Turin Turambar
Sapienza/Hokkaido > Paris/Bangkok > Colorado > Marrakesh (though the bonus ep in Marrakesh is good, and helps redeeming the scenario in my eyes).
Is it just me or have escalations disappeared from the contracts menu?
Spoilers for this Elusive:I started as the guard and both targets are RIGHT THERE. I quit after almost getting shot for bumping a guard, but I assume starting with a duck or proximity mine there could end this in a matter of seconds.
Same list for me, but move Marrakesh to the bottom. Too broad and it takes too long to get anywhere. Dat crowd tech, tho.
And yeah, my first time through on Hokkaido, I stumbled into the yoga thing. That slow creep was amazing.
Weird, my elusive targets still haven't shown up. I'm running around the entirety of Bankok like a madman right now.
Weird, my elusive targets still haven't shown up. I'm running around the entirety of Bankok like a madman right now.
I completed the ET, but this raises a question for me...
As this is ET #13, do the ETs count as targets? Which is to say because this had two targets, do they each count towards unlocking suits? Does killing both and completing the mission count as one more step, or two more steps?
Because if it's the latter, it's bugged for me. I am 12/13 of the missions, but 14/14 of the targets within them. If it's based on missions, I can accept this. If it's based on targets, I am now missing a suit. :/
I completed the ET, but this raises a question for me...
As this is ET #13, do the ETs count as targets? Which is to say because this had two targets, do they each count towards unlocking suits? Does killing both and completing the mission count as one more step, or two more steps?
Because if it's the latter, it's bugged for me. I am 12/13 of the missions, but 14/14 of the targets within them. If it's based on missions, I can accept this. If it's based on targets, I am now missing a suit. :/
They don't arrive as Diana may be implying; they're already there.
I wanted ETs more frequently, but now it's too much lol
Two more after this!![]()
Man Hokkaido is really so dope. Just did the. I do have kind of a hard time finding the starting points of some of the opportunities. For examplePortman->Surgeon->Stemcell kill thing.I've already had Dexters cigarettes, the document about his health and infiltrated the lawyers appartment with the cigarette thing, but never found how to start the whole dont smoke opportunity
I think in the newest interview they said that there will be new ETs for a while even after the release of the Complete Edition.
From the splendour and scope of Sapienza to the bustle of the markets in Marrakesh, IO has delivered the open-ended stealth and skullduggery that fans have been pining for for what seems like an entire generation. It's not been without hitches, though, and when the episodic structure was first announced it seemed IO were blundering their way through rather than going for the Silent Assassin approach, with confused messaging not helping win over those disgruntled by the fact the new Hitman would initially be spread out over a series of instalments rather than delivered as a single standalone game. Even IO itself didn't seem entirely convinced of the approach
'It was a good spot we ended up in. But it was messy getting there'
Still no word on the last bonus mission, what episodic players will be paying and when they'll get it, whether they'll get the January content etc...
If there's a second season they need to be damn clear about what content is planned, what it'll cost and projected release dates. None of this secret keeping bullshit that's still going on.
Do the two elusive targets count separately towards the suit rewards? Noticed that they have separate challenges.
Getting a new season every year would be q absolute dream for me.
I'd rather it be every couple years so they could add a bunch of new mechanics each season. I'd be afraid of it getting stale and samey otherwise.
Still no word on the last bonus mission, what episodic players will be paying and when they'll get it, whether they'll get the January content etc...
If there's a second season they need to be damn clear about what content is planned, what it'll cost and projected release dates. None of this secret keeping bullshit that's still going on.
Every couple of years is risky. If they want to link the games together as Seasons, this means that the games also should be coming out faster than before. After all, what show goes on a three year hiatus between seasons? This doesn't even bring up the concerns of console obsolescence: can we say PS4 and Xbone exist in six years as supported platforms?
Square-Enix wanted the IP to go annual after the release of Absolution, and doing a seasons model is a much better way of doing that than the original plan of IO doing one game, than S-E Montreal doing the next. Seasons helps get this stuff out faster, which IO themselves want to do: they've gone on record saying they don't want to release a product every 3-4 years and calling it a day.
I completed the ET, but this raises a question for me...
As this is ET #13, do the ETs count as targets? Which is to say because this had two targets, do they each count towards unlocking suits? Does killing both and completing the mission count as one more step, or two more steps?
Because if it's the latter, it's bugged for me. I am 12/13 of the missions, but 14/14 of the targets within them. If it's based on missions, I can accept this. If it's based on targets, I am now missing a suit. :/
They don't arrive as Diana may be implying; they're already there.
That's...strange. They should be there right at the start of the level. You sure you're at the right place,over by the tuk tuk?
Getting a new season every year would be q absolute dream for me.
I mean, the game is already developed between two developer teams to begin with. Now that they all have more familiarity with the engine and a good base to work with, plus that they probably have some rough versions of next season's levels... I think they could pump out the first episode of Season Two in November/December of next year.I don't think they would be able to a game like these every year. Not without doubling up the dev count before.
One thing that season two should have is some kind of new live content format. Escalations have turned out way less approachable than intended, mostly because of the repetition (which I like, but it's definitely not everybody's cup of tea), and you can't have elusives all the time.
Other games are starting to make use of daily randomly generated missions, and that's something that could totally work here. Generate a new "hit of the day" in a random level every 24 hours, with random weapon and disguise conditions. To make it interesting, throw in some of the simpler restrictions or fail conditions like you already have in escalations.
These wouldn't have to be easy, or even fair. It would probably be more memorable if a completely impossible one got generated and people cracked it anyway before the day was up.
Based on lead time, something that comes out a year from now WOULD be an 18-month cycle of core programming, mechanical design, and greyboxing, right? (ie. they're already working on it but not telling us) I ain't no pro, but I'd think a lot of the end would be asset work, bug fixing, and tuning.I mean, the game is already developed between two developer teams to begin with. Now that they all have more familiarity with the engine and a good base to work with, plus that they probably have some rough versions of next season's levels... I think they could pump out the first episode of Season Two in November/December of next year.
Based on lead time, something that comes out a year from now WOULD be an 18-month cycle of core programming, mechanical design, and greyboxing, right? (ie. they're already working on it but not telling us) I ain't no pro, but I'd think a lot of the end would be asset work, bug fixing, and tuning.
Honestly, I just don't want something less that six months from now, mostly because I doubt there would have been enough time to make meaningful changes. If they can do that, though, hell! I'd love it! I just doubt it.
is this ET bugged because I found the guy sitting at a table with his wife and they never move. They're in a room with about ten security guys and before I go pulling fire alarms I just want to know if maybe the scripting is broken or if that's the challenge. I tried it twice and every time they just sat there.
What locations do people want to see? The obvious choices are:
Also, for season 2, please no exclusive ps4 content. That was absolutely disgusting. As someone who enjoys Hitman I hate that I'm missing out on content made for the game. At least let me pay $49 to play the exclusive missions!
No, they move. It's just flimsy.
They also seem to have a problem I haven't seen in this Hitman, but existed in older games: if you're considered trespassing, they consider you hostile, and you are never warned when you are by the guards. You can simply be considered trespassing by walking into a room they're sitting in.
The AI doesn't warn you to stay back, so be mindful of this.
No, they move. It's just flimsy.
They also seem to have a problem I haven't seen in this Hitman, but existed in older games: if you're considered trespassing, they consider you hostile, and you are never warned when you are by the guards. You can simply be considered trespassing by walking into a room they're sitting in.
The AI doesn't warn you to stay back, so be mindful of this.
They also seem to have a problem I haven't seen in this Hitman, but existed in older games: if you're considered trespassing, they consider you hostile, and you are never warned when you are by the guards. You can simply be considered trespassing by walking into a room they're sitting in.
The AI doesn't warn you to stay back, so be mindful of this.
Should trespassing warnings be more obtrusive in this game?
So far we've relied on warning signs and barriers, standing guards, locked doors, etc. but, like you said, that makes it more confusing when you have none of those.
At the same time, I don't think anyone wants the gigantic "Trespassing" popping on-screen from the beta. They've already been very reluctant about making "Visibly Armed" more and more visually obvious, while still keeping it in the corner of the screen.
Should trespassing warnings be more obtrusive in this game?
So far we've relied on warning signs and barriers, standing guards, locked doors, etc. but, like you said, that makes it more confusing when you have none of those.
At the same time, I don't think anyone wants the gigantic "Trespassing" popping on-screen from the beta. They've already been very reluctant about making "Visibly Armed" more and more visually obvious, while still keeping it in the corner of the screen.
Are new escalations added to the game with time or are they all released when the episode releases?
I think that the dots above characters after you move into a disallowed area is good, but I think some sort of tiny red hot-cold barrier that fades in as you cross a threshold into a trespassing area would be cool too if it could avoid looking too distracting. Like a little red wall built up from the floor that fades from transparent to translucent to solid. I feel like that would be in-line with the data you get from the dots, and you could avoid stepping into trouble rather than reacting to step out of it.
They keep adding them as they go along. Expect more for Colorado and Hokkaido over the next little bit, probably.
That's nice to know, I feel like Sapienza have few of them and Paris got loads.
I think that the dots above characters after you move into a disallowed area is good, but I think some sort of tiny red hot-cold barrier that fades in as you cross a threshold into a trespassing area would be cool too if it could avoid looking too distracting. Like a little red wall built up from the floor that fades from transparent to translucent to solid. I feel like that would be in-line with the data you get from the dots, and you could avoid stepping into trouble rather than reacting to step out of it.
Actually, the dots could be a warning too - maybe dots over heads start blinking on if you step near a restricted area.
In fact this latest patch just introduced the "hollow dot" that appears when you're blending in, as a reminder of who will be suspicious if you stop blending in. There's a lot you can do with those dots.
All of that is fine, but the issue I was rambling about is what surfaced with The Ex-Dictator. Trying to get to 47's suit can have you considered hostile, and no AI warns you to stop, even if they're right in front of you.
I'm sure this may be a limitation or oversight on the developer, but most guards do warn you if you're about to walk into a place you shouldn't. The fact an ET fails fails to do this is striking.