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So It's September 11th Today....

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Junior in high school, the teachers had the shit on all day and actually expected us to work while they fucking drooled over the news.. Also, it feels like its been nine years to me, maybe even longer.


Turned on the TV after Hockey practice and saw people jumping out off windows and before i saw a overview camera angle of it i thought it was some old footage of some skyscraper fire.


Tomorrow is my birthday. I will never celebrate my birthday after what happened to 911.
I lived in NYC and saw the buildings in smokes.


I arrives at school and went to my homeroom. Everyone was clustered around portable tv sets we had on wheeled carts. Saw them collapse. I was in much younger and I don't think I understood then. I was at a poetry reading on the 9th this month in Brooklyn, and the subject was 9/11. I thought I understood it years later, but I did not fully understand, as someone from Western Canada, until I heard The Poets speak.


This will be my first 9/11 anniversary living in NYC. I assume it will be a bit more solemn around here than other places?
i was in highschool, they decided to not tell us until lunch time. Alot of people from my town worked at WTC. I remember that burger king were doing 50 cent cheese burgers. I think I got like 10 and went to the beach and watch the smoke come off Manhattan. My parents worked in mid-town so i couldn't get in contact with them for that entire day.


I was 17, it was my day off work but for some reason I got up relatively early. Had a shower then put the news on the tv just after the first plane hit.

Spent the rest of the day glued to the tv. Such a strange day.


So who actually saw the 2nd plane go in live on tv? Considering I'm from the other side of the world the news spread fairly quickly and all TVs everywhere where on some news channel.

I remember being scared shitless because my parents were on a plane at the time (again, other side of the world, but you know)
Was living in Phoenix at the time and had just arrived at work (~6AM PDT). Girl that listened to NPR every morning told me a plane hit one of the towers and figured it was some small aircraft, accident, etc. Once she told me another one hit then I knew what was going on. I remember the internet literally came to a halt that day too. I was working for DHL at the time and to say things became complicated would be an understatement. One of the areas I handled was WTC. It was amazing that each tower had it's own ZIP code. I remember getting requests about shipments that were still being addressed there from international shippers 6-7 months later. Looking at the floor # and name and wondering if that person was even alive...


I was in seventh grade. The principal of our school refused to allow anybody watch the news, and forbade the teachers from talking about it all day. A few of them did anyway.

What proceeded was a fucked up game of telephone. By the time school let out I was hearing that fighter jets had fired nuclear missiles at the towers.


My friend and I were laughing at the people jumping out of buildings. Granted, we were little, but I still feel awful about that.


I had just graduated from basic training, got home and saw the whole thing play down on tv..... Thought "fuck"
Anarchistry said:
My friend and I were laughing at the people jumping out of buildings. Granted, we were little, but I still feel awful about that.

its okay. I was in grade 4, and i remember getting up really early to watch pokemon on Cheez TV and being incredibly upset it wasn't on. Then I flicked through the channels, realised something big was going on, and started banging on my parents door. "Some planes crashed into a big building in America". September 12 in Australia...
Damn 9 years already.

Im not sure if this is the right place to post it but I just read this news article on the taliban who reckon that the US has lost in Afganistan


They act so cocky just because the troops are starting to leave and they use that to put the spin on it as if they won.

Yeah right if america just dropped a couple of nukes i would love to see their reaction then. Oh no no no we still won they missed a few of us.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
my 5 month old daughter was cryin and kickin me in the head, so i went to get a bottle..her mom let the tv on when she left earlier..then i happen to see it. if she didn't leave the tv on, i would've went back to sleep and never saw any of it happen.


jamesinclair said:
Ehm. There's been a shitload of construction dude.


Damn that looks so much like Mirror´s Edge :lol

Anyway 9 years ago on this same day I was at an afterschool hangout with my friends, I was watching TV and they were playing Half Life multi on a bunch of pc´s. I yelled at them telling that the world tower was just hit with a plane, and they didn´t believe me. I told them to come watch and we all watched it for about half an hour.. after that most of them went back half life surprise ( best mod ever? )

And I was fucking 14 at the time.. crazy shit.
I was walking back home from the school bus. It was a sunny day. I get in the house and the first thing my Dad says is 'Son, someone's blowing up America'.

Probably not the most tact way to say it, but that definitely stuck with me.


Completely forgot about this. Until I saw this thread on GAF. It's over. It might as well be as far away as the first Iraqi war at this point.

Sure we're still dealing with some of the reprecussions, but it's been so completely played out. Whoever died during 9/11 has recieved more than enough rememberance and sparked a large enough chain of events to dwarf the effect of all but the most high profile of deaths.
Was in 1st year Comp Eng, and left one of the labs to head down to the caf for something to eat. I walked past a big TV with everyone crowded around it, and saw a plane hit the first tower and though "holy shit what a terrible accident!"... then a few moments later was the video of the second plane...

Then I started panicking a bit; while I'm Canadian and live nowhere near NYC, my parents lived in Manhattan only a few blocks away from the WTC; they would in fact frequently go by/under/in the WTC around that time on their way to work. I remember spending the rest of the day very frequently trying to call them, but you just could not get through on the phone at all. It wasn't until a couple of days later I even heard anything from them at all to know they were ok.

Rarely have I ever felt that much anxiety about anything in my life; they sure had some stories to tell about the collapse, the panicked crowds, the cops, etc that they got to go through all first hand though. I think it took them a week to clear all the debris from the tower away from the building that they lived in so that tenants could actually go back inside to their homes.


Majine said:
Shame GAF wasn't around in 2001, would love to read people's initial reactions when it happened.
Well I think it existed as gaming age no?I'm pretty sure I read an archived version of the initial reactions someone had linked a year or so ago.


Kraftwerk said:
Well I think it existed as gaming age no?I'm pretty sure I read an archived version of the initial reactions someone had linked a year or so ago.
Webarchive only has saved pages for 2004 and forward, I believe.


May contain jokes =>
Kraftwerk said:
Well I think it existed as gaming age no?I'm pretty sure I read an archived version of the initial reactions someone had linked a year or so ago.

Damn, I'd love to read that.

Majine said:
Webarchive only has saved pages for 2004 and forward, I believe.

Maybe someone saved it on their own.

I was in 6th grade. Principal came in to my English class and pulled the teacher out. She came back and assigned us homework before telling us "There's been a terrorist attack on our country." As if we knew what that meant.

They took us all to the lunch room and called us out as our parents arrived. The buses were coming too but my mom got me. Picked up my sister from elementary school where they had cut the power and told the kids they were going home because of an electrical problem.

Went home, watched the news for hours. It all felt pretty scary to me, as a kid.

And I swear to God, the night before 9/11 my sister came in my room at night crying because something bad was gonna happen. May be a coincidence, but I fucking swear it happened and my mom remembers it too.

Mr. Sam

I told my brother's girlfriend that it was September 11th today. She said, "So? We don't live in America." What's weird is that she did live in America.
I was in a social studies class and suddenly the teacher got a breaking news bulletin on her laptop that a plane hit the WTC. It's incredible that we're still getting our news mainly from the internet--except we have Twitter now.
HS Senior in Los Angeles. Clock radio alarm went off at around 6am (white stripes on KROQ as usual) and nothing had happened yet. Went to take a shower, and when I got out the first plane had hit. At that point i had the feeling that nothing would ever be the same.

I remember watching it on the news in the living room with my parents, then driving to school in time to see the second one come down. We had to watch coverage on Spanish channels all day since only those channels had reception. It's crazy how vivid it is in my head when i don't usually even remember clearly what I did last week or last year.

Now I live in NY and work right next ground zero. crazy.


Live near Kennedy so I was on edge the entire day. I can still hear those loud ass fighter jets flying over Brooklyn. That day was scary as hell.


I was just what? 7 years old and at my grandad's home, my uncle shouted to put the tv on a news channel. Saw the 1st tower with a hole in it and then the second plane coming in like a freaking movie.

It scared the hell out of me even living in the Netherlands, still don't believe that the army didn't notice anything till they got hit, fake as hell thinking about it.


My friends birthday is on the 11th of September and his schizophrenic mother called him and said 'I know what you have done..'
'Oh hi Mum.. did what exactly?'
'The twin towers - I'm watching it on TV'
'Uh.. ok. Thanks for the call'


cartoon_soldier said:
Is it fair to say that on this 9th anniversary of 9/11, the US is the most divided it has been?
Hate to say it but that kind means that the terrorists have won, people have to step up and work together as one against those shitfucks.


I got grudge sucked!
You kids are young. I graduated college that May and I had finished my degree a couple of years later than the average college age kid.

In any event, nothing I can say that hasn't been already. Seeing the images still wears on the soul. I can imagine the terror and despair the people on the planes experienced, knowing they were going to die, that they'd never see their loved ones again. The people that had to choice between burning to death versus falling to their death. All the EMS and fire crews that lost their lives tried to save others, Its not an AMUUURICAH thing, its a human thing and its just depressing.


I was in the 7th grade but living in Canada and having no clue of the WTC made me pretty oblivious to the entire situation and how big of a deal it really was. Seeing the teachers leaving class and talking between each other throughout the day got me interested. As soon as I got home I turned on the television and watched CNN, maybe for the first time ever. I must have watched for a couple hours and after turning it off I decided that it wasn't my place to talk about it and just shut up the next day when the teachers (and a few students) spent the entire next day talking about it in school.


Emerson said:
Damn, I'd love to read that. Maybe someone saved it on their own.

Yeah, that would be interesting to read...

and I was only in 3rd grade at the time. I don't exactly remember hearing it at school, although I think either the same day or the next day there was a class long talk about it with my homeroom teacher.

After school I went to a daycare center until my mom got off work and there were rumors rampant... we were all 8-10 so we really had no idea what was happening.


I got grudge sucked!
cartoon_soldier said:
Is it fair to say that on this 9th anniversary of 9/11, the US is the most divided it has been?

That has to do with lack of jobs, poor economy and ridiculous partisan rhetoric, none of which were byproducts of the 9/11 attacks. The middle east and international politics are not on most Americans minds other than ending the occupations and maneuvers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Outside of that, people here just want the middle east to go away and not bother them. Not likely to happen.
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