Do you have what others would consider a ridiculous fear or phobia? Because mine is vomiting and stomach bugs

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I wouldn’t like to drown or burn to death.

‘Experts’ seem to claim that your body would shut down but I think the exact opposite that you would feel immense pain for a few seconds until your body shut down. Just consider how it feels if you catch your skin on a hot tray from the oven for example and imagine that pain intensified until you pass out. Fuck that.

Sorry if that’s taken a turn for the worst.


A bit off topic but a couple of months ago, I threw up for the first time in my life, thanks to a terrible mix of beer, weed, and vodka. At first, I had no idea what was happening.

I genuinely thought I was dying. But then, suddenly, it all made sense… and I got that sweet, instant relief afterward

So goooood
This sounds like me when I first jerked off


I read somewhere that most people's fear of hights comes from intrusive thoughts that tell you you could just step over the edge without issue and die... so you're basically afraid of your own ability to jump off
Well, yeah — doesn’t everybody feel this way??


That's not a phobia tho

Again, is this a phobia? I get what your saying tho don't get me wrong

I literally led with saying that it's not really a phobia.

And I have a phobia of people explaining to me what a phobia is. 🫣

Hey guy's sorry for being such an asshole yesterday. No excuses.

Open water
Most insects

Are the main ones I guess.

Flying somewhat ..


For real, to most people throwing up is just part of life. It’s our bodies way of expelling shit that shouldn’t be in there.

But me? It’s much worse than that, to me it’s the worst possible thing that could happen. I FEAR it. From December to April (prime norovirus / stomach bug ) season I am on HIGH ALERT, I wont like go out and get a hotel so my family fends for themselves but I’m definitely isolating myself from everyone.

I’m talking full blown panic attacks, full on body shakes, nausea and a billion false alarms.

At the same time I also know it (Emetophobia) is utterly ridiculous and I shouldn’t be afraid of it.

About 10 years ago, I threw up for the first time in 23 years. It was the fear of the unknown. Not recognizing the sensations so fearing every little fucking thing with my stomach. But when it does happen? The fear is resolved for a week, cured for a week because I realize it’s no big deal and then BOOM, right back to the same old shit.

So yeah….anyone got some weird shit they fear that everyone else would just shrug their shoulders at.
Yeh, I totally get the throwing up fear. I absolutely hate throwing up; the feeling, the taste.....I haven't thrown up since I was a teenager (I'm in my 40s) and I do everything I can to not throw up.

Kind of goes with my anxiety, travelling causes me to have panic attacks; first thing to go is my stomach. I either feel like I need to shit or throw up. Either or both. Not a nice feeling when you're sat in a car. Consequently don't typically travel more than 20min from home. Been like that since my early 20s.


No ridiculous fear. Just the regular fear of spiders. Gives me the heeby jeebies. Thankfully I'm not too scared to the point where I can't kill them and flush them down the toilet. The only problem I have is thinking about them coming out the toilet and biting me in the ...
For real, to most people throwing up is just part of life. It’s our bodies way of expelling shit that shouldn’t be in there.

But me? It’s much worse than that, to me it’s the worst possible thing that could happen. I FEAR it. From December to April (prime norovirus / stomach bug ) season I am on HIGH ALERT, I wont like go out and get a hotel so my family fends for themselves but I’m definitely isolating myself from everyone.

I’m talking full blown panic attacks, full on body shakes, nausea and a billion false alarms.

At the same time I also know it (Emetophobia) is utterly ridiculous and I shouldn’t be afraid of it.

About 10 years ago, I threw up for the first time in 23 years. It was the fear of the unknown. Not recognizing the sensations so fearing every little fucking thing with my stomach. But when it does happen? The fear is resolved for a week, cured for a week because I realize it’s no big deal and then BOOM, right back to the same old shit.

So yeah….anyone got some weird shit they fear that everyone else would just shrug their shoulders at.

I know exactly how you feel.

I have OCD. During COVID, I had a horrible episode that lasted a few months where I thought I was going to die from something originating in my stomach. My mind was racing, thinking I had various life-threatening diseases. Due to my constant worrying, I went to the ER ~10 times; but every time I went, they let me go, saying there was nothing wrong with me. Those few months were some of the scariest moments I've experienced in my life, and it was all in my head...
- I couldn't sleep properly (longest I went without sleep during this time was 3 days!),
- I had clammy feet
- I was sweating profusely, due to constant worrying. My skin started to peel off which, from what I remember, was a sign my immune system was compromised from all the worrying.
- My stomach was giving me so many mixed signals, a woman would blush.

Thankfully I live in Canada, so I wasn't hit with any financial burden due to this shenanigans. I feel guilty, but I am forever grateful for our healthcare system.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Living too long. In all my deployments to combat, my childhood standing up for my mom since I was 5 getting battered by a Marine with PTSD from Nam, homeless on and off till I was an adult, I carry a lot of demons with my PTSD from two different wars over 16 years and the weight that come with it. I cannot wait for the day I get to rest when good ole death comes for me and I get to shake his hand.

I’d like to die with my boots on, but my youngest shit head of son wants to keep me alive forever. I’m pretty sure he knows about my fear and the little bastard is doing it for payback for deploying so much. If my wife goes before me I am going to have to go into witness protection just to die. Would be interesting though.

Until then, hell I guess I still live with my middle fingers up and smile as much as I can with those I love.

I will say that I crave and dream about one last full frontal assault, one last stand.
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Gold Member
I've a very peculiar phobia. Piercings, "especially the face" and jewellery in general make me feel physically nauseous. A few of my friends have shit in their face and I can’t look them straight in the face lol.

King Of The Hill GIF


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I am terrified of dying. I sometimes remember it’s inevitable - all I know and love will mean nothing and there’s nothing I can do.
How will it feel to die when your body shuts down?

Then I think about my age and start to panic and apply timescales “if I’m 50% through my life…”
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Gold Member
I was afraid of running out of gas as a kid. I’d stare at the fuel gauge over my dad’s shoulder. If it approached a quarter tank I’d start freaking out asking my dad to go fill up. The reason was I was afraid some hitchhiker was going to assault us on the road. My dad was a manager for Union Pacific back then, so I remember cops coming to the house if an inmate escaped, a horse got ran over by a train, or someone dying on the tracks. I had this fear that I’d look outside my window some night and see a guy walking by in an orange jump suit.
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