Can you give your GFWL key away like an extra copy?
So if you have the copy on Steam, copy the g4wl key to txt doc or something before the transition if you want to try that.
Can you give your GFWL key away like an extra copy?
Did they put down an exact date for the transistion yet?
I'm getting suspicious with this wait!
I'm getting suspicious with this wait!
Damn, you guys.
I've seen the thread bump and I hoped that was more news.
Changed Stats schema
stats/importedGfWL/defaultvalue: 0
With all the false bumps can we make a new thread when it finally happens? Maybe From is waiting for Thanksgiving...
# Change #777067 (?)
Changed Depots
[*]211421/encryptedmanifests/steambuilddebug/encrypted_gid: 963386
0B5093 04D145
[*]211421/maxsize: 7939144841 (7.39 GB) 7939145353 (7.39 GB) (diff = +512 B)
[*]branches/steambuilddebug/buildid: 440603 448593
Changed changenumber 776996 777067
Another update few minutes ago. The third in less than a hour.
I guess we must be really close at this point.
Code:# Change #777067 (?) Changed Depots [LIST] [*]211421/encryptedmanifests/steambuilddebug/encrypted_gid: 963386 0B5093 04D145 EE6E19 [*]211421/maxsize: 7939144841 (7.39 GB) 7939145353 (7.39 GB) (diff = +512 B) [*]branches/steambuilddebug/buildid: 440603 448593 [/LIST] Changed changenumber 776996 777067
Just to be clear: all that talk about the GFWL token is mostly related to retail copies and it's completely unnecessary if your copy of the game is already part of your Steam library.
Taking advantage of the bump to confirm. Those of us that already have the game in the Steam library don't have to do anything, right?
I'm actually still hoping they will update the client to make the fix unnecessary.Good idea. This will probably happen (and I wonder how many people will be surprised and freak out when it does)...
Fine by me, I never could get 60fps working no matter what I did. Turning off DEP did nothing, nor any of the other reported fixes :/It will very likely break 60 FPS.
On the other hand, only a major reworking of the renderer should break my graphics enhancements / resolution support.
It will very likely break 60 FPS.
On the other hand, only a major reworking of the renderer should break my graphics enhancements / resolution support.
I have the physical copy so I guess I need to keep a close eye on this.
I don't know how it works, but doesn't the 60fps hack fuck with some of the game's physics? It only matters for some ladders and jumps, I guess. And it makes it more difficult to walk over certain areas. And you can get stuck at a bonfire by either reversing hollowing or kindling too soon (can't remember which).
So unless From Soft somehow fixes a lot of the physics issues with 60fps, I can't imagine they would actually implement it as an option in the game. A professional developer isn't likely to give players that option: "Here you go guys, it may make certain parts unplayable/unreachable, but you can have it!" They'd sooner just not offer it as an official option (like they already don't).
Just to be clear: all that talk about the GFWL token is mostly related to retail copies and it's completely unnecessary if your copy of the game is already part of your Steam library.
There is only one ladder glitch in the entire game at 60fps. That is the one in the area beneath the Drake that has the three rats; you can't slide down that ladder or you'll fall through the geometry. You can still go down it normally though.
You can simply activate the code that comes with the physical copy on steam. That's what I did.
I don't know how it works, but doesn't the 60fps hack fuck with some of the game's physics? It only matters for some ladders and jumps, I guess. And it makes it more difficult to walk over certain areas. And you can get stuck at a bonfire by either reversing hollowing or kindling too soon (can't remember which).