I can start it without any patches but that will not be a fair comparison
Someone posted Evil Within comparison video
the poster said the load time also seems faster.
Can this be used on games with Pro patch that did not touch the performance at all ????
Can I ask how you know that? I can't see anything on the vid.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves lol. I love the idea as much as the next Gaffer but this is the kind of nebulous feature that we always end up getting overhyped about.
Edit, oh got an answer thanks!No. This feature simply unlocks the Pro hardware for unpatched games. Patched games already use the unlocked hardware.
No. This patch simply unlocks the hardware for unpatched games. .
Think this has removed the tearing in Yakuza 0 😎
Let's not get ahead of ourselves lol. I love the idea as much as the next Gaffer but this is the kind of nebulous feature that we always end up getting overhyped about.
Think this has removed the tearing in Yakuza 0 😎
Yeah that'll be even worse haha
If you let me hold your Beast Mode real quick I can test it.........
No. This feature simply unlocks the Pro hardware for unpatched games. Patched games already use the unlocked hardware.
Nope, they'd already be flagged as Pro enabled and be using the additional clock speed.Quoting myself from other page
" Can this be used on games with Pro patch that did not touch the performance at all ? "
Why do I feel the sudden urge to buy a bunch of games just to see how much better they run after this update?
Wow, that's more of an improvement than I was expecting. I can't believe that it ever ran as badly as that though.
Has anybody tried The Last Guardian in Beast Mode yet?
Can this be used on games with Pro patch that did not touch the performance at all ????
know what? the load time? it's just the poster of the video tweeted it.
here is the link (it's in Japanese)
That game already had a patch, even if it's just a minor one.
This feature only applies to older games that were never patched for the Pro and only ran in basic PS4 mode.
Nothin mentioned about framerate in that patch notes.
To be fair, we don't really know what it precisely does.
There's a f2p casino game called 4 Kings which runs at 15 fps at best. If Pro manages to fix that piece of crap game...someone start a list of worst performing games on ps4 lol
Someone posted Evil Within comparison video
the poster said the load time also seems faster.
Someone posted Evil Within comparison video
the poster said the load time also seems faster.
Yo, people, we need Witcher 3 Test STAT
Well fuck. Does anyone in the NYC want to trade my 2 days old ps4 slim + some cash for a pro? I'm having the worst case of buyers remorse ever.
By the description of the mode, it only applies to games released before the PS4 Pro (ie unpatched games). Patched games already use the Pro hardware.
No Bloodborne video on pro beast mode yet ???
Buhh. Noticed no real difference tbh. But only played an hour on my Pro so far after a long break. Hope it still can help somehow.
Is it unlocked framerate? Thought it's capped to 30fps? Does framerate dip?I wonder if pt will have a framerate increase!
LawlPeople loaded it up and couldn't stop playing because it's still that good
those patches would still be better than boost mode as they have access to the hardwareBoost mode may actually be better than some Pro patches. Was it TF2 or Division that only gave a 4K UI? And would BM not work in them?
Someone posted Evil Within comparison video
the poster said the load time also seems faster.
Yo, people, we need Witcher 3 Test STAT
I'm downloading the 20 GB-patches now.
There's a f2p casino game called 4 Kings which runs at 15 fps at best. If Pro manages to fix that piece of crap game...
Possibly.So does this mean non Pro patched games can utilise the extra power to be more consistent? Like will games with variable resolutions stick to 1080p more often?
For games which launched without Pro patches, but later received lacklustre Pro patches, it should be possible to run the unpatched version (by deleting all of the game install data, and then not applying any updates) in Boost mode, right?By the description of the mode, it only applies to games released before the PS4 Pro (ie unpatched games). Patched games already use the Pro hardware.
Someone posted Evil Within comparison video
the poster said the load time also seems faster.
Bloodborne won't hit 60 with thisBloodborne 30 fps to 60 fps finally! In all seriousness, this is very unexpected and really cool!
It's very noticeable!