11 people on my friends list playing The Division, when it's usually about 2. Must be the Jake Gyllenhaal hypekappa
I had a queue yesterday on PS4. Haven't seen that since the first week.
11 people on my friends list playing The Division, when it's usually about 2. Must be the Jake Gyllenhaal hypekappa
Seems like everyone is trying sticky build now, out of boredom perhaps?
...is the level 32 extended mag blueprint in the DZ vendor significantly better than the one from the vendor at the base of operations?
143k DZ credits is basically all of what I have so I don't want to spend it if it's not worth it long term.
THanks in advance for any opinions.
for a difference of only a few %, it's not worth it imo, gear mods should be priority
Seems like everyone is trying sticky build now, out of boredom perhaps?
when i wan't to play clear sky matchmaking, other people can't progress to area....they respwan to the start.
Need to get lucky and matchmake with a good or atleast decent groupCompleting Clear Sky with PUGs is impossible isn't it. After trying with 4 different groups, making it as far as the last battle, everyone dies to the damned mortars. Had to put the controller down because the frustration lol.
Completing Clear Sky with PUGs is impossible isn't it. After trying with 4 different groups, making it as far as the last battle, everyone dies to the damned mortars. Had to put the controller down because the frustration lol.
you get dailies back. weeklies you gotta pay again.I thought if you failed a HVT contract you can get it back? They want another 30 intel?
you get dailies back. weeklies you gotta pay again.
Damn, how am I supposed to get them done then without a set group of friends? I open up my group but noone joins, when I go into the mission area I can't matchmake and the timer starts. The moment when I leave I get a counter to return to the mission area and if I don't then I lose the mission.
Yeah, it's spotty at best when people are on and I don't blame them as this game has serious issues but hell, I still enjoy it. I'm pretty sure we've played Destiny together before, feel free to add me but I'm a weekend warrior mostly. The cost of doing one weekly is 2 hours of DZ time thoDamn, how am I supposed to get them done then without a set group of friends? I open up my group but noone joins, when I go into the mission area I can't matchmake and the timer starts. The moment when I leave I get a counter to return to the mission area and if I don't then I lose the mission.
Other day I solo'd the hardest one
Other day I solo'd
I solo'd
I am going to put this game down again still without completing either of the incursions. This one seems more straightforward, but it just seems pointless with randoms. They just stay back and never move.
What would be an ideal loadout for CS in terms of gear sets and skills?
Finally I can join in with the M44 lovers out there, wow this thing is immense. Got an awesome roll on a 204 from the Q building dude in DZ06 afew days ago and have been trying it out since instead of my 163 M1A (the rolls on that are better than any M1A I've picked up since no matter the GS) and haven't gone back to it since. Yep the fire rate is better on the M1A but I don't need the multiple shots anymore. With my pulse out I'm getting crit shots over 1.4mil, need to try it with smart cover and pulse. PVP up close and personal is a different story but I never really used the M1A up close anyway. Yesterday I got 1 shot off on a rogue to the tip of his skull while I was meeting up with my group and he was full health and around half overdose and it dropped him to his knees. I got dicked afterwards when kicking him down but was still awesome![]()
I am going to put this game down again still without completing either of the incursions. This one seems more straightforward, but it just seems pointless with randoms. They just stay back and never move.
What would be an ideal loadout for CS in terms of gear sets and skills?
geez i sux
Obviously nothing to be too proud of, but now I can at least take quite a few more hits. Health is at 94k, with mitigation of 71.28%.
Can you share weekly hvt drops? I don't think so
I've been selling a lot of lonestar sets (with good rolls) which is what the weekly hvt's dropNope, none of the weekly hvt or incursion drops can be traded, which is a massive bummer and I hope they change that.
Why Falcon Lost and Clear Sky so hard? What's the point in this?
Tried CS once more with PUGs. We managed to kill the boss and died to the remaining enemies... SIGH. At least I nabbed my loot before that happened and one of them quit, which lead to us all having to leave because of not being able to bring anyone else in.
This is what I'm currently working with:
Obviously nothing to be too proud of, but now I can at least take quite a few more hits. Health is at 94k, with mitigation of 71.28%.
If people want a hand with CS on PS4 I can help tonight around 8pm GMT (might be able to do a few around 4:30 till 5pm GMT too).
One other geared player would be handy.
I'll add ya, GS 205 currently. Is your PSN same as your username here?
I tried to solo the last daily HVT the other day and I discovered something interesting. If you make it to the boss wave, kill the boss but leave some adds alive, you can loot the boss, die and repeat the mission. Obviously you don't get the mission rewards, but you can farm boss drops. Considering they have a small chance of dropping a 240, I think it may actually be worth it.
That still works? Massive rushed a patch to stop the hvt farm last week lol
Anyway it's really pointless if it still works because nobody wants all that lone star gear!
Got millions of credits and nothing to spend them on...
Blew 1.2 mil trying to reroll higher stamina so I'm pretty short now too lol
I haven't tried the farm since the patch they're normally pretty good at fixing things that are too good for the user ;-)