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Alright, that settles that.
Still, it doesn't mean it will split the PC playerbase. They could easily just place a cap on how many people you can summon depending on which version you're playing. I think it's a little rash to assume that they're going to split the playerbase between the two PC versions. Not saying that it's not possible, but it's a pretty big assumption at this point.
A separate new pc version? :/
Well, I would like to play this with new DX11 bells and whistles, but paying twice for a game in 2 years is very lame.
Maybe 2017 steam sale when it's 5 dollars and I might be itching for a replay anyway.
How about Bamco's tumblr?
Alright, that settles that.
Still, it doesn't mean it will split the PC playerbase. They could easily just place a cap on how many people you can summon depending on which version you're playing. I think it's a little rash to assume that they're going to split the playerbase between the two PC versions. Not saying that it's not possible, but it's a pretty big assumption at this point.
Here's hoping!
That quote makes it seems mostly cosmetic, unless I'm not understanding I correctly. Not that I'm complaining, because Bloodborne looks really good. I'll be picking it up day one.
At times, you have to be on the offensive. But this is not a hack-and-slash game. Rest assured, Bloodborne is still an action RPG at its core, and combat is still very much about strategy and tactics.
Don't know if this set is Japan only
If a DX9 player could be summoned into a 6 player party without issue, yet could only summon 3 phantoms on his/her own. You don't think this would make people upset and make them question the decision more than we currently are?
Alright, that settles that.
Still, it doesn't mean it will split the PC playerbase. They could easily just place a cap on how many people you can summon depending on which version you're playing. I think it's a little rash to assume that they're going to split the playerbase between the two PC versions. Not saying that it's not possible, but it's a pretty big assumption at this point.
Again, they could program it to not allow a DX9 player to be summoned if you already have 2 phantoms with you. That seems alot easier than having two separate player pools, but what do I know?
About as much as I do I reckonAgain, they could program it to not allow a DX9 player to be summoned if you already have 2 phantoms with you. That seems alot easier than having two separate player pools, but what do I know?
Nah. They're two different games effectively, and Steam will treat them that way. Separate achievements, separate executables, separate folders, separate matchmaking. What you are describing is actually far more complex and would require much more effort. It's not a realistic expectation.
Nah. They're two different games effectively, and Steam will treat them that way. Separate achievements, separate executables, separate folders, separate matchmaking. What you are describing is actually far more complex and would require much more effort. It's not a realistic expectation.
yep. this the the most important bit. I don't care about paying a little more for graphics but for the love of Vendrick don't split the community.
Wait, so this is a separate version on PC? I thought it was DLC?
Can anyone get confirmation? I mean, I remember (just an example off the top of my head) that when AVP 2010 came out there were 2 versions on Steam to download, the DX9 version and the DX11 version.
Nah. They're two different games effectively, and Steam will treat them that way. Separate achievements, separate executables, separate folders, separate matchmaking. What you are describing is actually far more complex and would require much more effort. It's not a realistic expectation.
Wait a minute, PC users have to buy the upgrade if they already own the game? Makes me even more glad I waited for this "GOTY" edition to come out.
all the new graphics and performance upgrades, and the new online stuff, you have to pay for
I'll take that. Even if it's not as in depth, I trust it to be fitting for its gameplay.Well there's this as well
Making PC gamers pay a significant price for a DX11 build would be one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard a publisher do.
If you have the game, plus the season pass, that's it, you should own this. At the very most, a couple of dollars for the extra bits.