was digging into a rumor and got more information from credible sources.Again though-his "Sources" are reporting on nothing. "Hey, lets say we Disney can't sign on more films for the contracts-what if this happens?"
Yeah, makes total sense because their biggest player (Iron Man) couldnt appear then on the mystery followup Movie.What's there is obvious. The rumor is that only Iron Man will appear in Avengers 3, not Thor, Captain America, and maybe even supporting players like Black Widow. Thus those characters will be saved for a follow-up film the next year.
I don't know what you're not getting. It seems like you just really hope the rumor is not true.
Yeah, makes total sense because their biggest player (Iron Man) couldnt appear then on the mystery followup Movie.