Oh, so you only get one? Can't do 10 in 2s and another 10 in 3s?It's under the Rated PvP tab. It's not a quest persay, just something you get after 10 wins in 2v2 or 3v3 (or 3 wins in RBG)
Upgrading my Prydaz brought me to #1.
Not that it really matters but it's still kinda cool to see those 1s.
My Monk friend is in love with Prydaz now.
Does anyone have the macro for cheesing the barrel WQ?
/script SetRaidTarget("mouseover",7)
? it just marks your mouse over, theres an addon that does it for you but cba.
Hows sub in PVP now? Every rogue I see is muti.
Also why is Broken isles cross realm, leveling alts is impossible in this specific day because for some reason there's outland alliance everywhere.
Honor level 40 talent.
Honor level 46 talent.
Do mounts (like the Fel Core from Gul'dan) drop in Personal Loot even if you're in Master Loot mode?
Sölf;228701117 said:Patch 7.2 will come to the PTR tonight.
Well, that was fast. But probably a really good idea, considering how much there is to test, especially with the complete rebalancing of all dungeons on all difficulties.
Prepare for more warlock disappointment as another PTR cycle containing no meaningful mechanic/rotation changes begins!
Prepare for more warlock disappointment as another PTR cycle containing no meaningful mechanic/rotation changes begins!
Enjoyed the 3/4 I did of Nighthold today.
Got a piece of tier as well, happy days. The cloak - then I had 2 BoE cloaks drop on trash. Could've funded a WoW token but I'M A TEAM PLAYER, THE GUILD WILL GET THE GOLD D:
And soon 7.2 news. Really, really loving Legion.
7.2? holy shit legion patches are so faaaaaasst
7.2 release in May and next raid tier release probably 8~ weeks later after a huge Suramar like quest chain.
How long/difficult is it to level inscription? The only reason I'm wanting to is because there are some staves from Mists of Pandaria I'd like to get and inscription is the only way.
In other news, the new Nightfallen mount makes the very similar store mount obsolete
Only had it for a handful of months too.
Nerf warriors
For my fellow mages, here are the variations of our mount:
Also seems there's several colors of the paladin mount for some reason.
That is so disappointing compared to virtually every other class mount. Shaman's get some bad ass elemental, rogues get a giant raven, warriors get a dragon, mages get a floating disc.
Nerf shadow.
A Fury rank 1 is lower than a overall 59% shadow parse.
That is so disappointing compared to virtually every other class mount. Shaman's get some bad ass elemental, rogues get a giant raven, warriors get a dragon, mages get a floating disc.
aren't the discs supposed to spit out their corresponding element?
Like, fires supposed to spew fire behind it
Echoes of Battle - Used to purchase powerful PvP armor.
Echoes of Domination - Used to purchase elite PvP armor.