"Repeat my orders Miho." "Ok" shit was hilarious. It seems like whenever they have fun with Miria it works all too god damn well. I'm tempted to go back and watch OG Macross to see how she used to act, but all I have are my Robotech dvds and don't know if I can survive the singing of American minmei. I'm watching the M7 movie and legit lost it when this Meltrandi chick whipped out a fucking transforming guitar.The Encore episodes were amazing. Amongst my favorites of the entire series. They really had fun with them.
Baaaaasaaaaraaaaa~~~ deculture~!
Also, Chloe holding that L for decades and still probably being behind and "Captain Exedore" was also amusing. It was his first time doing it, you know.
Hold the fuck up this is one of Max's kids!!!?
Emilia was fucking awesome!! Mirage get your fucking shit in gear! How the fuck does she share genes with Miria and Emilia and be so fucking weak sauce?