You mean visually attractive like E.X.Troopers or RE Revelations?Making a 3DS game look attractive on PS4 was much harder than making a Switch game look attractive on PS4 will be. Resident Evil did indeed bomb on 3DS(and underperformed on every other Nintendo system).
Sony provides support for multiplatform games in ways that Nintendo does not, Resident Evil 7 VR bring PS VR timed exclusive is actually a major example of that.
Mercenaries 3D and Revelations bombed? Can you cite a source for that please because this is the first I'm hearing of it?
Multiplatform support like what? Increasing RAM at 3rd party request? Expanding control options at 3rd party request? Prioritising multiplatform engine and tool support like Unreal, Unity, Orochi, Vulkan, etc? Or how how about regional publishing, distribution, advertising, royalty incentives, bundling, IP sharing and even production of 3rd party games? What exactly does Nintendo so desperately need to do in this field?