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World of Warcraft |OT6| This wolf still has teeth


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You are addicted to misrepresentation or something.

There's nothing to assume. You did something only noobs do, and threw a tantrum, while saying you aren't a noob because you've played other RPGs,
You say it's something only noobs do, yet you weren't there and keep describing something different than what I did, so I have zero faith that you have the right idea and you are doing a good job of convincing me that you're simply assuming the worst because you have chosen to dislike me.

and say the game should give you a dotted line in the exact right direction every time.
Which I didn't. I pointed out the fact that Guild Wars 2 has this feature if you want it, as a defense of the ease of navigation in GW2 after someone said navigating questlines in it was terrible. I never once said that all games should have it. I did say that it would make it easier to navigate the crazier winding paths in WoW since the map isn't very helpful, but that isn't a stretch to say at all.

Remember I am talking about the feeling of annoyance and it's relation to convenience here in comparison to other games. This is also clearly related to sense of reward in the traversal element of the questing process. I clearly find less value in "exploration" if it is too cumbersome getting from point A to a very certain and desired point B. If you feel differently about the required time and effort spent in observation and walking around to learn what goes where and which path gets through to where you want to be, that is a difference of personality and what one finds enjoyment in, not of skill or experience with games.

The thought that you are not attentive enough to see what level mobs are or how to avoid them isn't your fault, it's the games of course.
Again, the camp was randomly set within a much larger area in which there was nothing else remotely threatening to me. It was also blocked from my view as I came around the corner of a mountain path at full speed mounted. I was doing so without looking out cautiously because there was nothing else remotely dangerous in the entire sector. Also, nothing else so deadly had been out in the open like that in my entire experience. They were always either massive creatures seen from afar, tucked away in a separate area, in a cave or house, inside a large enemy base, etc.

Also, I did see what level they were as they were killing me, and it was 3 levels below me, which is why I didn't immediately run away, not that it would have helped, because of what class they were. And I didn't know they were classified as PvP because through the entirely of Draenor it never once took me within view of an Alliance camp, and I was constantly working together with Alliance characters in mixed camps, which this looked like exactly, even lacking Alliance banners.

You think "This is normal" because it apparently is for the history of WoW. I think "This is not normal" because of the entire history of RPGs and what MMOs I have played. Developers are usually more careful and considerate about where they place these kind of camps and how they mark them. If you don't think it is fair to compare the choices Blizzard makes with WoW vs what other developers choose with their games and which is more enjoyable to you, feel free to discuss that before openly insulting me.

And by the way, I do quite enjoy exploration if it is more open and uncertain and has better payoffs. Something like Fallout is all open exploration, and you have to carefully navigate both the environment and random powerful enemies, and you also find many cool situations and stories and such. It's a lovely experience.

I don't feel the side mission collectathons in WoW are nearly as rewarding, and the main questlines give you a specific point to get to in a clear direct progression of events that usually carry some urgency, so I'd most often rather just get there, and the world design slowing me down with travel navigation that is faaar less engaging than the active mission itself is more annoying rather than wondrous to me in this context compared to other games.

If you feel otherwise, guess what, we are allowed to have differing feelings, and don't need to insult each other or demand submission to/rejection of the choices that Blizzard made from each other. Pretty cool, huh?

At the very least you have to know that when you say you don't like the way the world works because of apparently arbitrary dangers in the world, and then say you never leveled up past 30, no one is going to take your opinion seriously, because you've never been in a tough zone, or had to do anything besides kill sheep at that point. Things gradually become tougher and tougher as you level up, and you are clearly not ready for 90-100.
This had nothing to do with toughness of a mission or roaming mob. Turns out it was a was a PvP zoning choice, and I am comparing it to the zoning choices of other games and stating which I find create the more enjoyable experience. The fact that I would have adjusted to how WoW handles these things (occasionally random unmarked placement in harmless areas, it seems) has no relevance to whether or not I still find the methods of other games superior. That is an entirely different discussion from mission difficulty or player skill or familiarity with the game.

I know you have the capacity to discuss this because you said yourself:

Just like you can't walk into Solitude as a Stormcloak in Skyrim.
I can take this example and argue that it is not the same at all. If we were discussing Fort Wrynn, yes, that would be similar, but that isn't it. What I encountered would be as though some random bandits on the side of the road yet behind a mountain and tree on a curving path in an otherwise harmless larger area, who looked exactly like allies you were just fighting alongside, were actually made to be nigh invincible, and you wouldn't know until you clicked on them and had seen the particular border around their portraits before.

Would that have annoyed me in Skyrim? Yes, it would have. But Skyrim never did that. Skyrim had very sensible management of where it placed dangerous characters, and especially ones specifically designed to be unbeatable. And again, could I have learned that WoW does this and been more careful from then on even as I walked through harmless areas? Yes. But would that mean I found it agreeable rather than inferior to the way other games did it? No.

Are you capable of/willing to actually rationally discuss these design decisions rather than trying to turn everything into an attack or insult?
I have literally never heard someone complain about this before. I don't even play WoW anymore (played first month of WoD after stopping in 2012).

if anything, people complain that questing is TOO easy and "on-rails" and as someone who played the game in 2004 (when it wasn't like this) I sort of agree with that. Back then you literally read the quest descriptions and figured it out yourself.

You can avoid dangerous world mobs really really easily if you like pay attention to your immediate surroundings. I always found it fun that they broke up the homogenous nature of zones with occasional world mobs or elite packs. That's been in the game since the start and in fact made exploring way more fun for me- like the first time you run into a hidden glade in Duskwood with a huge green dragon guarding a portal. It makes the game world feel alive.

Then again I'm the guy who spent an hour swimming around the border of both continents in vanilla for fun, so what do I know.


Modesty becomes a woman
Are you capable of/willing to actually rationally discuss these design decisions rather than trying to turn everything into an attack or insult?

Alright captain victim complex. I guess I did take it a little too far when I called the new player a noob, I'll turn myself in.

I can't wait until your get to Proving Grounds and LFR, it should be good if you have problems avoiding secret enemy gank camps.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Alright captain victim complex. I guess I did take it a little too far when I called the new player a noob, I'll turn myself in.
So I'll take this as a "No" on having actual comparative discussion of game designs? Okay, I'll ignore your worthless antagonism then. My issue wasn't with you calling me a noob, it was with you doing so to try and discredit the validity of discussion of anything I said, as if familiarity with the game in itself would change my mind. That's not how it works, but it seems you don't want to discuss design choices, you just want to write people off so you can not think about why you like what you like or why you disagree with some people.


So I'll take this as a "No" on having actual comparative discussion of game designs? Okay, I'll ignore your worthless antagonism then. My issue wasn't with you calling me a noob, it was with you doing so to try and discredit the validity of discussion of anything I said, as if familiarity with the game in itself would change my mind. That's not how it works, but it seems you don't want to discuss design choices, you just want to write people off so you can not think about why you like what you like or why you disagree with some people.
I wouldn't try to argue with some of these people they just want to think they are better than other people who play wow.
I can understand in the bird people place, getting around there can be a pain.

But how can you have any trouble in any other zone, makes zero sense to me.
I can understand in the bird people place, getting around there can be a pain.

But how can you have any trouble in any other zone, makes zero sense to me.

This I can agree with. Navigating Spires of Arak sucks ass sometimes. Frostfire Ridge, Nagrand, and 90% of Gorgrond are nothing like this, at least for quest. If you are treasure/rare hunting, then it is a pain in the ass. But for strait up questing, spires in the only zone that gets frustrating at times.


Yeah I am feeling the 6.1 burnout too y'all, but I think we can all take it down a notch...

This is probably our last week to get Mythic Blackhand, but we've only even seen P3 twice. Sigh. Our heavy melee comp (5 or more depending on the people online) is just too much to overcome sometimes. Combine that with people fighting with each other rather than working together, bleh.


This I can agree with. Navigating Spires of Arak sucks ass sometimes. Frostfire Ridge, Nagrand, and 90% of Gorgrond are nothing like this, at least for quest. If you are treasure/rare hunting, then it is a pain in the ass. But for strait up questing, spires in the only zone that gets frustrating at times.

Most zones had unique little problems and pet peeves in their design for me. For example the very dark mountains in Frostfire Ridge makes it very hard for me to notice cave entrances and such, and I get really confused wandering around above the quest marker and not seeing anything. Gorgrond of course has all the really big vines effectively acting as walls for certain areas, but sometimes it looks like you can just fit through them when you really can't and I end up getting stuck and have to hearth out.
I know this is old news but I just can't believe how much gold garrisons are bringing in these days.
I log in for 10 minutes after work, spam missions, and do nothing else at all in the game, and I'm over half a million gold. It's just crazy.

This is just 1 alt, for 1 day. I have 8 x 100s.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I wouldn't say I have been "entertained" but I certainly have marveled at how many in here have been behaving. I understand that my experience and preference is apparently rare among at least this group of players, but my experience with the game (the description of which everyone has chosen to focus on even though it was just given as illustration) has absolutely nothing to do with the preference, which is the center of the concerns I raised.

It seems like most here only have a perspective of whether or not they can deal with the things a game presents them with, and if they can, that is all that matters. That's not how I look at or evaluate games at all. If I think something would be more enjoyable designed another way, I am honest about that. If I have played other games, even many others, that did particular things in a way I preferred, I can't help but think of them when I'm playing something I don't enjoy as much when it does those things very differently.

Apparently that is taboo here or something, as instead of being willing to even acknowledge let alone discuss these aspects of game design (which I rationally explained several times in an effort to bring things around to real discussion of the differences of opinion we had that some apparently felt very strongly about), instead the majority here decided to antagonize, misrepresent, mock, and condescend either in direct and fairly hostile responses or passive-aggressively from the sidelines. It has left me with a pretty disgusting impression of the community here.

A couple here and there seemed to be sensible, so maybe when new things come up to discuss, there will be some nice discussion in here with people who are comfortable navigating differences of taste and comparing to other games and don't need to tear others down just because they have viewed or experienced things differently from them and others in the little niche they've made for themselves. If not, you probably won't have to be concerned about me raising further complaints about anything in the game around here. I'll keep my blasphemy away from your precious god game.


I know this is old news but I just can't believe how much gold garrisons are bringing in these days.
I log in for 10 minutes after work, spam missions, and do nothing else at all in the game, and I'm over half a million gold. It's just crazy.

This is just 1 alt, for 1 day. I have 8 x 100s.

Jesus Christ. I'm sitting at 9 x 100 and haven't come close to this level of luck. What do you do when you get exp missions? Just do them to get rid of them and wait for the gold ones to populate?
Jesus Christ. I'm sitting at 9 x 100 and haven't come close to this level of luck. What do you do when you get exp missions? Just do them to get rid of them and wait for the gold ones to populate?

I spam maximum missions every time I log on, which is once a day. I do all the gold missions and then all the missions that give loot and then just anything with whatever followers are left. For some reason my hunter always gets super lucky with gold, that character seems to make twice as much as my other guys.

Since I'm not really playing the game, almost all of my followers are teched for the gold bonus. It's the only thing I'm doing in the game, so all of my inn recruits and trait re-rolls went to making gold.


So, raid schedule.

Week 1 - Normal and Heroic
Week 2 - Mythic and Raid Finder 1
Week 4 - Raid Finder 2
Week 6 - Raid Finder 3
Week 8 - Raid Finder 4
Week 10 - Raid Finder 5

Those two week waits between LFR wings. :\
I know this is old news but I just can't believe how much gold garrisons are bringing in these days.
I log in for 10 minutes after work, spam missions, and do nothing else at all in the game, and I'm over half a million gold. It's just crazy.

This is just 1 alt, for 1 day. I have 8 x 100s.

That's bananas. I get like 2 gold missions a day. Haven't had any for the past few days.
So, raid schedule.

Week 1 - Normal and Heroic
Week 2 - Mythic and Raid Finder 1
Week 4 - Raid Finder 2
Week 6 - Raid Finder 3
Week 8 - Raid Finder 4
Week 10 - Raid Finder 5

Those two week waits between LFR wings. :\

Normal ain't shit these days tho, the wait for LFR wings to open up only stings for people who need legendary drop items off end of wing bosses but aren't in a guild that can clear Normal week 1.


Do we have confirmation on next week yet? Been too caught up in the Dice posts here to notice.

No. And they are being intentionally vague with the generic "Week 1, Week 2" stuff.

We are assuming we only have this week, in terms of killing Blackhand, to be safe. But it might be another week.


Sweet. The trailer looks really good too. I'm so ready for 6.2. Of course my guild is still a bit behind in Blackrock, but we should finish the place soon enough.


Modesty becomes a woman
When you become Darkness Incarnate, you can cast with your staff.

He's a warlock and he lost a duel to a warrior.

He's not darkness incarnate, hes like 1700, tops.

1) Gul'dan
2) you are a chump
. . .
3) Khadgar does too, I think?

In the expansion they remove using fire spells as frost and arcane, or frost spells as fire Khadgar shoots all three like he's all specs at once =p


In the expansion they remove using fire spells as frost and arcane, or frost spells as fire Khadgar shoots all three like he's all specs at once =p

Man, now that I brought up Khadgar. It still bugs me for the legendary quest that Jaina still shows up, complains about the Horde, and empowers your ring anyway more or less because Khadgar says so. Really? It made no sense, and could have been handled a little better.


Man, now that I brought up Khadgar. It still bugs me for the legendary quest that Jaina still shows up, complains about the Horde, and empowers your ring anyway more or less because Khadgar says so. Really? It made no sense, and could have been handled a little better.

If Khadgar tells a mage to jump, they only ask how high. Dude has some serious pull. He killed Medivh, closed the Dark Portal and fought Deathwing.
In 6.2 there will be naval missions that give the abrogator stone/runes alongside the current methods.

I'll believe it when they award more than 1 stone or 3 runes and happen more than once per raid lockout. The reason people thought the garrison was a mandatory daily grind was the appearance of those items when opening completed job orders.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
May have to play again for a bit if just to get my legendary quest done. Not much in the way of console releases in the next couple of months.
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