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Destiny |OT30| Long Live the King

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It's quite simple really. Firstly when you get a something of something you use it on something, then it starts something. When something is completed it will drop a something of something, use this something of something on something and something else will start. Complete that and it will drop something of something which you can use to open something to get something.

Simple right?

Sure, when you put it THAT way..



Fell asleep near 11 pm I think. Randomly woke up not even feeling super tired like 15 minutes ago. I'm wide awake and considering getting up to play destiny before a 10 hour shift. I'm a monster. This is so werid. I should be dead tired right now brehs.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
whipped out the Sword and devasted a Bladedancer. That's what happens with you bring a knife to a sword fight. Fuck your Blink
Bladedancers might need to retire.

You can block the arc along the ground too.
Fell asleep near 11 pm I think. Randomly woke up not even feeling super tired like 15 minutes ago. I'm wide awake and considering getting up to play destiny before a 10 hour shift. I'm a monster. This is so werid. I should be dead tired right now brehs.

I played from 7pm to 3am EST and I have to get up at 7am to go to work. But I still can't fall asleep. Maybe it was that Red Bull I had around midnight...
How does the Gunsmith work? Got him up to Rank 1 last week and now he has foundry orders? Am I suppose to grab those or the field test weapons to rank him up?

You can order one gun by choosing one of those package orders. I chose the Suros scout rifle.

Leveling up the gunsmith is done by field testing weapons and getting legendary "consumables" to drop in the wild. You take those to him for 200 rep I believe.

Edit: to be clear, the weapon test bounties give 250 rep. The dropped consumables give 200 rep.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
It's no fun with rockets and shotguns being in the game though.

I'll try to block a rocket next. Shotguns tho? lol

Honestly... I think the only real counter to them are side arms. And that's a maybe. I haven't stumbled across anything great yet, but the whole class of weapons feels like it got the short stick when it comes to perks.
I'll try to block a rocket next. Shotguns tho? lol

Honestly... I think the only real counter to them are side arms. And that's a maybe. I haven't stumbled across anything great yet, but the whole class of weapons feels like it got the short stick when it comes to perks.

I just blocked a rocket with the Sword and i'm giggling like a school girl.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
gah anyone give a little help for last part of mission "Fear's Embrace"?

psn dayeight, just set it to public. should only take 5 minutes with a buddy

mission is 260 light, I'm 260 just having a hard time with the end


Stillpiercer get:


And now it's time for bed, almost 3am here and I have to get up in 4 hours to go to work.


Sweet, i got my warlock to 295 and titan to 282, think i will have to leave the hunter until next week, so many things to do it just amazes me. After playing most day on tuesday i thought i will never get my other classes to raid level.
So last night i started my titan and without making up things out i got him from 170 to 280 within 15 minutes lol, did only the first and the subclass quest lol:
-little luck with drops from edging factions
-used weapons from my warlock
-loads of bounties,public events
-bought missing legendary pieces with marks(think i got like over 300 of them including dismantling legendary stuff)

Waking yesterday morning thinking i will not get the nightfall done on my lock, how wrong was i :)
Whenever i was a lvl 280 and hearing that my group did it on previous night i thought to myself to look for a group here but no one was willing so i basically soloed it but i had two guys jumping in at the dark blade section stealing my loot lol as i received a measly warlock bond which i dismantled for 3 marks :(
But last night those same people helped me to get my newly leveled up 280 titan through second night fall and guess what i got :


So hyped my titan that i used in tTK for an hour and a half nets my first ever exotic in that expansion

Unfortunately my amazing luck run out, as wife got impatient with me playing so much and i could not get any more days off this week from work lol
These are my adventures for the past 2 days haha , very productive if you like destiny.


Where were the English instructions for the horifps pad? It finally arrived and I'm trying to give it a good, fair chance before I decide if I'm gonna keep using it or not
the last word is such a mess at this point. point blank hip fire on a guy with a machine gun with his back turned. hit him with about 5 shots before he turns around and kills me in 3.

if there was a quest requiring you to stare your enemy to death, it'd be easier than this.


I truly feel that scout rifle/sidearm is the answer to all of life's problems. I've never been more ready.


I'm leaning towards PR & sidearm. Still in poverty mode though so I'm stuck with scout and FR / Sniper until RNGesus blesses me (or next Armsday when my PRs come in).


Where were the English instructions for the horifps pad? It finally arrived and I'm trying to give it a good, fair chance before I decide if I'm gonna keep using it or not
I think this is the instructional video we were passing around:


The Hori didn't click for me until I lowered my sensitivity a bit. I've heard the same from others.

After dropping my sensitivity one under what I was used to, I loved it.


Looking for the link now. I think it's in the Hori review thread here.

The Hori didn't click for me until I lowered my sensitivity a bit. I've heard the same from others.

After dropping my sensitivity one under what I was used to, I loved it.

I tried looking at there website and didn't even see the controller. Which is strange since its the most talked about hori product ever I think.

I love the dualshock 4 too much to ever switch to something else. That steel black controller will be mine! I just wish the sticks were sturdier.


I just did a heroic strike with randoms. Vallus. They died a lot. I used ninja smoke to revive them a lot. I liked it a lot. A++, would Batman again.

Stillpiercer gotten. Ace of Spades, you're next.

Stillpiercer does work in Crucible. I don't miss my Benevolence any more. It has faster ADS than HB and I was able to consistently land quick headshots, so I have my PvP sniper now.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm leaning towards PR & sidearm. Still in poverty mode though so I'm stuck with scout and FR / Sniper until RNGesus blesses me (or next Armsday when my PRs come in).

I'm not sure what all Bungie did with side arms but these feel very different than your Vestian Dynasty and Greg Promise.

Honestly... Its like what The Last Word could be if it wasn't stuck in the void right now.

PRs are weird. I like them but the stability nerf is really, really apparent for me. They're still the best catch-all weapon right now though.

The fast firing scout rifles are really solid if you like to keep a safe distance. Its just that the weapon really forces you to plan out how you want to deal with things in close (because it won't be with that scout rifle lol).


The Cryptarch's Bane
Here are some thoughts. Taking it very slow, just hit 200 light and done a few story missions with a distraction here and there.

The single most overarching feeling is one of having a massive amount to do at any given moment. Particularly stark as a veteran player who was online for a fair amount during last week's drought, now it's just an embarrassment of riches. Story missions, unlocking and progressing the new subclasses, a bunch of quests I already have, tons of quests I haven't picked up yet, Armsday stuff, new Crucible bounties, new Exotic bounties, Faction devoteeism, new patrol encounters and mission types in old areas (I didn't even run into any of these last week so it's all new to me), new Strikes, altered old Strikes, exploring the Dreadnought (with seemingly a fair amount of actual secrets to uncover), Court of Oryx, new weapon perks, subtypes, and even entire classes to try out (I've equipped every sidearm that's dropped for me so far).... oh yeah and there's a fucking Raid coming too. Overwhelming is not an inappropriate word to use, especially for someone who really likes to explore and understand things fully like me. Imma be having "more stuff left to do" for a while compared to any point in Destiny's past.

Can't form a full opinion yet, but I think I like the new style of progression. I'm keeping two basic principles in mind, both of which seem to be becoming common knowledge already of course:
  • Have equipped the items that give you the highest possible light, whatever they are, if you wish to progress
  • Any item you acquire with higher attack or defense, even if you don't want that item at all, equals progression because of infusion. (This is hilarious because in the past I've requested an auto-dismantle option for blues and greens, and now every engram is potential endgame progress.)
The subtle but potentially awesome victory of the above is this: as long as you're wearing your best gear, potentially anything in the game can help you get more light. "Wear your best stuff and just keep playing the game" seems a good way to put it in a nutshell.

From old patrol to new patrol to old story mission to new story mission to stirke to raid to Crucible- all without relying mainly on currency, you can improve your character little by little. I replayed the very first TTK story mission before even doing the second but after gaining ~15 light, and within got an engram that pushed me up another 5. Fuck engrams, get money is a thing of the past- and yet legendary marks will have their place, giving you concrete, no-RNG-necessary longer-term goals to work toward and letting you specialize laterally down the line.
Still fuck Rahool though he's a bitch.

It's a compromise from their very first, radical system that emphasized big progression leaps based on grinding to certain currency thresholds; it still doesn't fully align with either a traditional Diablo/Borderlands loot treadmill or MMO tier-replacement treadmill. It's very interesting, and not at all easy to understand at first glance (especially for us with the methods we've become used to), but I think it's good. The curves are much smoother and you're less limited content-wise for sources of progression. The implications for Crucible are particularly interesting to me- you stand quite a decent chance of progressing in Light match-to-match if you're using your highest light gear, but this at the cost of handicapping yourself with (normalized) weapons that might be inferior or tougher than your old legendary/exotic stalwarts. I'm curious to see how or if this influences player behavior alongside Armsday weapons.

Also- I've noted a few people asking about the higher Light, Hard versions of story missions that don't seem to have any rewards, even an XP bonus. Can't prove it yet, but I theorize that these higher difficulties will have increased engram drop rates within them, and thus more chances for progression. This would be a great concept if it turns out to be true, because these new missions are straight-up fun to play and I'd enjoy the challenge regardless. I pledge to test it myself as soon as I can.

Just a couple more things so this doesn't become too much more of a wall.

  • The story is a gargantuan leap forward. There is a story, and I can follow what's happening. There are characters with personalities and reasons to be invested in the goings-on of the plot. This might all sound like basic stuff, and it is. But frankly I'd given up on Destiny ever being able to deliver a remotely compelling narrative and I'm completely stunned at the reversal.
    The first few lines about the Ghost searching for you and being worried about finding you should've opened the game itself- that paragraph alone is more compelling than anything delivered story-wise in year 1.
    Could be imagination, but it seems like the voice actors are putting more effort into it across the board too. North's ghost is totally growing on me. Nathan Fillion is having a blast. Eris is digging in. Lance Reddick's Zavala is solid but also cracking me up because I can't unhear him as Daniels from The Wire (just started season four). God-damnit Cayde, this is bullshit!
  • Story mission gameplay... !!! Set pieces, environmental interaction, memorable moments? Where WAS all of this in the vanilla campaign? Outside of a verrrry slim number of missions, nothing comes close to the first five goddamn minutes of play in the new missions.
  • The Taken... all around great way to get a bunch of new gameplay scenarios and switch up encounters without the resource investment of creating new enemy models. I don't mean that to be insulting at all, Destiny already had a bunch of enemy types and it's a valid route to get more out of them. It's fun just having to relearn how to approach a fight- what can this thing do, what puts me at risk?
  • I like Armsday. Me gusta. Placed my first order for an Omolon fusion rifle. Come to papa 8)
  • Mysteries... I've seen some people express that they don't like this and it is more "RPGish" than I ever expected in Destiny. But like, during a mission I picked up a fragment. I have no idea what it does or what it's for. But large or small, it's for something, and I just found it randomly, and now I have a thing that will lead me somewhere unknown. I'll either figure it out, or get help from you guys. Personally I LOVE this kind of thing. Funny, it's all over a game like Bloodborne, which I just beat, but here it is popping up in an FPS, lol.
  • Bad stuff so far: the way class items work is a misstep... they're a primary source of visual customization. I want my hawk cloak damnit. At the very least, all legendary cloaks in the game should be infusable, so that you can work on raising one up even if you are okay with sacrificing the intellect/rep gains whatever. There are still blehhh max range shotguns all over Crucible. Also, "Leveling up via XP" was a total red herring. Meaningless. Level was way overemphasized before, even the most important factor and being underleveled carried huge penalties, and it's good that is fixed... but now it literally has no impact other than gating equippable gear. Snore!

All-in-all it just simply feels like a more complete game. From each class having access to all elements to the more synergistic bounties you can just redeem from within your menu, I see tons of Bungie's original vision actually realized here and it really is commendable.

Time to crash now. Tomorrow's gonna be an oldschool binge.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Stillpiercer gotten. Ace of Spades, you're next.

I just did a heroic strike with randoms. Vallus. They died a lot. I used ninja smoke to revive them a lot.

I liked it a lot.

Stillpiercer does work in Crucible. I don't miss my Benevolence any more. It has faster ADS.
The impact is outrageous too.

Also, a note on the perk perfectionist. It does NOT proc on bosses.

Still a great legendary sniper that I plan to keep around for a long time though.
Good post hawk. I will agree with everything except the progression system being better. I don't like being pushed into specific modes to earn legendary marks when they're essentially the biggest economy in the game now. It was frustrating being underleveled and being unable to figure out what I could do because I wasn't powerful enough to do it. Meanwhile, all this good vendor gear was in front of my face and I didn't know how to get any of it.


The impact is outrageous too.

Also, a note on the perk perfectionist. It does NOT proc on bosses.

Still a great legendary sniper that I plan to keep around for a long time though.
It and 1000 Yard Stare are among the only sniper rifles with enough impact to revive kill in Trials. So there's that.
I was getting really frustrated that I couldn't get my light level up very quickly. After learning about the trick with decrypting one engram at a time well...

I went from ~240 to 268 in a few hours by grinding strikes and just playing normally.

I think I can definitely make raid level by tomorrow night :D


Well i am happy i read the FAQ for ones of the new Dashboard beta for Xbox One.
Destiny doesnt work yet if you opt in. Dodged a bullet there.
Hit 260 Light. Did the weekly (that was tough) and ranked up Dead Orbit a few times using motes, got a scout and rocket launcher.

Going to do vanguard heroic now. Noice.
Anyone need to do the daily before reset? I'm a lowly 241 nightstalker. Psn same as gaf. I'm about to launch it and try to solo this mofo but help would be much appreciated
Ugh. The "Lost and Found" mission has yet to show up for me after doing all the Petra/Varicks quests.

Was hoping for a guaranteed exotic but nothing yet :(

Going to bed. Hopefully it's there in the morning.


Anyone need to do the daily before reset? I'm a lowly 241 nightstalker. Psn same as gaf. I'm about to launch it and try to solo this mofo but help would be much appreciated
I can join. Just hit 241 myself and haven't done the daily. No mic tho as the fams is asleep.


Good post hawk. I will agree with everything except the progression system being better. I don't like being pushed into specific modes to earn legendary marks when they're essentially the biggest economy in the game now. It was frustrating being underleveled and being unable to figure out what I could do because I wasn't powerful enough to do it. Meanwhile, all this good vendor gear was in front of my face and I didn't know how to get any of it.

Not granting 2 or 3 marks anymore for completing a crucible match or strike is a dumb change.

Totally agree with what Hawkian said too, especially the cosmetic item change to them adding to your light.
Well that sucked. Spent a good 2 maybe 3 hours even doing the Queen Petra story line quests and got a 220 defense class item, my current one is 268 lol.

Currently sitting at 270 light, hoping after I do this 5 weekly heroic strikes quest(yes I know only 3 will give me marks) I will end up with enough gear to get me to 280 and then attempt the nightfall.

Starting to see why they said this game was as big as the original, their certainly is alot to do. It just feels really weird as it doesn't really feel like "end game" activities, anyone else feel this way?
Not granting 2 or 3 marks anymore for completing a crucible match or strike is dumb.
During a strike should net you a legendary engram somewhere if doing the heroic playlist. Haven't done but 2 crucible matches for the daily marks but if legendary drops are like they were before then there you go. Dismantle them.


Well that sucked. Spent a good 2 maybe 3 hours even doing the Queen Petra story line quests and got a 220 defense class item, my current one is 268 lol.

Currently sitting at 270 light, hoping after I do this 5 weekly heroic strikes quest(yes I know only 3 will give me marks) I will end up with enough gear to get me to 280 and then attempt the nightfall.

Starting to see why they said this game was as big as the original, their certainly is alot to do. It just feels really weird as it doesn't really feel like "end game" activities, anyone else feel this way?

Its almost too much. I have no idea where to even begin. Finish 1 quest and 2 more appears!
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