- How to maintain progress against a DEI backlash


Please just stop and find a more meaningful job. The reality is sometimes you need same sometimes you don't because that might stop growth.


Identifies as young
"Studies have constantly demonstrated that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones for instance companies with high racial diversity are 35% more likely to have the financial returns above the industry mean inclusive companies are 1.7 times more like likely to be Innovation leaders and varied perspectives breed Innovation creativity and problem solving approaches that are essential in today's rapidly evolving Market landscape"

If this "study" had found that companies with less diversity had higher returns, etc. then it would never see the light of day as it would be deemed entirely racist. What good is any study where the outcome is predetermined? But even if this study were accurate on some level, then are we saying race-based hiring is justified if a company sees financial returns?

No. DEI advocates can't have it both ways. Hiring based on race is racist. Doesn't matter if the speaker in the OP can spin it as good for profits or not.


Identifies as young
"Diversity makes products so much better and more creative and commercially successful".

Meanwhile the team outselling and outreviewing almost everyone:

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Someone GIF


Please no more DEI treads. I cant contain it any longer and are about to unleash my 10 page long honest opinion with a nice ban right after.

DEI is dead. Lgbqueef is dead..
The world has spoken. Elections have spoken and proved people reject it world wide.

So lets just watch it burn to the ground and stop spreading the lgbqueef propaganda
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Newd Member
"Studies have constantly demonstrated that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones for instance companies with high racial diversity are 35% more likely to have the financial returns above the industry mean inclusive companies are 1.7 times more like likely to be Innovation leaders and varied perspectives breed Innovation creativity and problem solving approaches that are essential in today's rapidly evolving Market landscape"

If this "study" had found that companies with less diversity had higher returns, etc. then it would never see the light of day as it would be deemed entirely racist. What good is any study where the outcome is predetermined? But even if this study were accurate on some level, then are we saying race-based hiring is justified if a company sees financial returns?

No. DEI advocates can't have it both ways. Hiring based on race is racist. Doesn't matter if the speaker in the OP can spin it as good for profits or not.

These guys are masters of manipulative tatics. It's probably a "good and necessary racism" in their eyes.
Damn, I could risk even said that they would totally advocate a war and slavery if it was for "the greater good".
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World’s Biggest Weeb
"Studies have constantly demonstrated that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones for instance companies with high racial diversity are 35% more likely to have the financial returns above the industry mean inclusive companies are 1.7 times more like likely to be Innovation leaders and varied perspectives breed Innovation creativity and problem solving approaches that are essential in today's rapidly evolving Market landscape"

If this "study" had found that companies with less diversity had higher returns, etc. then it would never see the light of day as it would be deemed entirely racist. What good is any study where the outcome is predetermined? But even if this study were accurate on some level, then are we saying race-based hiring is justified if a company sees financial returns?

No. DEI advocates can't have it both ways. Hiring based on race is racist. Doesn't matter if the speaker in the OP can spin it as good for profits or not.
There are so many ways you can lie and twist the information to make it look like “DEI = good for business”.

If you have a strictly meritocratic hiring + promotion process, and your company has a culture of professionalism and respect for everyone regardless of their race/religion/gender/sexuality, then chances are you’re going to end up with a diverse workforce that is highly effective.

Whereas if you have some top-down DEI initiative for making hiring/promotion decisions based on DEI and measuring your success by some diversity metric, good luck with that.

Also I’d LOL so hard if you drilled down deeper in these statistics and found that the strongest correlation was something like “companies that hire the most Indian immigrants have the highest profit margins” or something.


Gold Member
"Studies have constantly demonstrated that diverse teams outperform homogenous ones for instance companies with high racial diversity are 35% more likely to have the financial returns above the industry mean inclusive companies are 1.7 times more like likely to be Innovation leaders and varied perspectives breed Innovation creativity and problem solving approaches that are essential in today's rapidly evolving Market landscape"

If this "study" had found that companies with less diversity had higher returns, etc. then it would never see the light of day as it would be deemed entirely racist. What good is any study where the outcome is predetermined? But even if this study were accurate on some level, then are we saying race-based hiring is justified if a company sees financial returns?

No. DEI advocates can't have it both ways. Hiring based on race is racist. Doesn't matter if the speaker in the OP can spin it as good for profits or not.
if this were true, then hedge funds and other big traders would have figured it out years ago and went long on the racially diverse companies and clean up, because those companies would be massively underpriced in the market. That didn't happen because it's not true. These studies were put out by McKinsey to tell the executives paying them millions of dollars what they wanted to hear, post 2020. You can't just say that people of European descent need to go, that is blatantly illegal (to be sure, many of them did it anyway, but it is illegal), you need a financial justification. So that's why they cooked up these studies.

Here is a thorough refutation of those studies:

In short, the way the study was conducted basically says that companies can invest in "diversity" as a luxury, when they have the fat cash flow and strong financial performance to where they can focus on it instead of the core business. And, you know, broadly speaking, in 2020, we had ZIRP, companies riding high, tons of ESG money floating around as well as Blackrock compelling companies to do it (Larry Fink bragged about this), people locked at home stuck consuming whatever slop the companies put in front of you with that ESG money, the whole world was different, but it was ample breeding ground for the luxury situation that led to companies investing in diversity, WITH the political situation demanding it.

Just anecdotally, Ubisoft purged their leadership ranks in the early 20s when they found out French guys like to hit on women. They also started touting the amazing diversity and representation that is at the core of everything they do. Now, a few years later, they're doomed. Their stock is down 90% and they will probably be cut up and sold off for parts when AC Shadows bombs in a couple months. And you look at the games that led to this, and it is a gender swapped Han Solo game (I'll never not believe this) and a black samurai chopping off Japanese peoples' heads in Japan to rap music. So, there you go.
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Gold Member
I'm sure I've asked before but someone please show me a game or show or anything improved by DEI.

It's the same thing, but these people are so ridiculously sensitive that they couldn't agree on the order of the letters in the acronym.

Some people place more importance on the E than the D, so will say that the E deserves to be said before the D.


World’s Biggest Weeb
It's the same thing, but these people are so ridiculously sensitive that they couldn't agree on the order of the letters in the acronym.

Some people place more importance on the E than the D, so will say that the E deserves to be said before the D.
It’ll be one of those things where the in-group all start saying it that way just to signal that they’re part of the in group.

Kinda like when practically overnight people started saying “equity” instead of “equality”, or “the unhoused” instead of “homeless”


It is interesting how this "DEI" "diversity" bullshit is pushed exclusively in (ex)European nations.

Go to India, China, Japan, any asian or african country really, and preach at them about their lacking diversity.

1) They would laught you out of the room

2) You would never do that, because they are already "diverse" even then they are 100% homogenous

It is almost as if "diversity" was actually code word for "anti-white".
thanks, op. this's the same ol' 'create a problem, then become the solution' scam these university-bred grifters've been running on the rest of us since whenever. a book recommendation about 'these people':

they don't really believe in this crap any more than you do. that shit's for suckers. they're just just taking all of us for a ride, & enriching themselves in the process. pure grift...


Gold Member
Hiring based on race is racist.
It's also illegal and you are going to start seeing a lot more lawsuits coming out in the next several months/years.



Gold Member
if this were true, then hedge funds and other big traders would have figured it out years ago and went long on the racially diverse companies and clean up, because those companies would be massively underpriced in the market. That didn't happen because it's not true. These studies were put out by McKinsey to tell the executives paying them millions of dollars what they wanted to hear, post 2020. You can't just say that people of European descent need to go, that is blatantly illegal (to be sure, many of them did it anyway, but it is illegal), you need a financial justification. So that's why they cooked up these studies.

Here is a thorough refutation of those studies:


A couple quotes that stood out to me from that article:

Many diversity studies use dubious measures of financial performance, throw away data, and have inadequate controls. This study has all of these problems, as I will shortly describe. But the McKinsey study makes an even more basic error absent from the other studies: they measure diversity after they measure financial performance! In their own words, “The analysis of this report is based on 2022 data on diversity in leadership teams and 2017-2021 data on financial performance.” This makes it very likely that any relationship is due to reverse causality: it is financial performance that allows companies to invest in diversity, rather than diversity causing financial performance.

So, not only did they confuse correlation with causation, they even screwed up their correlational data.

McKinsey is a premier consulting firm, but that is very different from having expertise in scientific research. The team composition makes it more likely that the study is advocacy, rather than scientific research.

McKinsey make the same basic errors that they did in all their earlier papers, despite the numerous problems having been pointed out (and covered in non-academic outlets such as the Wall Street Journal), and also by other researchers.

That's the opposite of what a conscientious researcher does. You take into account criticisms and try to make future research better. You don't just ignore criticisms and repeat your mistakes.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I can’t believe these people use terms like global citizen and global community and don’t realise how Orwellian it sounds.

These people live inside tiny ultra woke/progressive bubbles in a handful of western countries but nevertheless believe they speak for the entire world .... That makes them using terms like "global citizens" and "global community" even more ludicrous.


you want the game console market to grow beyond 200M, but you don't want women to buy game consoles.
GTFO with that crap man

You telling me the only way to cater to women is to make butch lesbian characters?

Gaming has more than 30 years already, if they don't care, they don't care, this is like sports, some minor % of women dig sports in general, majority don't give a flying fuck, same way majority of men don't care about soap operas while a minority do, you won't see producers change their formulas making these telenovelas to cater men, because they know their audience, idk why it's so difficult to understand


Man,I can hear the pretentious fart snorting they're all doing from all the way in eastern Europe.

What a bunch of egotistical cunts!


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'm not even annoyed by this stuff anymore. The way I see it, if they want to consign themselves to the unemployment line - HAVE AT IT.

Its not like they are the only game in town. When they fail, their place will be taken by those who are actually interested in serving their audience.

The objective truth is that these people are banking on effecting large-scale social change before the patience of the investor class runs out. A scenario I personally find to be grossly unrealistic!
Not just because of the astonishing amount of hubris required to believe that games can change people's hearts and minds, but because with Disney we have actual observable evidence that no matter the strength of the brand and the size of the established fanbase, you simply cannot change the product this way without losing a huge chunk of the audience.


Please no more DEI treads. I cant contain it any longer and are about to unleash my 10 page long honest opinion with a nice ban right after.

DEI is dead. Lgbqueef is dead..
The world has spoken. Elections have spoken and proved people reject it world wide.

So lets just watch it burn to the ground and stop spreading the lgbqueef propaganda
As much as i wish it to be true, there is tons of woke libs in the western world, especially among devs, and many, like Druckmann, hermen hulst etc, are at the top positions, meaning they calling the shots, their products have to underperform by big margin for them to lose their jobs, then we gotta hope more sane ppl take the lead, and only then can we expect return of sanity and reality.
Those guys are zealots of wokeism, aka secular religion 2.0 and no arguments gonna make them change their clown views unfortunately =/


I'd bet good money that these are correlations being spuriously used to imply causation. This happens all the time in the media. Anyone who has taken a basic stats or experimental design course knows that you cannot infer causation from correlation. That doesn't stop journalists and management consultants from doing it every day, though.

There is a correlation between financially successful firms and those with diversity training etc. The consultant is implying that DEI creates the financial success. It is far more likely that being financially successful allows one to indulge in diversity training, etc. They have the causation backwards, in other words.

p.s. What would be informative is to look at companies before and after implementing DEI programs. Does it help or hinder? We have many examples where instituting DEI policies has hindered profit.
Spot on. Another thing that doesn't get talked about is that many massive corporations actually like when layers of bureaucratic nonsense is forced on businesses. For no other reason than the fact that it crushes competition from smaller companies that don't have the lawyers, accountants, and manpower to deal with it.


As much as i wish it to be true, there is tons of woke libs in the western world, especially among devs, and many, like Druckmann, hermen hulst etc, are at the top positions, meaning they calling the shots, their products have to underperform by big margin for them to lose their jobs, then we gotta hope more sane ppl take the lead, and only then can we expect return of sanity and reality.
Those guys are zealots of wokeism, aka secular religion 2.0 and no arguments gonna make them change their clown views unfortunately =/
I have high hopes.
The world is changing back to normal but it will take a very long time though our little 10 year old ones turn into gen x's you watch.
These kids judging by my daughters class mates have no filter. They will call you names and they dont give a shit about ypur feelings.
Partly cuz they are raised by gen x
I'd bet good money that these are correlations being spuriously used to imply causation. This happens all the time in the media. Anyone who has taken a basic stats or experimental design course knows that you cannot infer causation from correlation. That doesn't stop journalists and management consultants from doing it every day, though.

There is a correlation between financially successful firms and those with diversity training etc. The consultant is implying that DEI creates the financial success. It is far more likely that being financially successful allows one to indulge in diversity training, etc. They have the causation backwards, in other words.
This, basically before I was of the assumption that creative industries like gaming were the first and easiest to be infiltrated but it is more complex than that and those types there are just the foot soldiers and useful idiots as I see it now also due to my own experiences in banking and finance.
Banks are often at the forefront of propagating DEI as they basically have a constant baseline income through margins on interest charged which enables them to weather periods of recession much easier than other industries.
Banking which in essence is the control and allocation of money and credit is a much more valuable target so to speak.


Gold Member
I have high hopes.

I don't want to discourage your hopes, but I think Pete is right on this one. DEI thinking is entrenched in academia. That's where it started. It's not going anywhere. One Presidential election isn't going to dislodge it. They will continue to indoctrinate young people. DEI thinking is also ensconced in the media, government, and the arts.

To them, this is the good and the true. It's not something they are just going to give up because of one election. In some ways, they may double down.

It's good that some businesses are dialing back. But notice, that's because business has to pay attention to results. The other sectors - academia, media, and government in particular - do not. So they will continue to push DEI.

The world is changing back to normal but it will take a very long time though our little 10 year old ones turn into gen x's you watch.

I hope you're right. I agree that, if it does happen, it will take a long time, at least a generation.
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I don't want to discourage your hopes, but I think Pete is right on this one. DEI thinking is entrenched in academia. That's where it started. It's not going anywhere. One Presidential election isn't going to dislodge it. They will continue to indoctrinate young people. DEI thinking is also ensconced in the media, government, and the arts.

To them, this is the good and the true. It's not something they are just going to give up because of one election. In some ways, they may double down.

It's good that some businesses are dialing back. But notice, that's because business has to pay attention to results. The other sectors - academia, media, and government in particular - do not. So they will continue to push DEI.

I hope you're right. I agree that, if it does happen, it will take a long time, at least a generation.
There were many other elections in the world where it went right on centre.
Half of europe will follow trump.
But also look at el salvador what they achived in a year.

Like i said. I have high hopes.

But also if i want to go very deep i can say that all DEI jobs will be taken over by AI. Frankly they are hiding behind anti social jobs or hippy jobs.

Then when they relaize they need to make a living in the real world where they have to behave to fit in with all of us, thats when it will come to an end.

Again i can go very deep here with my thoughts but gaf hates me.

I would also like to add that i 100 percent support all gays, lesbians , and bisexuals.
I reject and deny anything else beyond it.
So i am just a semi biggot lol.

Can you imagine all those people who fought for decades just be recognized by the masses for their sexuality , have to be dragged down by these lunatics with 50 genders and shit? They deserve better and now are thrown into the mix.
Some if not most of the gratest artist i admire are gay. Who would not like freddy mercury, pet shop boys etc.?


hide your water-based mammals
Sometimes things require emphasis and harsh language. With that in mind

Fuck DEI
Fake organizations which claim to do things in good but turn into corrupt cesspools (looking at you BLM)
Woke, triggered, LGTBBQ+ take a hike.
Remember Resetera and their claims about all this crap only for to be the cesspool for all the crap I hate. That's what our government in the states has done.

The fact that some stupid fringe ever got this far has been the most annoying thing for normal people to observe.

These things have and can always exist but to push it further in our face and into our kids crossed that line for me.

I miss being able to take a joke and give it good. And I'm all for whatever side is pushing in that direction. I cheer for traditional things that made this country what it is. I can cheer for Tiger Woods son getting his first hole in one just like I can applaud what the incoming administration is about to endeavor upon.

It's no wonder the political sides have had a once in a lifetime polar shift. Never thought I'd be an independent who associates more with Republicans.

I'd rather be on the right side of history. Things feel a little better for once. Still a long way to go though.


DEI thinking is entrenched in academia.

But it's only a matter of time for people to stop caring about what text books and long academic discussions about society bring to the real world, a correction is about to happen, I only hope when the swing goes hard right, it doesn't go radical mad dog seclusionist and hate sets in for everyone not homogenized by the same politics/race/religion/whatever else, the left can work like that because they're the loudest minority but a large community doing that can lead to bad things
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But it's only a matter of time for people stop caring about what text books and long academic discussions about society bring to the real world, a correction is about to happen, I only hope when the swing goes hard right, it doesn't go radical mad dog seclusionist and hate sets in for everyone not homogenized by the same politics/race/religion/whatever else, the left can work like that because they're the loudest minority but a large community doing that can lead to bad things
You know its going bad but very bad when even the leftists that supported the agendas are going right as even they had enough of how far left it went .

I think we will have a nice balance for a while where semi leftists , centrics and right leaning come together to fight the woke hardcore socialists.

Anyways, back to to prepare my rib roast for tomorrow.


Gold Member

But it's only a matter of time for people to stop caring about what text books and long academic discussions about society bring to the real world, a correction is about to happen, I only hope when the swing goes hard right, it doesn't go radical mad dog seclusionist and hate sets in for everyone not homogenized by the same politics/race/religion/whatever else, the left can work like that because they're the loudest minority but a large community doing that can lead to bad things

We're not talking about "text books and long academic discussions," though. We're talking about something much more basic. Thousands of professors, teaching millions of college students, year after year, decade after decade.

Remember that the cultural Marxists knew that if you captured academia, you could turn society. If you instruct/indoctrinate people when they are young and impressionable, they can be yours for life. They deliberately targeted academia because of that, and they have been extremely successful. This is where most of the DEI nutbags in government, media, social sciences, and the arts come from, after all. They are the product of the universities.

And none of that has changed. The insidious cycle will continue.

Sorry, I'm not meaning to be a downer. I'm glad about the woke backlash. I just don't want to overestimate the changes. The wokesters will not go quietly. They may be on their back foot momentarily, but they will come back fighting. It could all flip back in 4 years, especially if the right overplays its hand - which is a distinct possibility.

Anyhow, I'm aware that I'm getting too political here, so I'll let it drop.
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