For Palutena:
* I'd like a reason to use Palutena's tilts more often because right now d-tilt and more specifically f-tilt see genuine usage from me once in a blue moon. Most of the time i do them it's a failed smash

* I'd like her side smash to less frequently utterly miss people standing right next to her for no apparent reason. Being outside of range I can get, but failing because they're 'too close' doesn't sit right with me at all and they're usually too confused by it as well to make use of the opening it causes half the time

* Auto-reticule seriously needs to still target people in invincibility frames. I don't care if it won't hit them, I just want the blasted ability to actually freaking fire when I press the button

* I'd like it if her counter didn't take 5 years to start up. It's not even a particularly good counter in terms of knockback or hitzone compared to it's contemporaries so I don't see why it's lumbered with such a lengthy delay before it becomes active :/