Love Deterrence
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Where mods don't exist
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| A Thread deprived of Its Moderation
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Where mods don't exist
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Where mods don't exist
Hey guys, another speedrun but on the extra ops deja vu.
my previous run was 58 seconds, but with the use of checkpoints and a vent glitch mnaged to cut it down almost 20 seconds.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Gotta sneak fast
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Fulton it to the OT Thread.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| A Thread deprived of Its Moderation
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| 90 % in here should've already be banned.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| 90 % in here should've already be banned.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| 90 % in here should've already be banned.
Can't find the font anymore :c
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| We Shurfifed
Holy shit, that's incredible.
How do you perform that glitch? X + square?
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Knock Knock, what was that noise..Bish
There was a site with all the MGS fonts. Was a Geocities site that got taken down recently. ;_;
Shit, that was it... I remember a page and I think it had Otacon on there or something... with all different MGS fonts!
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Hayters gonna Hayt
man only god knows what's gonna be the name of the new OT
Can't find the font anymore :c
I'll make the image and you add the text then ok?
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Outer-Gaf goes 0 to 100 real quick, whole squad on nanomachines.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Doritos and Dew OSP
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Kept dew waiting, huh?
kojima should do banderas.gif
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Kojima is the type of dude that says Hai to the release date
imagine the drake jokes but instead it's Kojima jokes..i can only imagine the endless release date jokes lol
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Made you wait, didn't I?
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Underdog put the release date on a T-shirt
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Chico please, run through the tape.
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| This is good...isn't it?
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Purgatory
Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| Why don't Kojima love me, man?
lol Nice timing.Metal Gear Community Thread |OT2| The world would be better off without Sn4kes.
This is my first time playing through the game and I'm getting my ass handed to me on Grounded Mode. I die all the time from the infected, especially the clickers. It's so hard to time those hits against the clickers and they are insta-kill within arms reach. Any tips I could use, except lowering the difficulty?