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steam | April 2015 - Orange, you glad it’s morningbus? “No.”

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Nope. There were poster after poster being mad that they are forced to give 30% to Valve instead of 5% UE4 asks all this while acknowledging that Steam is not the only place you can sell at. "But not everyone wants to be on Steam!" etc. Of course there's always so much misinformation flying around when community decides to be enraged about something. So it was with $5 spend for full account and paid mods too.

Yeah, but to me that was concern trolling in an attempt to save face, however -- surprise, surprise -- it doesn't hold up under scrutiny as anybody who actually wants their game to sell will want it on the service most people use, plus the notion that Valve should allow Source 2 to be used in commercial projects but not see a single cent of revenue ever if that's what the developer so desires makes absolutely zero sense.
People being angry about that was hilarious, since Source 2 has the best business model from a financial standpoint. At least from what we know so far.


Yeah, but to me that was concern trolling in an attempt to save face, however -- surprise, surprise -- it doesn't hold up under scrutiny as anybody who actually wants their game to sell will want it on the service most people use.

Well yeah that is another likely option. Sometimes it's just hard to tell whether it's good old concern trolling or genuine idiocy.
That sounds like a nice addition.

Where are the screw ups? Actually you might want to add "Source 2 being free not including the requirement to launch on Steam" as a screw up. I remember there was a thread with a lot of angry people in it.
It's a general direction thing that has been going on since Greenlight really.


Valve really needs to introduce the 24 hour refund policy like Origin. A friend bought GTA V uninformed and couldn't run it. It's a real shame to see people make expensive mistakes like this.

They really should, but that could be bad for short games. Origin does this only for their own games, Steam is mostly non-Valve games.

Valve has done this on case-by-case thought, GTA V you could actually get steam-wallet refund for a few days after release. I think Air Control & Colin McRae Rally had it added too.
Gamersgate now has Defense Grid 2 for 3,45€ (-85%)


very good price

Bought. Half convinced it's a price mistake.

They really should, but that could be bad for short games. Origin does this only for their own games, Steam is mostly non-Valve games.

Valve has done this on case-by-case thought, GTA V you could actually get steam-wallet refund for a few days after release. I think Air Control & Colin McRae Rally had it added too.

Steam does it when the publisher/developer authorizes refunds. I remember From Dust released a few years ago and it was totally fucked at launch. I asked for a refund from Steam support and was denied. I guess the shitstorm got a bit too large so a few days later Ubisoft said they would offer refunds. My closed ticket was actually re-opened and they asked me if I still wanted the refund, which I took.

Refunds are a nice thing to do but so many games can actually be finished off in 24 hours that it would just leave the door open for abuse.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
They really should, but that could be bad for short games. Origin does this only for their own games, Steam is mostly non-Valve games.

Valve has done this on case-by-case thought, GTA V you could actually get steam-wallet refund for a few days after release. I think Air Control & Colin McRae Rally had it added too.

GTAV I assume was Valve showing initiative given the pop-up on Steam was signed by the "Steam Team", but there were no refunds for Air Control (you're probably thinking of Killjoy's other game, Zen Fish Sim, which was KISS) and McRae was Codemasters. I think the only other example of Valve itself approving refunds is Earth: Year 2066.


Where/how did you see Avengers 2? I thought it releases May 1. Did it come out earlier outside of North America or something?

Denmark FTW. I saw a pre-premiere (or early screening or whatever it's called) this last wednesday.

It's fucking awesome, by the way. 10/10 would bang. Although I did get all teary eyed. We lost someone good, man.
4/22 in Taiwan, get on our level.

Yiiir boooiiii! *high-five*
But I like democracy... :(

Murica has a democratically* elected dictatorship, really.

Although there are several dictators sharing the workload. :p

*Except for when it's not really democratically cause some of them there el-presidente's are cheating, lying cunts.
Windows Defener IS Security Essentials + Rootkit protection afaik.


The rootkit protection isn't great, sadly.

If anything ever, I'd recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. The premium / pro is absolutely incredible, and it's really all you'd ever need alongside Security Essentials / Windows Defender.
I've been using MS Security Essentials exclusively for years now and haven't had any issues. Most recommend using Malware Bytes in conjunction to err on the side of caution, though.

Heeeeyll yir.

There's nothing quite as good at removing unwanted shit and protecting you from a bunch o' bollocks if you're willing to pay for premium.

But really, Security Essentials is more than enough as long as you're tech-savvy and don't click (and download) dumb shit. :p

Dr Dogg

Well seems the Mass Effect community thread finally got moved to Community. Some grumbling ensues, bless 'em.

Anywho I must say the patented Stallion Free 'Beat and Delete' method is working wonders on my storage space. Started the year with 51 games installed and 10gb free on my games drive but I'm down to 39 now and about 320gb free. Might have cleaned it out mostly by the end of the year.


For you.
My two cents on this whole mods debacle:

-it's simply wrong asking money for mods. I agree developers of mods should be able to take a compensation from their works, but mods are fan-guided projects. You do a mod because you like that game, you want improve it, extend its life, bring your own contribution to that title. So the donor link is here just because of this. There are great mods around (recently I played Alchemilla, I gave up because I had not so much time to spend on it, but it's a very good mod, with acting, cutscenes, good sount-track, nice design, much better than a lot of retail horror games on Steam, in example), so it's right if someone want do give money to a creator, he's free to do that. But introducing a price factor in mods scene is simply wrong, it's just a cheap way from Valve and Bethesda to monetize on something that requires them literally ZERO resources spending, if not the space to host those mods on their server. I'm pretty sure this is just a test so Bethesda can introduce this new feature in Fallout 4 or whatever game they want to launch soon, maybe stopping at all to do DLCs, demanding this to community. A thing that already happened for years, for free, but...they didn't see a cent from that, so they are charging for money now.
-Valve would be done without Gabe Newell. I don't believe the "we launched this but we didn't know all of this would happen". When you introduce something like this, you think about all implications this can have on community and how it will be accepted. No way introducing money for mods would leave the community happy. We just saw a lot of scams and whatever, and Valve of course thought about this. It would be extremely stupid not think about this while you run a business, maybe the big business for this industry as Steam is. So they "try it": if the community would be happy with it, ok, Valve is great, it introduced a brand, new, amazing feature. If not, as it happened, they would say "Ehi, it's not our fault, we didn't think this can cause problems". And Gabe in all of this is trying to do damage control in a cheap way, without really answering questions asked. And with him out of the games for a couple of days, other Valve employees or whatever banned people for arguing against this new mod thing. They are not better than EA, UBI or whatever. I mean, just to bring an example here, on GOG the ban from community is the very last resource moderators consider.
Gabe is the face of the company, trying to give a good reflection of what Valve is or it should be, but it isn't anymore. I still think Steam is a good service, but lately Valve introduced so many things trying to say "Ehi, this is for the players", while it's for Valve and software house only, really. The day Gabe Newell will leave Valve, Valve will turn into an EA or whatever, maybe even worse since they own the largest cut on the market.

If I remember well yes, they are, they keep poping around, no matter how many you'll do.
No, it's not wrong to ask money for mods. It's not.. Try to argue all you want, but if you really think content creators have no right to sell the content that they create if they wish to do so, you are wrong. There have been paid mods for more than a decade. Flight sims had them. Didn't destroy the community in the slightest and lead to some of the more impressive mods ever made. Same with Assetto Corsa recently. Free mods didn't ever stop existing for both.
And if you ever bought or enjoyed the following games, I have a surprise to tell you. They are very much paid mods in the first place.

Half Life was basically a mod of Quake
Team Fortress was a Mod
Counter Strike was a Mod
Dota was a Mod
Portal was a Mod

People arguing against modders getting actual compensation in a legal form...sorry, but I don't see it. And all those "mods should only be a labor of love for the game" arguments are laughable. Thinking that you are entitled to mods, other's people work, for free, while spouting how those are some great values to have, it's frankly disgusting. It's like people ignoring Durante's opinion on this, when the guy is more important to PC gaming and modding than the whinners will ever be, yet they chaint the praises of how PC Gaming was great before and completely ruined now. Somehow.

just a general rant, not aimed at you personaly.


let' see what's there for next week

there's going to be a Dota balance update (who knows if they'll release a hero too; not sure about Source 2) and the compendium's going live

probably only a case for r/dota (unless S2 gets released)

Well... They have, what, another two months to release the Source 2 port if they are to keep their promised date. But knowing Valvetime, we'll be lucky to see it this year. If it doesn't happen within two months, I fear another GIB DIRETIDE-esque poostorm. Who knows, though.

I just hope the balance update comes out soon. The game is kind of shit atm. You see the same 3-4 heroes in every single fucking match right now. It's really ruined the game, since the meta used to include just about every hero, and you'd rarely see the same ones picked twice in one competitive best of three or what have you.
If it means Scarlett Johansson will whispers sweet nothings in my ear and help me find things on google, then sign me up.

I dunno, this would distract me way too much for me to ever be productive on my PC ever again.
I can't wait for Spartan and Cortana. The true halo experience on PC.

I'm kind of sad Cortana is a weird... Symbol-y thing. I wouldn't mind a nude blue lady popping up and talking to me.

... By the way, does Cortana have speech capabilities like Siri (or whatever it's called) or only text?
I can't wait when were all using avatars from the VN.

That's... One of the biggest reasons I'm hoping to have made it in, really. x]

(Make sure you click to enlarge - they're two different sizes!)

This week saw more assets come in and we've secured our background artist, whom we'll announce once they have something ready for us to show off! The biggest progress this week however, and the subject of this week's Screenshot Saturday, was when someone suggested last week's change of using larger portraits. After some thought and some back-and-forth, I set up two builds of the game - one with the original 800x600 res, the other in 1024x768. The larger resolution offered many advantages with only the one disadvantage that I had to redraw some of the UI elements because I was stupid and didn't make them proper vector files.

But now, we have the
prettiest girl in the school standing proud with what is now the new resolution and screen composition! The larger portraits let Sayara's smaller details come out better, give the game screen a much more dynamic feel, and the portraits are no longer 40% covered up by the text box! Hope to have more soon! <3
Looks great! The fact that you're actually still working on this in a serious fashion makes me all giddy.

Still praying I'm in it. I'd love to see a big ole masculine, mega-muscled git with a baby cap and a pacifier :p

Anyway, keep up the good work and keep showin' off dat progress! :)

PS: I'd totes love it if I was involved in either a murder-mystery, whodunnit style ooooooooor... A huniepop-esque thang.

I'm freaky like that. :p
yeah i mean, the rng is expected in this kind of games but it feels a bit too harsh because of the permadeath thing. so i dunno, sometimes it's kind of lame to have to start over a whole mission because you got crit or something

i guess the idea is that you let your people die but it feels like having some people die would snowball pretty hard against you in this game

Yeah that is understandable and no wonder why people get so frustrated with this. It really feels unfair. I mean, great supports make it better to survive and really help, but the RNG for criticals is very unreliable.

Without supports, I don't think I could ever finish the game in Hard Mode. I'm definitely not that lucky or good lol.

In Hector Hard Mode, it gets really worse because the enemy swarms you from all directions, giving you not much time to breathe. It is impossible without getting supports from characters you want to use.

and yeah the story thing, whatever story there is is serviceable at best. most characters feel like copy pastas from other games or whatever, tho i'm really enjoying the animeness of it all

i just wish it was either more outlandish with the anime stuff or more serious or more anything. more committed to some sort of story or style that's appealing somehow. feels super safe

I see. Yeah, it does have a strange mix of styles.

yeah there's a couple options and i think i changed it to "detailed" but i didn't notice any difference. i'm gonna take another look at that, you might be right

I think I got it. In the options menu, set 'Combat' to 'Strat'. It should tell you if you'll hit twice and it gives other details too, like how much your accuracy, damage, etc. will be and the enemy's stuff too. If you don't understand any of the stats, then just use the help button and it'll tell you what it means.


No, it's not wrong to ask money for mods. It's not.. Try to argue all you want, but if you really think content creators have no right to sell the content that they create if they wish to do so, you are wrong. There have been paid mods for more than a decade. Flight sims had them. Didn't destroy the community in the slightest and lead to some of the more impressive mods ever made. Same with Assetto Corsa recently. Free mods didn't ever stop existing for both.
And if you ever bought or enjoyed the following games, I have a surprise to tell you. They are very much paid mods in the first place.

Half Life was basically a mod of Quake
Team Fortress was a Mod
Counter Strike was a Mod
Dota was a Mod
Portal was a Mod

People arguing against modders getting actual compensation in a legal form...sorry, but I don't see it. And all those "mods should only be a labor of love for the game" arguments are laughable. Thinking that you are entitled to mods, other's people work, for free, while spouting how those are some great values to have, it's frankly disgusting. It's like people ignoring Durante's opinion on this, when the guy is more important to PC gaming and modding than the whinners will ever be, yet they chaint the praises of how PC Gaming was great before and completely ruined now. Somehow.

just a general rant, not aimed at you personaly.

Bernardo... That's wrong on so many levels and plain bollocks. Selling mods in a singleplayer game is fucking wrong on every level. And Portal wasn't a mod. Half Life was in no way "a mod of Quake"

That's like saying every CryEngine game is a mod of Crysis, or every Source game is a mod of Half Life 2... lol

People aren't entitled to mods for free, but modders aren't entitled to payment for a hobby project made out of other peoples' work. Is it okay to release standalone mods as paid games? Definitely. Is it okay to require payment for individual mods for a single game? In no fucking way nor universe will it ever be. Bernardo, get your head out of your bum for the love of god.

Your defense of this move with your last dozens of posts has amounted to intelligently put together shitposting, at best.

If a modder believes that his time should be compensated, then he shouldn't be fucking modding, but he should be working in employment. Simple as.

Aaaaaand I'm sad again.


Are the soundtrack DLC in Crypt of the Necrodancer just for the MP3s?

I'm really digging what I've heard of the metal arrangements and might be defaulting to those if those are default in the game, but want to save as much side money as I can for Witcher 3.


Are the soundtrack DLC in Crypt of the Necrodancer just for the MP3s?

I'm really digging what I've heard of the metal arrangements and might be defaulting to those if those are default in the game, but want to save as much side money as I can for Witcher 3.

Wouldn't a mod work? Something like this? Although I should note it's not something I have tried myself.


Murica has a democratically* elected dictatorship, really.

Although there are several dictators sharing the workload. :p

*Except for when it's not really democratically cause some of them there el-presidente's are cheating, lying cunts.

It's really becoming more of a modern oligarchy.
Denmark FTW. I saw a pre-premiere (or early screening or whatever it's called) this last wednesday.

It's fucking awesome, by the way. 10/10 would bang. Although I did get all teary eyed. We lost someone good, man.

Yiiir boooiiii! *high-five*
High five! New Scarlet Witch looks is really "10/10 would bang".


It's really becoming more of a modern oligarchy.

True, true.
High five! New Scarlet Witch looks is really "10/10 would bang".

Hell yeah. She looks so fokken badass.


Shame her brother wont be joining her :(... I was loving seeing those two together again after Godzilla! :| The ending also really feels like a lead-in to a standalone Hulk movie, but that may just be me.

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