Mario Maker 3DS is a gaddamn beast.
I remember some users mentioning shortages, yeah.
Dual-pack sales = 314 984 as of Week 48 (dropped from Top 20 after that, most likely did not sell much more after that).
So that's at least 3 354 569 units sold since launch. Whether or not it reaches 4m will depends on legs in the upcoming weeks, and when the "rumoured" Switch version is announced.
It had better legs than Yo-kai Watch 2? Because if it did, then it clearly held well.Yo-kai Watch 3 Sushi Tempura was a succes! It had Amazing legs! It didn't bomb!
PS4 is in a better shape at FFXV launch than PS3 at FFXIII launch... in both hardware and software sales.
So how PS4 selling better hardware and software than PS3 affected FFXV launch? Care to explain.
| | Famitsu | Famitsu |
| | 1* | 2* |
| | to | to |
| |2017.01.08|2017.01.08|
| 1| 143.514| |
| 2| 83.572| |
| 3| 53.849| |
| 4| 30.251| |
| 5| 25.706| |
| 6| 21.793| |
| 7| 14.913| |
| 8| 12.823| |
| 9| 13.025| |
|10| 10.033| |
|11| 9.913| |
|12| 14.291| |
|13| 20.961| |
|14| 41.462| |
|15| 80.807| |
|16| 97.281| |
|17| 68.523| |
|18| 30.399| |
|19| 15.555| |
|20| 9.370| |
|21| 7.931| |
|22| 5.618| |
|23| 4.692| |
|24| 6.136| |
|25| 3.513| |
|26| 5.656| |
|27| 3.218| |
|28| 4.920| |
|29| 6.696| |
|30| 4.175| |
|31| 5.220| |
|32| 5.132| |
|33| 6.915| |
|34| 8.743| |
|35| 9.108| |
|36| 3.435| |
|37| 3.537| |
|38| 3.779| |
|39| 4.522| |
|40| 3.836| |
|41| 4.852| |
|42| 4.826| |
|43| 5.671| |
|44| 3.550| |
|45| 1.756| |
|46| | |
|47| | |
|48| | |
|49| | |
|50| | |
|51| | |
|52| | |
|53| | |
|54| | |
|55| | |
|56| | |
|57| | |
|58| | |
|59| | |
|60| | |
|61| | |
|62| | |
|63| | |
|64| | |
|65| | 160.016|
|66| | 116.798|
|67| 6.134| 151.192|
|68| 16.262| 315.382|
|69| 5.968| 113.858|
|70| 6.814| 127.085|
Some EU countries too like Germany.
Did you miss when I mentioned FFXIII? Better hold than XIII.
And lol @ thinking DQXI will sell close to 1 million on PS4. Good luck![]()
My take then is that both camps were wrong, as they usually are.![]()
I feel like people often puts 100% of the blame for FF's decline on Square-Enix.
I think Sony and its failure to grow its PS4 userbase in Japan in a timely manner killed any chances of FFXV doing FFXIII numbers. That a bigger role here more than people actually disliking what the game had to offer, from teaser/trailers to demos and the final game.
FFXV was released on a failed console, period.
sure, PS4 had a rather encouraging 2016 but it's still a failure, with all its letter.
or am I missing some other fact?
Not being shipped anymore.
i'd imagine the Switch version announcement will be saved for e3 (or around that time) so they don't cut the legs off sun/moon
lol, okay man.FFXIII did double the first week sales lol, of course later weeks were lower. There's nothing good about how XV has sold. The fact the sales are still in five digits is nothing to celebrate.
FFXV will def hit a million now physical. Still a disappointing showing. Never thought we'd see a mainline Final Fantasy limp to a million sold.
Sorry, I stand corrected I didn't know PS4 had a bigger userbase.
You don't know how happy you just made ppllol, okay man.
FFXV is a big failure in Japan. The franchise is dead there.
Happy now?
FFXIII did double the first week sales lol, of course later weeks were lower. There's nothing good about how XV has sold. The fact the sales are still in five digits is nothing to celebrate.
lol, okay man.
FFXV is a big failure in Japan. The franchise is dead there.
Happy now?
Mario Maker 3DS what the fuck
Imagine how big this game would've been if it had online sharing
PS4 also sold more software than PS3 at the same time frame
I dont know where the narrative that PS4 is doing worse than PS3 started, but it is getting annoying.
You can apply this to every game released this holiday season. Pokemon is selling better. Mario is holding better.Not to mention reason for XV having ''better'' legs is the launch date. XV has had its every week so far during holiday season. XIII was already outside of holiday season when you compare week to week sales to XV.
No, that's why I want the gooch back. Franchise is damaged, but it should still be recoverable if someone actually makes a good FF game.
Why are NSMB2 and MK7 still selling? LOL.
Its possible that they dont even care about that feature, look at these sales.
Love all the comments that try to downplay the healthy legs of FFXV. I mean these legs won't change the drop in launch and LTD but they are certainly beating expectations for people. Why do some people need the feel to point out the sales have fallen short much when we are actually talking about weekly sales.
But the Gooch developed games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and The Last Story all flopped or had average sales in Japan? They weren't critical success either.No, that's why I want the gooch back. Franchise is damaged, but it should still be recoverable if someone actually makes a good FF game.
LOL why are people acting like ff15 is some disaster? It was a good game and WW sales will be bigger then 13, it being lower in Japan is being offset elsewhere.
But the Gooch developed games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and The Last Story all flopped or had average sales in Japan? They weren't critical success either.
Major PS4 software is selling significantly less than their compatriots on PS3 so it gives that impression. Persona is the only franchise that managed to increase.
so good the story is getting patched
There is nothing healthy about a game that had to be heavily discounted just to scrape by.
What's the shipped numbers for FFXIII WW?LOL why are people acting like ff15 is some disaster? It was a good game and WW sales will be bigger then 13, it being lower in Japan is being offset elsewhere.
I like to cherry pick too sometimes. No one said the game never had flaws, but people clearly like it. Sorry that upsets you.,
This is the second time Mario and Final Fantasy fought it out. Remember NSMBWii vs. Final Fantasy XIII. That was fun; especially after Mario increased in its third week (FFXIII second week). Fun battle.Meanwhile a neutered Super Mario Maker duels with Final Fantasy XV. FF has fallen hard man. I think SE should try and get the gooch back for the next one.
I still see it's sold at 8800yen.
6.4 to 6.8m LTD for shipped.What's the shipped numbers for FFXIII WW?
6 million.What's the shipped numbers for FFXIII WW?
LOL why are people acting like ff15 is some disaster? It was a good game and WW sales will be bigger then 13, it being lower in Japan is being offset elsewhere.
What's the shipped numbers for FFXIII WW?
I'm now deeply confused. The way ppl talk I thought it was up there with the others at like 8 or 9 shipped?6.4 to 6.8m LTD for shipped.
FFXV is already at 6 million shipped+digital in 5 weeks.
Where do you see that?
The Media Create chart says it's sold at 8800yen.
Even if it did better than XB, they sold the low-end for a JRPG in Japan.I loved Lost Odyssey & Last Story. Blue Dragon was lame though. Of course LO & BD had low sales, they were X360 games. Didn't last story do better then Xenoblade Chronicles?
What are the current WW sales numbers btw?
Why do people buy PS4's, but the software attach rate is so mediocre?
Even if it did better than XB, they sold the low-end for a JRPG in Japan.
Both of these games you loved were flawed and this can be seen in their reviews. I am sorry you hated FFXV but just like you loved LO and BD despite flaws, people loved FFXV despite flaws and the franchise is having really healthy sales WW aside from Japan.
Wasn't it released at the end of Wii life? Might be higher userbase or maybe Japan just hates Xenoblade.I didn't love BD lol.
I was saying that TLS did well for the platform it was on, in the state the wii was at that point in time. It outsold what was largely regarded as the best RPG of the generation.