Dead Silence
Saw the trailer and barely got any sleep for a few months.
That movie was awesome, the twist caught me completely off guard. It definitely does not get enough love.
Dead Silence
Saw the trailer and barely got any sleep for a few months.
Martyrs, easy.
Blair witch does it for me. The realistic found footage angle, coupled with the "there's something there in the woods making noise but I can't see wtf it is" makes me shit my pants. Suggestion is scarier than the best monster design.
Well if you were expecting a monster movie, you'd be extremely disappointed anyways. It's more of a slightly creepy thriller that tries to tell a story beneath the actual story. I won't say it's bad or anything (outside of the 1954 Godzilla roar noise) but I definitely don't classify it as a horror movie, personally at least.
Monster movies, ghost movies, and occult movies do nothing for me. So I'm glad to hear this isn't a horror movie, but that Godzilla scream has convinced me to not watch this.
I've been craving a good horror movie lately, but I'm finding nothing but duds. Kill List ended up being an occult movie. I was about to watch Starry Eyes and saw the pentagrams on the cover (occult movie again!). And now this... Seriously, someone please recommend me a good horror movie that (as this thread title says) fuck me up.
Quick and dirty apologist's theory for the silly sound effects in The Babadook:The other explanation, of course, is a low budget and poor judgment. But whatever.We see that the mother watches a lot of horror movies, specifically older ones, and the Babadook is a manifestation of her inner turmoil, so that turmoil taking the form of a physical monster would draw from her own perceptions of what monsters are. I have no idea if that was the actual intent, but that's my justification at least.
Link to scene?
Its here:
I recommend watching it in the context of the movie, even though its basically a 'jump-scare'. But its a good one. I'll do my best to set it up for you though:
(spoilers just in case I manage to persuade others to check it out):
These are my reasons why it's one of many memorable and creepy moments:
- There's already been a spate of dreadful murders, including
, so everyone is freaked the fuck out.a decapitation of a patient directly in front of where the nurse in this scene is standing
- A scene already happened which shows the viewer what the murder weapon likely was. This is important, because
.they spend time making sure you hear what it sounds like. This is the noise you think you hear at the start of the above scene
- The movie doesn't mind spending time setting up its scenes, so it takes a few minutes to pay-off. Folks may fault the film because they consider it slow. But I feel the atmosphere generated is more than worth it.
Not having the cop present in the background for the first jump scare plays with my expectation that something is going to happen. When it doesn't, I am too busy lowering my heart-rate thinking she's safe, and swearing at the cheap-scare.
You even begin to think the nurse will be fine, as the cop is (mostly) present with the her afterwards, right to the point until he's suddenly called away. It's completely unexpected for a first-time viewer.The nurse enters, leaves, and locks the door of the murder-scene, not having found anything. Yet this is the same room the murderer suddenly emerges from.
James Rolfe did a great retrospective on it in the last Cinemassacre (spoilers a-plenty):
Yikes! Didn't intend to write so much! Maybe its because I met William Peter Blatty once, during an Exorcist DVD signing =)
The remake of Thirteen Ghosts really disturbs me because of the ghosts. Not only the way they look but because of their back stories.
Quick and dirty apologist's theory for the silly sound effects in The Babadook:The other explanation, of course, is a low budget and poor judgment. But whatever.We see that the mother watches a lot of horror movies, specifically older ones, and the Babadook is a manifestation of her inner turmoil, so that turmoil taking the form of a physical monster would draw from her own perceptions of what monsters are. I have no idea if that was the actual intent, but that's my justification at least.
Babadook isn't scary, just creepy and depressing.
Its here:
I recommend watching it in the context of the movie, even though its basically a 'jump-scare'. But its a good one. I'll do my best to set it up for you though:
(spoilers just in case I manage to persuade others to check it out):
These are my reasons why it's one of many memorable and creepy moments:
- There's already been a spate of dreadful murders, including
, so everyone is freaked the fuck out.a decapitation of a patient directly in front of where the nurse in this scene is standing
- A scene already happened which shows the viewer what the murder weapon likely was. This is important, because
.they spend time making sure you hear what it sounds like. This is the noise you think you hear at the start of the above scene
- The movie doesn't mind spending time setting up its scenes, so it takes a few minutes to pay-off. Folks may fault the film because they consider it slow. But I feel the atmosphere generated is more than worth it.
Not having the cop present in the background for the first jump scare plays with my expectation that something is going to happen. When it doesn't, I am too busy lowering my heart-rate thinking she's safe, and swearing at the cheap-scare.
You even begin to think the nurse will be fine, as the cop is (mostly) present with the her afterwards, right to the point until he's suddenly called away. It's completely unexpected for a first-time viewer.The nurse enters, leaves, and locks the door of the murder-scene, not having found anything. Yet this is the same room the murderer suddenly emerges from.
James Rolfe did a great retrospective on it in the last Cinemassacre (spoilers a-plenty):
Yikes! Didn't intend to write so much! Maybe its because I met William Peter Blatty once, during an Exorcist DVD signing =)
Jacobs ladder really fucks with me. I dear anyone to watch this deleted scene and not be freaked the fuck out.
Jacob's Ladder: Deleted Scene:
Martyrs still gets me every time I watch it, and I still think about John Carpenter's The Thing from time to time.
We are not going to churn out any rubbish here. Oh no. The book we publish is going to be made to the same scale and level of quality as the handmade book in the film.
I loved the animations/popouts in that book, but $80 is too much for me.If anyone decided to watch The Babadook due to this thread, you have 9 days left to preorder the book ...
I'm surprised no mentions of Event Horizon. That movie is all kinds of fucked up, it's just plain evil. Something about space and horror. There depiction of what Hell could be like is beyond scary.
I didn't enjoy The Babadook at all.I understand what it was going for, but I thought the movie fell incredibly flat as both a horror film and one of a mother dealing with her inner turmoil, manifesting as this "Babadook" character.