Sona is still pretty pasive if you build her support so you have to let it the support mentality and go agressive but if you get caugh in one CC is over.
According to the internet it's just 3 total wins. It might take a day or two for the icon to show up, though. Also try restarting your client if you haven't already.I did! Pre the 10-game losing streak I had 2 wins! Or do they have to be consecutive?
Well that happened quicker than I thought.
I don't even like Morgana though :/
I guess if I ever want to get to gold, morgana seems like best choice.
Okay, I have to ask.
Is it just me, or is Hexakill TT the worst featured game mode they've ever released? Tiny advantages snowball out of control extremely quickly, the pacing is shot to hell with there only being enough minions and jungle mobs for an intended 3 players, there's no comeback mechanic whatsoever... it just seems bad.
I think a lot of the badness could be reduced if they used Dominion-style pacing (bonus passive XP & gold and everyone starts at level 3), but using regular TT rules with 6 players is just... it doesn't make any sense to me.
i guess i'd buy an announcer pack for rex's uncle who just woke up
This was my initial experience, and maybe it's the experience when you're matched with good players.Hexakill doesn't reward any minor victories such as catching 2 people out. You can't push or rotate in treeline before people respawn when it's 6v6.
Even when you're winning, you can't end the game. You're forced to wait until the late levels so death timers are long enough for you to push into the nexus turret.
It's just really bad.
Treeline is not designed for so many players on it.
Everyone built dps except our Blitz. It was a bloodbath, and felt like it would never end. No one could get clear aces, except their team one time. They got on our nexus turret, but Fiddle spawned and immediately ulted in to them and killed 4 near instantly.]
Confidence slowly coming back with muh Jayce. Pretty gud champ.[/QUOTE]
GREAT champ
GREAT champ
I can see why. I don't know if I've had a bad game with her this season. I've had some losses to be sure...but I don't think I turned in any poor performances. She's just fantastic.Nami carried a lot of GAF to Gold last Season.
Nasus Q is physical and applies on-hit (including lifesteal). People really overestimate the damage of his Q on targets with decent amount of armor if Nasus can't utilize Spirit Fire / buy Last Whisper.
Well thats just swell. Time to get back to playing nami I guess.If you're in Silver right now good luck, she's banned in like 80% of my games.
Well thats just swell. Time to get back to playing nami I guess.
Well thats just swell. Time to get back to playing nami I guess.
Everyone built dps except our Blitz. It was a bloodbath, and felt like it would never end. No one could get clear aces, except their team one time. They got on our nexus turret, but Fiddle spawned and immediately ulted in to them and killed 4 near instantly.
Lmao at those scores.
Katarina seems like she would be a beast in Hexa
Nami is cool...
But Janna.
She's the one
Both are amazing when trading in lane but Nami is more foolproof since she heals herself and damages the enemy laners. Plus the nonultimate sustain is nice.
man ap xin is so annoying, he was just tanking turrets and healing as much as it damaged him
Nashor then lots of AP. Complete gimmick. Imagine WW with stronger heals except you blow up much more easily.what's the AP Xin build like?
Match history details?I have no idea what happened this match.
.Match history details?
This is a bad policy.I would play Nami if she wasn't 6300. I don't buy 6300 champs. The one exception was Sej for the traditional skin.
So that huge gap was ezreals non-trolling doing.
Another day, another OP Gnar top... I just can't rationale anyway that Gnar isn't OP.
This is a bad policy.
I buy them on sale.Eh, plenty of strong champs that cost 4800 or less.
It's not even about champions being strong, but many of the most fun champions in the game are 6300.Eh, plenty of strong champs that cost 4800 or less.
I like Poppy too.Strongest champ in the game costs 450.
"Why don't you just lay down your weapons now?"I like Poppy too.
You can do if after every tackle.So when you do that thing with Poppy where you tackle then auto attack then Q, do you only do it when you tackle them into a wall for the stun or do it after every tackle? Only after the stun, right? Because it seems they can get away. But then how do you proc Sheen if you don't do it after the tackle
I am so confused.