What are the chances of me enjoying this game if I didn't like the Souls games?
0 percent.
What are the chances of me enjoying this game if I didn't like the Souls games?
Yup.Now work is going to feel long tomorrow.
Times are always going to be different for these type of games.What the hell!? What about the guy who finished it in 22 hours at a leisurely pace?
From the IGN Review:
He says in the review it's borderline PS3 visuals... yeahno. I mean, good for him, but his opinion means shit to me.ugly ass visuals
You see, I dont mind a 7.5...but...I kind of find the reasoning behind it odd. No one is playing souls for an easy game, nor is it expected to be for everyone.
It's...like criticizing monster hunter...for not being for everyone? Thats not really accounting for the style of game and whether its good, but rather just...weird?
I could just be crazy though.
I think that's even more impressive given reviews across the board seem to have been much harsher, with higher standards comparative to previous generations.
Ahh there it is. I wonder what polygon will give it lol.
2/5 no prisonersGerts about to hit us with that 3/5.
Thats fine...this series really isnt for everyone....its perfectly fine if it just didnt click with someone
It's going up.
Lock this thread, time for a remaster.
Dude they're fine. It's also a 7.5. Which is good.he listed that it was challenging as both a positive and a negative. Like others have said it's fine if it is not for everybody, but man those bullet points do not read well.
Actual quote about the graphics:
Thats fine...this series really isnt for everyone....its perfectly fine if it just didnt click with someone
He says in the review it's borderline PS3 visuals... yeahno. I mean, good for him, but his opinion means shit to me.
What the hell!? What about the guy who finished it in 22 hours at a leisurely pace?
One that will become a franchise
What the hell!? What about the guy who finished it in 22 hours at a leisurely pace?
Kevin VanOrd's favorite game of the preceding generation is Dark Souls, so he was prepared for the challenge that lay before him. He finished Bloodborne in about 60 hours, at level 90, and beat several--but not all--of its optional bosses. He is now at level 101 and two bosses into a new-game-plus.
Game's not for everyone. This is very true.
Game is technically not very impressive. It's art does a lot to carry it, but if it's not your jam, that's fine.
Why are you dying? It's a review, and a 7.5 is a fine score.
Holy fuck these scores, potentially one of the all time greats?
they gave 9.0 to ds 2 which looks like ass
Do you believe in miraccclessss
They can sometimes be pretty reasonable. From the sounds of that review in progress this seems to be one of those times.I'm really wondering what Polygon will do. They can't really go that low this time, my guess is they'll try a 7 or 7.5
if you do not already love souls games, i do not think bloodborne is going to be the one that gets you.
i may be misremembering, but bloodborne seems to give even less of a fuck about you understanding its systems than dark souls did.
incoming polygon 7.5/10 a la Last of Us
''Ugly ass visuals'' though...