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Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!

Is there a lot of prattling about "justice" in CR ? I wanted to give it a retry but saw some impressions to that effect and it just completely sapped my will.

It's not really an action show, despite having fantastic action moments. It's a very theme driven show. You might like it, you might hate it. I love it, but it's very divisive.


Is there a lot of prattling about "justice" in CR ? I wanted to give it a retry but saw some impressions to that effect and it just completely sapped my will.

There is but mostly in the context of black & white logic having increasingly less relevance in a changing world. The MC is usually the one going on about it and typically gets some harsh reality checks regarding his his simplistic stance on the matter.
Tonkatsu DJ - 12 [Finale]

Very stylish show with an odd but fun take on a DJing career that features quite the variety of fun characters to follow. Used its short format perfectly.



Kiznaiver - END
An alright ending, but not a great ending. It served its purpose, but I think it was a bit anti-climactic somehow.

That said, Kiznaiver ends being one of the best anime I've seen in a while. It was great, borderline amazing. The story was engaging, the characters likeable, consistent animation, and more importantly: a great art style.

I'd like to draw attention to these guys:

Whoever came up with the idea and concept for these guys deserves a raise. They're so fucking good, and really enhanced my enjoyment of the show. It really speaks to Trigger's talent to ground even emotional scenes in a certain degree of comedy and creativity.

I think Kiznaiver should have been 2 cour show. The end with Sonozaki felt a bit out of left field, and most of the characters were not developed as much as I wanted. Imagine if everyone got the treatment Maki did. I wouldn't call what we got rushed, per say. But I do think they could have fleshed out more of the cast better.

That aside, bravo trigger. You stuck the landing.

AOTS, and the show to beat for AOTY.
Konosuba OVA

Local man is a shit NEET.

Orange should be on that list for you as well.

Rewrite too, but it's Key, so..

Actually yeah, having not known what orange was about until I watched Arkada's video, and knowing that the director of one of my all time favourites (Steins;Gate) is on this has me very optimistic. So yeah My trifecta of new stuff is 91days, Mob Psycho and orange. The other ones have potential. And the sequels, such as Soma, I'm obviously super stoked about as well.


Re:Zero has been pretty good, finished the whole 1A+1B episode and went right into the next.

Think ill finish this.
I just want Regalia to be good. PLEASE be good Regalia.

Don't be bad like Comet Lucifer was.

Give me a really good story about the 2D super robots being awesome 2D super robots.

Make the robots a central part of the story!


My Hero Academia 13 END

This felt like more of a conclusive episode along with a small build up for the next season, the meat of it was in episode 12. It was still very tense to watch in the first half of it and I'm not disappointed with the little going on.

Well, My Hero Academia is definitely my favorite show this season out of the ones I've watched which I admit aren't many but I am so glad I picked this. Very strong and consistent in its message and theme (personal struggle and overcoming fear/difficulties) delivered through the standard shounen structure - while not very imaginative in its elements, it was also a good thing in the sense that it was not distracting from its powerful messages. I didn't care much for the world or its potential but the true beauty of the show lied in its smaller moments: a foolish attempt to rescue a friend, gloriously failing in an exam or simply throwing a ball across a field. I have very little to complain about in general. This was just perfect for me. I can see myself rewatching various scenes to reminiscing the "I am here" moments by All Might as I already am and it is also a very personal show.

Honestly, I would place this right next to Rakugo Shinjuu as one of the best shows of this year so far.
Rainbow Days Episode 24 (END)

Awesome ending, I just want more because
Hashiba will never know what he did.

Also indirect kiss!!!!

I struggle to rank best boy in this, I like all aspects of everyone, probably Hashiba, Tsuyoponnu are my favorites overall.

All the non bl ships are actually entertaining in this which is rare for these types of romances.


Endride ep.12
Well, the outcone was to be expected with a second cour coming, but I wasn't expecting what happened to get there. Emelio was a such a flip flopper in this one, but I must say, the ending events actually made me much more intrested in the next cour now.


Not counting Jojo since its not done yet so...

Flying Witch
Easily AOTS for me.
Overall a good show that bordered on great at times. I found it the inverse of a lot of anime in that its middle section far surpassed its start and end. So fun but unremarkable beginning, strong mid-section and a flat finish. A show that should never have focused on its main plot, it really should have been left as an excuse to get the characters together and to have them interact. I feel in the hands of a different writer that could have included a bit more thematic depth it could have been something special but alas it wasn’t.
Left somewhat disappointed but still alright. Lol even though it was pretty nonsensical and stupid a part of me did enjoy the fanfiction tier writing in the epilogue of “look all your ships are together, even the ones you didn’t want.”
Is impressive how thoroughly Biba killed this shows momentum. First 8 or so episodes were fairly enjoyable action fair but man the stupid stick hit this show hard and it never recovered. Im in two minds about the art direction as well, at times it was easily the best looking show of the season but other times it was drab beyond belief. Doubt last episode will really turn me around on it but it should be fun scholky action hopefully.
12 Sai
It wasn’t great all told (it was pretty awful at times honestly) but I liked it for how earnest it was in just being unabashedly steeped in shoujo tropes. Best/worst comedic sense too. Fucking hell im not watching another season of it though, no thank you sir.

And Shorts

DJ Tonkatsu-Making a weird gimmick work. Only disappointing thing was they looped the same 3 or songs over and over. Otherwise maybe the most consistently enjoyable show alongside Flying Witch.
Rainbow Days-Miffed at the ending but a fairly enjoyable show all around. If it was 20 minutes a week id probably have hated it but the short format was perfect for it.
Luluco-Lol it legit had the best finale of the season imo. Wasn’t all great, had its ups and downs but won’t deny I had a lot of fun watching it.

I didn’t watch that much tbh so I dunno I guess it was an alright season. I think my biggest take away is rewatch any of these shows again in a years time or so? No, probably not. I might read the Flying Witch or DJ Tonkatsu manga but that would be the extent of it. And of the shows I didn’t watch Concrete Reolutio would be the only one id go back to check out

And my preview for next season:
With some good SOL shows. Sweetness and Lightning already being my AOTS and anyone who’s doesn't like it confirmed to be heartless.
Whatever the hell 91 days turns out to be ill probably be on board with it. Key show will either be bullshit most likely or decent, no middle ground there. There’s some romance shows, hey one of them is bound to be good right?(Orange looks the most likely). And BONES One-Punch Man will probably be radical.
But fuck that you know. Love Live will overshadow everything…because its Love Live.


Princess Tutu

After letting it settle in for a week or so to sort how I feel about it id safely say Princess Tutu for me ranks up alongside Utena or CCS as the best mahou shoujo ive seen.

To explain what it does well I think it’s good to contrast it to Utena since to me there’re almost polar opposites in a lot of aspects. While Utena is maybe the more visually unique/creative and has a wider field of themes, Tutu is a much tighter production in terms of story pacing, characterization and plot. And to achieve this it pretty much perfects the monster/problem of the week formula that CCS also did, of every individual episode being a fantastic stand alone episode whilst also slowly adding new layers to the characters and to the larger plot.

Also Cat-sensei is best anime teacher of forever. He has one joke but it’s the best joke and he actually has a surprising amount of depth.

To say I loved it would be quite an understatement.

And Noir

A very stylish action show that could have been the total package except its main plot really drags it down.

Loved the aesthetic of the show (the backgrounds in particular are amazing), great soundtrack, interesting characters and interesting/diverse direction and action choreography and animation that makes every action scene feel unique and memorable. All these are at a consistent high level. It prevents episodes that all follow largely the same structure from feeling stale or repetitive. As with any episodic show you’ll get ups and downs episode by episode, some will be stronger than other but they’re mostly good.

The problem starts in the last 5-6 episodes were the min plot starts to happen and things turn kind of silly. This is really a show that should have been completely episodic or devote way less time to its main plot. It’s a real shame that slick production falls so hard at the last hurdle(thought the very last scene was very striking).

Good show but really frustrating and definitely some flaws in the writing department.



I finished flying witch yesterday and liked it so much that I wanted to do a (short) write-up for it.

I have a weird relationship with Slice of Life. I somewhat enjoy the genre but I can't really say what I like and what I don't. Some series with high regards, such as Non Non Biyori I don't like at all and find them really boring. But there are others that I expected no to like as much, like Hidamari Sketch, that I end up really liking it. I was in the mood this season, and decided to give a chance to flying witch. The art was really nice and maybe I would've liked it. What I didn't know is that I would've ended up loving it.

The first thing that jumps on my mind is how it portrays magic. I find that there's a sort of duality on the way magic is present in the show. On one side, magic seems really mundane. It's a world where witches exist, so it's only natural that it's seen as a common thing. The witches that appear in the show, like Akane and Inukai, are what bring this sense of mundane. They have lots of experiences with magic, so it only makes sense that if feels normal for them. They talk about it like we talk about our jobs. On another side, we have Chinatsu point of view. We have this child-like (after all Chinatsu is a child) excitement, where everything is new and magical, in all senses of the word. Her view is pure and curious, and much like the viewers, she wants to know more about this world she didn't knew existed. And then there's Makoto. She is a witch, so she is familiar with a lot of these things, but she is also new, so there's a lot of stuff she didn't know about yet. To me she represented the viewer the most (and it obviously made sense for her to be the main character), having a mix of both sides; being familiar with some of the magic world but also having the excitement to discover the new things we didn't know about.

And in a sense, she is a bridge between the two worlds, she brought the cast together. It was great seeing the interactions between everyone. Especially because, to me, everyone felt real. They didn't feel like a bunch of tropes, they really seemed like people who could exist, and they would behave exactly like that. The setting was also pretty nice. I don't care particularly about rural Japan, but this felt a little different. It was like it didn't have the rural "tropes", or whatever that mean. They took the focus out of the place and put it all on the characters. The art complemented it really well, especially the use of soft colors.

I've said if before, but this show was "comfy af". And it is. It was relaxing, and there wasn't a moment where I didn't have a smile on my face. It has various funny moments, but beyond that it's charming and downright happy. I was actually excited to see the new episodes, and I don't remember any SoL doing that to me before. I was truly a fantastic ride.


Ranking for me will probably go.

Kiznaiver 9/10
Flying Witch 9/10
Space Patrol Luluco 8.5/10
Bungou Stray Dogs 7/10
Lost Village 5/10

Unless its finale is mind blowing awesome, Kabaneri will pretty much be behind Bungou Stray Dogs.

I said it before and I say it again; Saturdays was just so awesome this season, as both Kiznaiver and Flying Witch were quite excellent in their own ways.



Damn, the music was on point in this one. I mean, it literally carried the rpiside itself and really helped set the mood/action. The actual content of the ending was pretty unique as well since neither of our major hero's played the OP role of "saving the day" but rather
all the other hereos arrived in thr nick of time.
I really enjoyed the show for what it was even with the presentation style ragging it along at times. The characters were all unique (hopefully, we see more of the rest of thd students snd hereos in S2) and the music was excellent and clearly the best aspect of the show, for me anyway.
Flying Witch 12-12

This was a very good slice of life that managed to mix the elements of the day to day life in the countryside along with the fantastical world of magic and witches. The characters felt real due to how mellow and grounded the environments and situations were. Even with magic mixed up in the middle, the show managed to keep it grounded enough that they didn't need to rely too much on it to make the show entertaining. Overall a very good comfy watch that I would recommend to anyone looking for something slower to relax.

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Episode 13 – Self-Proclaimed Knight Natsuki Subaru

Perhaps he ought to kill himself so he can try again.

Alright episode, I think only Felt and Emilia have a chance, the others all have either too much personality or too little personality to really ever have creative end game story arcs.

The knight action was the better part of the episode, I hope we get more.

Background knights look very attractive.


My rankings.

1. Kiznaiver *AOTS*
2. flying witch
3. Boku no Hero Academia

These three where excellent. There's not much to say about Kiznaiver that hasn't already been said, and I already did a write-up about flying witch. Boku No Hero was a fantastic adaptation. I have my problems with it. I'm sure a 2 cour adaptation would've been better, and would eliminate the pacing issues with all the flashbacks, but this way was good too. Gives more focus to the next two arcs for season 2.

4. Uchuu Patrol Luluco
5. Bungou Stray Dogs

These two were good. I'm not really into Trigger's style for shorts, but here it worked quite well. The last couple of episodes were fantastic. Bungou was more than I expected. The comedic parts were great and I really like the art. It's just that the "serious" parts drag it down.

6. Sakamoto Desu Ga.
7. Gyakuten Saiban

These were kinda disappointing for the same reason. The animation was really bad and the pacing was not good, especially in Gyakuten. Sakamoto at least have the comedy going for it.

8. Kuma Miko

Boy, that first episode gave me hope. But it was really bad. With every episode they made the interactions with Machi worse. Downright abuse. The ending was pathetic.

?. Mayoiga

Mayoiga is special. You see, it was not good, but boy did I enjoy it. The middle was especially insane, so it was highly entertaining. The idea for the story was actually not that bad, but the execution was awful, especially that ending. So, as it was the anime, Mayoiga is all over the place in my ranking.
If I had to rank what I watched it would like

My favourites

1-My Hero Academia- Animegaf can hate on its art style and music but I think it was an amazing and a great adaptation. Deku, All Might and the rest of the crew stole my heart. Episode 1 to 4, 7 and 12 being particularly fantastic since they brought my inner-fanboy out.

2-Tanaka-kun- This was simple joy to watch every week. Episode 2 being my personal favourite with the introduction of Miyano which is the cutest and most adorable thing ever.

3-Concrete Revolution- A great view on how things aren't just black and white and how real life would surely react to such super entities. Sadly the ending felt too fast. Good overall.

4-Assassination Classroom- Still watching the dub but it's excellent and I really enjoy the cast.

5-Kiznaiver and Luluco- It's trigger and I enjoy their stuff. Luluco was a bit better.

6- Twin star Exorcist- Its still going but I really enjoy it.


Asterisk war S2-It was an ok watch with good battle but burn that Flora please because I'm not sure my ears can take it.

Lost village- it was weird.

Bungo Stray dogs- It was good and there is not much else to say.

Why did I finished this

Big Order-this was terrible, never watch this people.


Sakamoto- I just could not continue to watch it...way to boring and the comedy did not stick with me.

Cerberus-it was so meh that I decided not to bother

Dropped but may pick up again after it's over

Re:Zero- The first few episode did not grab me. The LN artstyles is starting to annoy me.


Re: Zero 13
I'm on the team #Felt4Queen now.

Anyway, I hope Subaru will die soon and be a better guy next time, because in this episode he was completely insufferable. Far more than usual, wow. He has attained the status of irredeemable right now.
Re: Zero 13

I'm on the team #Felt4Queen now.

Anyway, I hope Subaru will die soon and be a better guy next time, because in this episode he was completely insufferable. Far more than usual, wow. He has attained the status of irredeemable right now.

Pretty much in agreement on both points, my god Sabaru you're really just a giant asshole.


My Hero Academia 13

Look, I'm probably one of the series' biggest fans on GAF, but this adaptation is disappointing overall. Since I like the source material so much, it's still good. But the 2nd season really needs to up its game significantly, especially with it covering several of the series' most important moments.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Re Zero episode 13

Looks like the suffering has returned back to this show. That Subaru and Emilia scene was really something. But damn, does Subaru have a real tendency to do stupid things.
Yeah but shouting a lot makes you cool or something
Rainbow Days Episode 24 (END)

Awesome ending, I just want more because
Hashiba will never know what he did.

Also indirect kiss!!!!

I struggle to rank best boy in this, I like all aspects of everyone, probably Hashiba, Tsuyoponnu are my favorites overall.

All the non bl ships are actually entertaining in this which is rare for these types of romances.

japanese girls would be going crazy in the west with 'INDIRECT KISSUUUUUUUUUU'

Like friends share drinks all of the fucking time.
On another note
Has someone aleady called making the OT for Mob Psycho 100 and/or 91 Days? If no one with actual image editing skills wants to take it be my guest. If no one wants to I'll do it and just find stock images online.


The good:
Twin Star Exorcist

The OK
Niijiro Days

The dropped:
Stupid Pervy bear show
Bungou Stray Dogs

Will watch/finish at some point:
Flying Witch


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Re:Zero 13
No mofu
No puck
Barely any Felix
What is even the point
Fuck it, I'll take 91 Days OT. Once it gets closer to release I'll ask for anyone with decent photoshop skills to make a banner.

Also Haly, two people warned you lol. But please do keep watching so we know if it gets unbearably edgy as we expected.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Re Zero Episode 13

Being Subaru is suffering

Emilia is worst girl

Rem is best girl

Your waifu is a shit

Your waifu is a shit

Your waifu is a shit


Fuck it, I'll take 91 Days OT. Once it gets closer to release I'll ask for anyone with decent photoshop skills to make a banner.

Also Haly, two people warned you lol. But please do keep watching so we know if it gets unbearably edgy as we expected.

Nice. *subbed*

I'm posting ReWrite and Orange's OT's on Friday, a couple days ahead of simulcast.
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