Do you guys ever have things that you want to read but you also don't want to because then you know you'll be done with it and can't look forward to it anymore? I'm kind of that way with Solo Deluxe Edition and Multiversity right now.
I know this feeling all too well. Astro City is one of my favourite series and I have been sitting on the latest run for far too long. I just keep re-reading the old issues.
I decided to return to Love and Rockets tonight. Still early on but it's great. I love the art in this series.
Such an amazing series. I recently started it as well. Are you reading the Locas stories or the Palomar ones?
I saw those lovely hardcovers on KorruptData's shelves and ordered those to go with the paperbacks.
This isn't comic related but I just wanted to post to say that I finally finished my four year double bachelor. I had my final exam on Monday and a job interview yesterday. It feels good to know I'll have my graduation ceremony in a few months and I can now read comics and post in this thread without feeling guilty about pending assignment due dates.
Congratulations! Now just be prepared for these dreams.