The perfect Dark
How long are the bonus episodes?
Anyone?How dramatic are the differences between versions? Is this worth grabbing on PS3, or is there a wide enough gap that I should wait until I pick up a PS4?
How long are the bonus episodes?
Not long, I think I finished both in about 30-40 minutes. I only played through Casual difficulty, though.
Fast camera off helps a bit.Is there any fix for the terrible mouse acceleration of Steam version?
I gotta know, did the release of episode 4 help performance issues at all on the steam version?
Loved the little callbacks in this one.Alex saying how she'd earned the right to be a god (and Moira's response!) and especially Barry's "I have THIS!"
This game was a huge surprise. I don't know what I was expecting from it, but I definitely wasn't anticipating it being the best Resident Evil game in a decade.
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Easily worth $25
I'd pay for a Ghost Ship-style level as DLC. Heck, they can even recycle Ghost Ship itself from Rev 1. But ideally it would be the island, and you push yourself to reach the true end or tap out early with one of the earlier exits.Raid mode is way more fun than I thought it would be, but the Omega level was disappointing to me. Until I started it I had hoped for a ghost ship level. Maybe Capcom can add that later as another DLC? I actually would not mind that.
Nope. They said that they'll be releasing a performance patch in the coming days though.
Um what is this...
Um what is this...
Episodes 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11?Um what is this...
RE 4 level in Raid mode, please.
Gat damnThat was one of my favorite thing about RE: Mercs 3D it had nearly all the previous games Raid levels.
Also, I got myself a new avatar!
That's so good. Is that a fan drawing, or the work of some manga artist?
Fast camera off helps a bit.
I want to nuke those fat wobbly revelation 1 sawblade assholes from orbit.
I want to nuke those fat wobbly revelation 1 sawblade assholes from orbit.
Also, I got myself a new avatar!
Some kind of drawing it looks like. What could it mean, and why is it here?[/QUOTE]
I wonder if there's a higher-res version of this somewhere on the Internet?
"The Struggle" and "Little Miss" could be episodes 5 and 6. But yeah, that still leaves five episodes unaccounted for in those folders.Looks like 7 more episodes! Lol.
1)So I'm confused about two things in the story:
1)After Claire jumped out of the exploding tower, how was she rescued and brought back to the mainland, or wherever it was that she talked to Barry while on the stretcher? If they found her on the island, then why did it take Barry so long to find the island? But if they didn't find her on the island, then how did she get off the island?
2)How did Moira survive being crushed by the goddamn ceiling and then having the tower blow up around her?
That's so good. Is that a fan drawing, or the work of some manga artist?
and a sick ass PSYCHO BREAK poster
My goodness, that Psycho Break/Evil Within poster O_Oit's fan artists, Though looking at his other stuff all seems to be RE and Evil within related so maybe he's an illustrator.
Heres at least some of the safe for work items on his page.
My goodness, that Psycho Break/Evil Within poster O_O
Link to the site?