Damn, I missed that. Still sorta hoping for it to pop up on GwG. Oh well.
State of Decay is a nice little time waster if you care for clunky control and stabbing zombies in the head.May go for State of Decay and Slender. Thoughts on both?
Overall, I think this is kind of a weak sale. I can see myself buying some 360 games in hopes they become backwards compatible, but that is pretty much it. Most of the big discounted games (diablo and borderlands) I already have on PS4 and I swore to never double dip once I got my Xbox.
Ah ya apologies for assuming. Still a pretty good price though at $40 for people only looking for it for PC.Well, I had to pay $40 since I don't have an active gold sub and won't anytime soon... but still, not a bad price, I suppose.
Now I play the waiting game -- first for Windows 10, then for KI to drop on PC.
Thanks for the info, guys.
Lttp: where is the list ?!?
Very nice! PvZ is available now on 360 for free (Gears 3 will be free on July 16), and AC Black Flag on Xbox One, with indie title So Many Me available on the 16thsweet, 31 bucks, paypal signout, 1 email and 1 sms verication code later, all done, that was fast!
I remember the old days, having to go to gamestop or walmart. wow
Funk of Titans... Hadn't heard of that before. Looked up some gameplay on YouTube and it actually looks pretty good. Anyone played it?
I've never played a Far Cry game so I picked up FC4. I've heard great things about open world mayhem.
Damn, I missed that. Still sorta hoping for it to pop up on GwG. Oh well.
Just looked up Sniper elite on Xbox One as fancied that for a while and it's down to £15 from £29.99 (for Gold subscribers)
If it's first party, you can assume it will be BC. The PR image for BC shows a fable game case, so I'm assuming all three will be BC and that's why I'm buying the trilogy on sale.Microsoft needs to be a lot more vocal regarding the backwards compatibility updates. I would go ape shit on a lot of these 360 games that are on sale if I knew that some of them would be added to the BC list.
Can anyone confirm the tearing has been fixed on this game now? Tempted at this price but screen tearing gets on my tits.
Just looked up Sniper elite on Xbox One as fancied that for a while and it's down to £15 from £29.99 (for Gold subscribers)
Turn on Vsync and theirs hardly any tearing.
Microsoft needs to be a lot more vocal regarding the backwards compatibility updates. I would go ape shit on a lot of these 360 games that are on sale if I knew that some of them would be added to the BC list.
Can anyone confirm the tearing has been fixed on this game now? Tempted at this price but screen tearing gets on my tits.
Watch some reviews. It's not good.How is Legend of Korra? I know nothing about this franchise but heard this was developed by Platinum.
Killer Instinct CC is Cross-Buy, right?
So it won't let me buy Batman from the Xbox One Store, so I tried to do it online but it won't load the UK page, only showing up in $? Anyway around this?
Yep. It's pretty much the most pain in the ass way possible.The 360 version needs to have the latest compatibility patch with the cloud save option in the main menu. You need to upload your save from Borderlands 2 on 360 before downloading it into Xbox One.
I did it last night.
Handsome Collection has sound mix and framerate issues on one.
Yes, it's a fantastic game and plays very well on Xbox One.What's the XB1 version of FC4 like? Thinking of picking it up, 28 euro is a decent price.
I've heard good thingsWhat's the XB1 version of FC4 like? Thinking of picking it up, 28 euro is a decent price.
How is Legend of Korra? I know nothing about this franchise but heard this was developed by Platinum.
AC China and Lara Croft ToO any good?
Yes, with Windows 10.
I just want to check, can I buy some american xbox credit and apply it to my account on xbox.com if I change the account to US? simple as that right?
What's the XB1 version of FC4 like? Thinking of picking it up, 28 euro is a decent price.
AC China and Lara Croft ToO any good?
What's the XB1 version of FC4 like? Thinking of picking it up, 28 euro is a decent price.
Shangri-La missions are worth it =)I'm currently playing through it and it looks amazing and runs incredibly well. Only time I saw any framerate dips was during the Shangi-La stuff. I say go for it. It's a wonderful game.