All at 30, both subclasses
Grand. Thanks.
Sneaking on GAF to see if anyone's up for doing a 6pm run of VoG for the Flawless Raider trophy.
PS4 - Afrodeeziyak
pls b gud
Shame you won't be here for ours.
All at 30, both subclasses
Sneaking on GAF to see if anyone's up for doing a 6pm run of VoG for the Flawless Raider trophy.
PS4 - Afrodeeziyak
pls b gud
Grand. Thanks.
Shame you won't be here for ours.
On my first attempt (and with a group I'd never played with before) I screwed up a jump between the first chest and the Templar area and fell to my death. So embarrassing, never even died there beforeI don't think I ever want to attempt Flawless Raider, because I'd just feel too terrible if I screw up. It'll come if it'll come, but I won't actively pursue it.
FYI, if we fuck up at any point in Flawless, I'm willing to retry a few times. Can't be that bad compared to retrying Atheon for hours when I was a noob lol
On my first attempt (and with a group I'd never played with before) I screwed up a jump between the first chest and the Templar area and fell to my death. So embarrassing, never even died there before![]()
Hit 20 with my first alt this morning before work. I had no idea how quickly that was going to go. I only did a handful of story missions on easy to get going, and after that I just used my alt once a day to do the quick bounties and run at least one public event. Turned in a bit of spin metal and helium from some easy chest runs I got while doing bounties on patrol. Now I am just going to dump tons of blue engrams to my alt from my main to get my lvl 20 rare gear going.
The big issue is restarting. There's no way to reset AFAIK.
Also, when someone gets kicked due to lag/shitty servers, that counts as a death.
You know, some of us Destiny addicts might take a sentence like that quite badly.
*grinds teeth*
Let's try this again...
You should be able to reset, select the normal difficulty with square instead of X right?
I use Chatterwhite with a New Monarchy cloak on my Hunter, it is awesome (kind of a Mirrors Edge feel). Also use a white sparrow with red boost to finish it off
I want Black/Blue for my Titan (Thunderdevil?). Currently using Blue/Gold (numbers shader) and a Black/White sparrow with blue boost upgrade.
Warlock is harder to describe, yellows and browns (Bloodpact I think) with a bitchin' cloak (Voidfang) and yellow speeder with green boost upgrade.He's a Jedi.
Found the God of War shader recently... couldn't make it work on any character, it needs to be MUCH darker imo
Is solo impossible? I have the checkpoint at Gordon on Normal... so I was thinking to give a try.Normal VoG and have whole raid unload supers, RPG's, nades etc. at one Gorgon. Should go down fast-ish.
What sorcery is this selecting the difficulty with Square?
Blue engram turned into legendary chest armor.
Legendary engram turned into Monte Carlo exotic auto rifle.
I have a good feeling I will finally get my raid boots tomorrow.
rng pls
*crosses name off list*
Have you flawless raiders finished filling up? im at work so cant really keep up with thr thread as much as id like. 30 Warlock sunbro with fully levelled gjallahorn, praedyths revenge, and TDYK. I can help if need be and can def bring another 30 that can make it through.
The big issue is restarting. There's no way to reset AFAIK.
Also, when someone gets kicked due to lag/shitty servers, that counts as a death.
Yeah, I'm at work for the next 2 and a half hours lol.
Also Lord Figs, would you like to grace my flawless run with your presence?
I've still got the hard Atheon checkpoint. Can anyone help me cheese?
PSN = Macello
I stared my first alt yesterday. I did all earth missions and some bounties but got him to level 9. I'm not going to play it a lot just want another 20+ character. I don't need to complete all the story missions right? Besides daily bounties what are other ways to level up fast?
On my first attempt (and with a group I'd never played with before) I screwed up a jump between the first chest and the Templar area and fell to my death. So embarrassing, never even died there before![]()
Didn't screw up any attempts after that fortunately
The big issue is restarting. There's no way to reset AFAIK.
Also, when someone gets kicked due to lag/shitty servers, that counts as a death.
You can go to orbit and restart no problem. We did this a fair few times.
I wouldn't want to take a spot from someone who needs the trophy, but I can help if you need someone to walk you through it.![]()
Sneaking on GAF to see if anyone's up for doing a 6pm run of VoG for the Flawless Raider trophy.
PS4 - Afrodeeziyak
pls b gud
I got it from another friend but you're the first I tried it with. I'm only available until 11 est.Yo Macello,
I think you got the Atheon Checkpoint from me this week. Anyway i managed to solo it on my titan in the end and would like to try and do it again (for practice as i can't get loot now). I won't be on until after 9 (maybe 10pm) GMT.
I'll send you a PSN message later when i'm on if you're still up for it.
(your PSN avatar is Cammy for Street Fighter right?)
my PSN is Milkypooz
Really? I see the restart option when you're selecting difficulty. Should be Square. I think Todd and figs etc did that. They fucked up and got the trophy later in the evening.
I wouldn't want to take a spot from someone who needs the trophy, but I can help if you need someone to walk you through it.![]()
What time will you be home?
I thought that too, but one of our last run had the press square to reset option. It's never been there for me.
Not sure what's happening there...
Haha, dammit, I won't even be home yet. Good luck mate
Aw figs *tear drop*
I remember when we were starting out. You'd be that one hunter getting nuked by the templar because you'd stand at the left floor jumping around for unknown reasons. Every time I'd look over to your name, I'd see a blue ball with seconds ticking down in white numbers. Then we'd get to atheon and you'd get blown up on top of pillars.
We would say "Don't stand on those pillars."
Then you'd stand on the pillars.
And now you're the Lord of Destiny GAF. I need tissue.
Im off work at 5:30 eastern and usually home by 6. I can be ready to go at about 6:30 PM eastern. Ive completed raid with Dante 316 before.
Is solo impossible? I have the checkpoint at Gordon on Normal... so I was thinking to give a try.
You need at least 3 people for Gorgon maze or it doesn't work. For the next part I believe you need 2 (one inside and one outside) or its insta-wipe.Is solo impossible? I have the checkpoint at Gordon on Normal... so I was thinking to give a try.
Aw figs *tear drop*
I remember when we were starting out. You'd be that one hunter getting nuked by the templar because you'd stand at the left floor jumping around for unknown reasons. Every time I'd look over to your name, I'd see a blue ball with seconds ticking down in white numbers. Then we'd get to atheon and you'd get blown up on top of pillars.
We would say "Don't stand on those pillars."
Then you'd stand on the pillars.
And now you're the Lord of Destiny GAF. I need tissue.
Fuck ARs
HC for lyfe.
Yup, East. I usually stay up until 11PM on weeknights for Destiny.You and me need to form a team for this trophy since we both work during the day. How late do you normally stay up? It sounds like you're on the East coast?
Ah too late for us, we're running approx 8pm gmt. Loads of people are after it though so you shouldn't have trouble finding a group.
I am suddenly feeling very lucky that in my first attempt at the VoG I got praedeths revenge and leg armour. All I seem to see is people saying they need leg armour for 30!
What's the odds that rngesus screws me over and I never land raid chest or arms. No way will I have the time to level up IB when that event comes around again to get those bits of armour.
Got your sixth guy for Flawless attempt [read: run]?
Not yet. Want to be it?
Yup, East. I usually stay up until 11PM on weeknights for Destiny.