Could you imagine producing less elaborate content (such as streams with one camera) to booster up the premium offering?I've got 45 minutes until this export is done! Ask me anything (related to Giant Bomb)
Could you imagine producing less elaborate content (such as streams with one camera) to booster up the premium offering?I've got 45 minutes until this export is done! Ask me anything (related to Giant Bomb)
Please make your next 3 QLs 3 separate run throughs of that VR Bar Fighter game. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.I can specifically speak to the East stuff. After Austin left we took a hit. Which makes sense. If we didn't, he would have been a bad hire. With three people in this office I had scheduled out a minimum of 2 live shows, 1 podcast, and hopefully around 3 QLs. I think we hit that pretty well for awhile. More was always welcome. With two heads we've tried to hit1 live show, 1 podcast, and as many QLs as we can prep and record.
That's my plan. XBO S in fall 2017 for Sunset Overdrive and 360 JRPGsWould it be dumb to buy an Xbox One just for BC? Most of their new games are bad.
they are, like in a few weeks.
I wonder if Jeff means stuff like the power bombcast when he says fans treat premium content they don't like as if it doesn't exist
because if that's a wrestling podcast on your video game site... yeah
I'm genuinely curious what an average day looks like for you/Alex
I've got 45 minutes until this export is done! Ask me anything (related to Giant Bomb)
I've got 45 minutes until this export is done! Ask me anything (related to Giant Bomb)
I think I've hit this before but I'll give you my quick and dirty:
How much do metrics on what does well and what doesn't do well affect plans?I've got 45 minutes until this export is done! Ask me anything (related to Giant Bomb)
I think I've hit this before but I'll give you my quick and dirty:
When's Alex doing the next Guns of Navarro?I've got 45 minutes until this export is done! Ask me anything (related to Giant Bomb)
Could you imagine producing less elaborate content (such as streams with one camera) to booster up the premium offering?
In SF we setup a room with this setup (webcam, mic, obs). It's where Brad used to do Daily Dota and I did a few things out of there at the time. It's definitely something we'd like to do more of, and something I'd like to find a better turnkey solution to so I can just make a kit and hand it someone.
What happened with that in SF? Did it just not get recreated with the studio move?
Thank you for your answer. I hope you guys can get to a situation that will allow for a smoother premium content production again. I know the situation was different in the past and I don't know how hard it is to regularly release stuff, but I can't say I'm satisfied with the current output of Premium content and hope that you guys can eliminate the hurdles that prevent you from just being you in front of a camera. That's why we love you. That's why we're here.Yeah, we've been slowly trying to make sure everyone is comfortable streaming on his/her own.
Doing this with the studio setup is tough, as it requires a pretty decent knowledge of how the studio records and works. It's a lot easier for someone to do it with a webcam and something like OBS. The biggest problem we've had with some of that is making sure everyone can archive consistently, without video going out of sync or the whole thing failing. If we wind up spending more time in post than on the recording it's a waste. Sometimes playing and recording on the same machine can also cause a lot of issues if the machine isn't beefy enough. And finally, not everyone has a home situation that allows for that. There are absolutely solutions, but it can be hard to make one thing work for everyone 100 percent of the time.
In SF we setup a room with this setup (webcam, mic, obs). It's where Brad used to do Daily Dota and I did a few things out of there at the time. It's definitely something we'd like to do more of, and something I'd like to find a better turnkey solution to so I can just make a kit and hand it someone.
How much do metrics on what does well and what doesn't do well affect plans?
What might surprise us metric wise (what did well, what hasn't?)
Hey! I'm curious- What has been the hardest part about your job under CBSi? Jeff mentions a lot of meetings from time to time but I'm curious if/how that impacts the East office as well.
One of the things that might be surprising is the cost to host and deliver video. Even with a preroll ad, since our stuff is pretty long we basically lose money on every piece of video we serve. We get to push back on stuffing the site with crap ads and midrolls every 5 seconds because we have awesome premium subs. We've said it before, but this site would not exist without premium users.
Vinny, play Castlevania 64
Ha, the biggest one that would surprise you (surprised me) is that recently we got poll results that said most people are extremely happy with the amount of premium content for their money. We've been trying to figure out that free/premium content mix for awhile. Free content reaches new potential subs while obviously premium content is what you pay for. That can be a tough balance.
Vinny, play Castlevania 64
Hey Vinny!
Just wanted to pop in and say how much I appreciate all the hours of entertainment you've given us over the years. I can always count on Giant bomb to give me lots of laughs every week.
I guess I have a little question as well.
How is the workflow different between the Whiskey media days and now?
Does everything require a lot more paperwork and preparation vs the old days?
Thanks again and have a good Christmas![]()
Vinny, get a VR setup for GBEast.
Vinny, play Castlevania 64
Uh... my export is done. HAVE TO GO. (seriously though, I do have to go) Thanks everyone. And honestly, thanks for supporting GB.
Vinny, get a VR setup for GBEast.
Uh... my export is done. HAVE TO GO. (seriously though, I do have to go) Thanks everyone. And honestly, thanks for supporting GB.
don't trust the polls. just look at the state of politics if you need any further proof of that.
Only use your powers for good from now on.I did not expect to summon vinny with that shitpost.
Uh... my export is done. HAVE TO GO. (seriously though, I do have to go) Thanks everyone. And honestly, thanks for supporting GB.
don't trust the polls. just look at the state of politics if you need any further proof of that.
Ha, the biggest one that would surprise you (surprised me) is that recently we got poll results that said most people are extremely happy with the amount of premium content for their money.
Jeff's views on the likelihood of a PS5 are weird and preposterous.
Uh... my export is done. HAVE TO GO. (seriously though, I do have to go) Thanks everyone. And honestly, thanks for supporting GB.