What are the chances that we get a demo before release? Please 343 I just need some real Halo on the XB1. Just make it Team Slayer on Sanctuary. That's all I need.
What are the chances that we get a demo before release? Please 343 I just need some real Halo on the XB1. Just make it Team Slayer on Sanctuary. That's all I need.
On-disc forge maps were soooo bad in reach. That aspect of Reach multiplayer was the worst part of the game for me. Even moreso than AA's honestly.Holy fuck. I forgot about Paradise and that god dang hill top.
That shit had two tanks and two banshees.
No... correction, Halo 2 is the best BTB.
Correct.No... correction, Halo 2 is the best BTB.
I wonder if Halo 1 will rocket up that list if we get a MCC Halo 1 BTB hopper
Yep. Best gameplay, modes, and map selection.
What are the chances that we get a demo before release? Please 343 I just need some real Halo on the XB1. Just make it Team Slayer on Sanctuary. That's all I need.
Halo 2 ranked BTB was amazing once you got up into the high-30s. So much coordination and teamwork. Getting everyone in sync and keeping callouts and chatter at a level that allowed all eight members of a team to communicate without talking over each other was actually pretty hard. You had to find that careful balance between communicating as much information as possible but also not flooding the chat. Lots of leadership in assigning people to certain roles at certain times, and it was a necessity to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses on each map and then optimize team strategy accordingly.
Good times.
Halo: Reach does. Halo PC does as well.No way we will get a demo. I don't even remember if a Halo game ever had a demo, not counting betas.
I remember being stuck in level 27 BTB limbo for the longest time. I remember lots of people on Bungie.net back in the day describing that as "the hump"
It was all about having the right people to play with. There were only a handful of good BTB squads, as there wasn't a ton of overlap between the "highly competitive, skilled and organized" player set and the "I like BTB" player set.
Halo 2 ranked BTB was amazing once you got up into the high-30s. So much coordination and teamwork. Getting everyone in sync and keeping callouts and chatter at a level that allowed all eight members of a team to communicate without talking over each other was actually pretty hard. You had to find that careful balance between communicating as much information as possible but also not flooding the chat. Lots of leadership in assigning people to certain roles at certain times, and it was a necessity to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses on each map and then optimize team strategy accordingly.
Good times.
Yeah, that stuff made a huge difference. I like to think I'm in both of those player sets you mentioned, but I was usually that guy who was #1 or #2 on the losing team too often (or I died a ton because I was the only guy actually going for the objective).
Okay so the gaming Halo thread right now depresses me. Developers are limited by what the console can offer. If the console can't offer 1080p while running two engines simultaneously, but can still make it look really nice and have it around 900p what's the big deal. Especially for all this content, it's just so ungrateful it makes me sad.
If people care about those numbers so much then become a PC gamer where those particulars are more important/meaningful to the experience depending on your own hardware.
The more I'm exposed of this world the more depressed I get.
I cant understand why so many people are getting their undies twisted about the H2A-Campaign wont be at full 1080p. Literally everything else in the game is 1080/60 including the H2A multiplayer (which in the long run will get more use anyway). It's like getting a brand new sexy looking car and complaining that the headlights aren't flashy enough.
Follow your dreams and do what you love dude. Don't let a bunch of inconsequential asshats prevent you from doing what you want to do.At one point in the future I was hoping to go into game development. Seeing shit like this though puts me off the entire idea though.
You're preaching to the choir. However there is a difference between being critical and just being an unpleasable shit.It is in fact possible to be both a fan of the series and critical of it simultaneously.
I cant understand why so many people are getting their undies twisted about the H2A-Campaign wont be at full 1080p. Literally everything else in the game is 1080/60 including the H2A multiplayer (which in the long run will get more use anyway). It's like getting a brand new sexy looking car and complaining that the headlights aren't flashy enough.
Why not just buy some headlight fluid?
Yeah man it's so maddening. I remember that the PS3 was technically the superior console in terms of sheer power, but for whatever reason a lot of games didn't look as good as the 360 counterpart.
I "suffered" through the lower res/lower texture/lower framerate Read Dead Redemption. Probably the best "suffering" I have ever had. It's not like H2:A will feel unpolished or look like a blurry mess.
I hope this kind of rudeness by gamers doesn't affect the dev's morale and affect their days negatively.
Does any other shooter feature descope in the same way Halo does?
If they have any sense at all (and they obviously do) it won't.Yeah man it's so maddening. I remember that the PS3 was technically the superior console in terms of sheer power, but for whatever reason a lot of games didn't look as good as the 360 counterpart.
I "suffered" through the lower res/lower texture/lower framerate Read Dead Redemption. Probably the best "suffering" I have ever had. It's not like H2:A will feel unpolished or look like a blurry mess.
I hope this kind of rudeness by gamers doesn't affect the dev's morale and affect their days negatively.
Yeah man it's so maddening. I remember that the PS3 was technically the superior console in terms of sheer power, but for whatever reason a lot of games didn't look as good as the 360 counterpart.
I "suffered" through the lower res/lower texture/lower framerate Read Dead Redemption. Probably the best "suffering" I have ever had. It's not like H2:A will feel unpolished or look like a blurry mess.
I hope this kind of rudeness by gamers doesn't affect the dev's morale and affect their days negatively.
Yeah, that stuff made a huge difference. I like to think I'm in both of those player sets you mentioned, but I was usually that guy who was #1 or #2 on the losing team too often (or I died a ton because I was the only guy actually going for the objective).
Party chat absolutely killed the social aspect of online games where you collaborate with strangers and make friends. Don't get me wrong, I like party chat because it lets me talk to my friends (staying in touch with my old friends is about 90% of the reason I even bother playing games these days). But I definitely do miss the Halo 2 days. I hope the ranked playlists have forced game chat and proximity chat.Awe yes those where good times. I personally think party chat killed this experience :/. I actually enjoyed when everyone gets involved and communicate with each other.
Oh wow, of all the examples you could've picked out of a hat, that's by far the most amusing one. As my posts show, I'm not happy about the Halo 2 resolution issue. I also happen to have a BMW E92 headlight that I've baked open and am in the process of modifying...I cant understand why so many people are getting their undies twisted about the H2A-Campaign wont be at full 1080p. Literally everything else in the game is 1080/60 including the H2A multiplayer (which in the long run will get more use anyway). It's like getting a brand new sexy looking car and complaining that the headlights aren't flashy enough.
Reach BTB caused me to play a lot less halo. Paradiso was the worst thing to ever happen to that franchise.
Yeah I heard that too and cringed. Who the hell has been watching Halo 2 Anniversary tournaments featuring pros and thinking the combat is slow or not modern? Apparently crawling, going prone, or moving like a snail when aiming down sights is fast. But jumping while throwing grenades and shooting is slow.
I'm guessing the only reason they say slow is because it's not sprint, and doesn't have that quick ADS kill time.
Agreed...This Halo is not modern talk is bullshit..Can someone tell me WTF is modern?
PS3 had the Cell processor and the weird 256 mb ram limitation. It wasn't until the very end of the gen that devs actually utilized the PS3 strengths. And even then, Xbox 360 was lead platform because it was easy to develop for, and was almost as powerful. Look how bad Skyrim ran on PS3. But with Xbox One, you do have a weaker console that is actually a bit tougher to work with. You'll only see the gap grow. I doubt we'll see a single multiplatform game that will look worse on PS4 than Xbox One this gen.
- Search ranked playlist alone.
- Carry team with one of the best games of your life.
- Lose anyway because your teammates went negative thirty and apparently received their ranks from the sympathy fairy.
Yeah man it's so maddening. I remember that the PS3 was technically the superior console in terms of sheer power, but for whatever reason a lot of games didn't look as good as the 360 counterpart.
I "suffered" through the lower res/lower texture/lower framerate Read Dead Redemption. Probably the best "suffering" I have ever had. It's not like H2:A will feel unpolished or look like a blurry mess.
I hope this kind of rudeness by gamers doesn't affect the dev's morale and affect their days negatively.
Sprinting, ADS, unlocks tied to career progression.
kinda underwhelming walkthrough
kinda underwhelming walkthrough
So good.
So good.
Oh man I just realized that we may get all the emblems too. I miss my Oni emlem in halo 3
In that Warlord B-roll over on gaming side, why do I hear "ball thrown"? Plz no throwing.
They'd look nice without the honeycombing all over them to me.Visors look bad again. :/