this looks like a Marvel Studios scene where Hydra agents get revealed in public
what a fucking joke
just looked that guy up
this is his twitter picture:

this looks like a Marvel Studios scene where Hydra agents get revealed in public
what a fucking joke
Your giving those people way too much credit. They knowingly voted those people into office and over 63 million people voted for Donald Trump who literally campaigned on screwing them over yet they still voted for him.
Getting a bit tiring to deal with the "they're all demons" response.
A faction of the precariat class in America -- the one typically uneducated -- fell for cat calls on jobs restoration campaigns and to a world that was instead of dealing with a world that is. The power of a jobs cult beats reason, and for people in America losing everything, they're already not of sound mind to be clear and critical when they're thinking in terms of survival value.
Guy Standing talks about this issue of the precariat. Simply put, the economic system of the 20th century has entirely broken down and this has created chaos in neoliberal societies. The only ones with a self-narrative are the political right, and this should legit scare the shit out of you, because their narrative is a cesspit of lies.
Yes, people supporting neonationalism tend to be racists, bigots, and vile fuckin' people. But let us understand that this society is failing the majority of people en masse, and the least educated among us are in fact the most vulnerable for the fucking crows looking to gouge their eyes. You don't even need sympathy or compassion for these people: understand the depths of the problem and you can see how people fall into this stream. The issue is trends more than anything, because Donald Trump was literally 30 years in the making for America.
Be more mindful of the trends and breakdowns, because until those get fixed, people will continue to line up for execution disguised as restoration.
Left wing populism hasn't worked since FDR because that was the last time everybody but whites were second class citizens. You'll never get past the problem of convincing people you aren't taking their tax money and giving it to illegal immigrants.
You should be more pissed at the people that voted for this.I'm losing my health insurance if this passes.
I live in a red state.
Fuck you.
Maybe start caring about the people these policies are supposed to effect instead of treating this like a game.
(I mean, I voted for Hillary and have volunteered for dems, but even if I didn't this would be beyond reprehensible).
I don't know why this ire is directed at me; I don't care. I give zero fucks about the people who voted for this. I'm sorry you're losing your health insurance if this passes, but I unapologetically take considerable consolation from the fact that many of the people responsible for your predicament will also be losing theirs.I'm losing my health insurance if this passes.
I live in a red state.
Fuck you.
Maybe start caring about the people these policies are supposed to effect instead of treating this like a game.
(I mean, I voted for Hillary and have volunteered for dems, but even if I didn't this would be beyond reprehensible).
I'm losing my health insurance if this passes.
I live in a red state.
Fuck you.
Maybe start caring about the people these policies are supposed to effect instead of treating this like a game.
(I mean, I voted for Hillary and have volunteered for dems, but even if I didn't this would be beyond reprehensible).
Yeah. Basically the only way this changes if people feel the pain they brought onto themselves and vote differently next time.I don't know why this ire is directed at me; I don't care. I give zero fucks about the people who voted for this. I'm sorry you're losing your health insurance if this passes, but I unapologetically take considerable consolation from the fact that many of the people responsible for your predicament will also be losing theirs.
I'm losing my health insurance if this passes.
I live in a red state.
Fuck you.
Maybe start caring about the people these policies are supposed to effect instead of treating this like a game.
(I mean, I voted for Hillary and have volunteered for dems, but even if I didn't this would be beyond reprehensible).
This is all mind boggling to me, living with universal healthcare for my whole life.
From the point of view of the Freedom Caucus. This bill still has the government set up individual markets and regulate the healthcare industry.
Getting a bit tiring to deal with the "they're all demons" response.
A faction of the precariat class in America -- the one typically uneducated -- fell for cat calls on jobs restoration campaigns and to a world that was instead of dealing with a world that is. The power of a jobs cult beats reason, and for people in America losing everything, they're already not of sound mind to be clear and critical when they're thinking in terms of survival value.
Guy Standing talks about this issue of the precariat. Simply put, the economic system of the 20th century has entirely broken down and this has created chaos in neoliberal societies. The only ones with a self-narrative are the political right, and this should legit scare the shit out of you, because their narrative is a cesspit of lies.
Yes, people supporting neonationalism tend to be racists, bigots, and vile fuckin' people. But let us understand that this society is failing the majority of people en masse, and the least educated among us are in fact the most vulnerable for the fucking crows looking to gouge their eyes. You don't even need sympathy or compassion for these people: understand the depths of the problem and you can see how people fall into this stream. The issue is trends more than anything, because Donald Trump was literally 30 years in the making for America.
Be more mindful of the trends and breakdowns, because until those get fixed, people will continue to line up for execution disguised as restoration.
This isn't going to pass in the senate right? They barely passed it in the house where they have a huge advantage. Many republican are not happy with it so if 3 out of the 52 voted against it this bill is done.
Pretty fun to see Trump turn around and praise Australia's Medicare universal healthcare system right after passing this plan. Feeling like you're going crazy because things can't really be this bizarre is fun, right?
Getting a bit tiring to deal with the "they're all demons" response.
A faction of the precariat class in America -- the one typically uneducated -- fell for cat calls on jobs restoration campaigns and to a world that was instead of dealing with a world that is. The power of a jobs cult beats reason, and for people in America losing everything, they're already not of sound mind to be clear and critical when they're thinking in terms of survival value.
Guy Standing talks about this issue of the precariat. Simply put, the economic system of the 20th century has entirely broken down and this has created chaos in neoliberal societies. The only ones with a self-narrative are the political right, and this should legit scare the shit out of you, because their narrative is a cesspit of lies.
Yes, people supporting neonationalism tend to be racists, bigots, and vile fuckin' people. But let us understand that this society is failing the majority of people en masse, and the least educated among us are in fact the most vulnerable for the fucking crows looking to gouge their eyes. You don't even need sympathy or compassion for these people: understand the depths of the problem and you can see how people fall into this stream. The issue is trends more than anything, because Donald Trump was literally 30 years in the making for America.
Be more mindful of the trends and breakdowns, because until those get fixed, people will continue to line up for execution disguised as restoration.
Not in its current form. They'll pull it more towards the center but they're going to lose the Freedom caucus when it goes back to the House. And Democrats aren't going to offer up any votes.
But Trump is desperate to win so I won't underestimate his ability to defy political gravity. But reconciling the more centrist pull of the Senate with the Freedom Caucus doesn't seem possible. Not without help from Dems and even some Republicans are like "This whole thing is crap".
Would you mind quoting where I said they are all demons oh wait let me help you can't because those were not my words. I wish people like yourself would stop trying to be so sanctimonious especially when your mischaracterizing what I actually said.
His characterization of this new "precarious proletariat" (prec-ariat) is spot on:
He says there are 3 sub-groups materializing within it: the atavists (i.e., the uneducated working class who have a penchant for becoming bigoted right-wing numbskulls who yearn for a return to the real or imagined glory of their ancestry), the disenfranchised (i.e., ethnic minorities, LGBTQ, etc. who've never had a place at the table to begin with and who need to hang on to anything they've managed to get access to for survival's sake), and the new progressives (i.e., people from the middle class who've accomplished all the traditional and far-reaching milestones they've been advised by their parent's generation to engage in to get ahead, only to realize that their is no future for them that is even at par with their parent's middle class lifestyle...only the endless debt which was required to get the credentialization to reach that point and the endless grinding of underemployment to attempt to stay above water to pay it all back).
I think the atavists are a lost cause at this point. They are the new breed right-wing nativist Republicans. I definitely agree that they've been screwed in terms of viable economic opportunities, but they could have joined the other 2/3's of the precariat in trying to forge a new future instead of trying to vindictively undermine them.
It is the duty of the remaining 2/3's of the precariat to right this ship. The disenfranchised and the new progressives need to band together and stop bickering to stop the bigger threat: this new right headed by the 2 headed dragon of the young atavists and the old incumbents of power of the previous (3rd) industrial revolution.
A hard revolution is not viable without lots of death and destruction being the end result, and no one wants that. The current system of Rentier Capitalism (what Milton Friedman's Neoliberalism of the 80's and 90's eventually devolved into current day, where obtaining and sitting on intellectual property and equity is more important to controlling power and wealth than actually innovating/inventing the future) is also unsustainable. So, it's going to have to be an evolution away from the current system into a new one.
We all need to define what that new system will look like. Guy Standing suggest basic income as a way to level the playing field. Adding to that, I think a system that also mandates that all employees are afforded equity and where total executive compensation would be pegged to a max ratio with the median total compensation of all employees and contractors combined would be even better.
Seriously, it's their fucking job. It's one what we literally pay them for--$174,000 per year, in fact, to do exactly that. And not only is it what we pay them for, but with a bill like this in particular, that will affect millions of lives across the country. With that being the case, I would certainly hope they've dotted every I and crossed every T.
And it's interesting to me that Zaraki here is getting all bent out of shape over "optics" of Democrats doing some stupid chant, but suddenly the "optics" of admitting to not reading a bill that will affect millions of lives don't matter at and bends over backwards to try and excuse that and treat that as normal somehow. Even if it were to be normal, we're all upset at he Democrats because "optics" apparently so why do the "optics" of admitting to not reading the bill not matter at all? Do optics matter or not? Apparently stuff like childish singing will be the downfall of the D's because optics but optics suddenly don't matter anymore when it comes to not admitting if you've even read the thing? Yeah, no.
I totally get being upset. There's definitely a lot to be upset over here! That's normal! But if you're upset, channel that anger into something productive and be the change you want to see. Just getting angry doesn't by itself change anything and gets in the way if thinking clearly. So while I perfectly understand being upset, try and calm down and come back with a clear head because what your saying isn't making much sense at all right now.
I'm losing my health insurance if this passes.
I live in a red state.
Fuck you.
Maybe start caring about the people these policies are supposed to effect instead of treating this like a game.
(I mean, I voted for Hillary and have volunteered for dems, but even if I didn't this would be beyond reprehensible).
if ACA wasn't referred to as, Obama Care the name they themselves gave it they would have given up this crusade long ago.
In the past I've rejected the notions of good and evil. But the GOP are seriously making me reconsider that position.
In the past I've rejected the notions of good and evil. But the GOP are seriously making me reconsider that position.
Let it go.
The evidence is in your face. Evil exists. The GOP, ISIS, I don't know how you can deny it.
A significant portion of Americans are evil and many will be screwed by this bill enacted by people they supported because of their hatred of minorities.
How is this even close to obamacare lite? The two bills are nothing similar. Trumpcare is heinous. A lot of people stand to lose coverage or get denied because of their bs which include people with pre existing conditions such as rape, postpartum depression, cesarean sections, and domestic violence. Also companies can also deny coverage for gynecological services and mammograms. Also on top of that this Trumpcare, will strip Medicaid funding for special needs and disabled students.
Why can't hospitals and doctors take care of people without any insurance and then the federal government pays the bill? But if you want the best service, no waiting times for an appointment and things like dentures covered you will still need an insurance.
"Very few"? What is or isn't evil is more a philosophical concept than I like to bother with, but if we want to strip it down to simply a propensity for intense malevolence and hostility towards other living beings than there are many, many individuals on this planet who'd easily qualify. Is there a polite and non presumptuous way to call an opinion naive? I don't think you have swam in the deeps of far right echo chambers if you think "good intentions" even vaguely describes the extreme opposition to ACA by many.IMO there are very few people who I would call truly evil in the world.
People acting in the name of ideology or religion can believe that they are doing the good and right thing while in reality their actions do harm and can be considered evil.
Road to hell is paved with good intentions.
These people have no ideology, they just use it as a tool for their goal, a country of slaves under the boot of the 1%.IMO there are very few people who I would call truly evil in the world.
People acting in the name of ideology or religion can believe that they are doing the good and right thing while in reality their actions do harm and can be considered evil.
Road to hell is paved with good intentions.
They already have medicare, they don't care about what happens to anyone else. They stuck it to Democrats and that's all that matters to them. They are old.Just what do Republican voters think? I have a hard time believing that outside of the hardcore Trump base that the rest have absolutely no problem with this.
Canada had only 5% of jobs made last year to be full-time.
Wow, this is amazing. Of course Aussie's have better healthcare than we do.
you're a radical leftest equivalent to the very worst of terrorists. how dare you suggest such a thing? scum. merica.
Let it go.
The evidence is in your face. Evil exists. The GOP, ISIS, I don't know how you can deny it.
Lol at grouping GOP and ISIS together. The thing is, even if the AHCA might "kill" thousands of people, GOP politicians still aren't "evil". People who prefer smaller goverment and less social welfare aren't evil. Wealthier people who advocate for policies that might relatively hurt poorer people more aren't evil. It's unfortunate that they have the beliefs that they have, but they have every right to have their own opinions of things and you know what? Around half of the Americans support most of their policies.
Embrace it; The GOP are evil. When in doubt, try to name a ***single*** Republican policy that benefits society in general, instead of only benefiting the rich, allowing discrimination, or ruining the lives of non-white people (whether by deporting them or killing them).
Fuck all Republicans and anyone who voted for them.
Getting a bit tiring to deal with the "they're all demons" response.
A faction of the precariat class in America -- the one typically uneducated -- fell for cat calls on jobs restoration campaigns and to a world that was instead of dealing with a world that is. The power of a jobs cult beats reason, and for people in America losing everything, they're already not of sound mind to be clear and critical when they're thinking in terms of survival value.
Guy Standing talks about this issue of the precariat. Simply put, the economic system of the 20th century has entirely broken down and this has created chaos in neoliberal societies. The only ones with a self-narrative are the political right, and this should legit scare the shit out of you, because their narrative is a cesspit of lies.
Yes, people supporting neonationalism tend to be racists, bigots, and vile fuckin' people. But let us understand that this society is failing the majority of people en masse, and the least educated among us are in fact the most vulnerable for the fucking crows looking to gouge their eyes. You don't even need sympathy or compassion for these people: understand the depths of the problem and you can see how people fall into this stream. The issue is trends more than anything, because Donald Trump was literally 30 years in the making for America.
Be more mindful of the trends and breakdowns, because until those get fixed, people will continue to line up for execution disguised as restoration.
Lol at grouping GOP and ISIS together. The thing is, even if the AHCA might "kill" thousands of people, GOP politicians still aren't "evil". People who prefer smaller goverment and less social welfare aren't evil. Wealthier people who advocate for policies that might relatively hurt poorer people more aren't evil. It's unfortunate that they have the beliefs that they have, but they have every right to have their own opinions of things and you know what? Around half of the Americans support most of their policies.
"Everybody is on their own, no goverment handouts" policies what GOP tends to have are pretty reasonable policies in my opinion. I certainly don't approve them and I realize that I'm very fortunate to live in a country that has great social security, but I also understand that not everyone agrees with what is the responsibility of the goverment.
One of the things I don't understand visiting a site like CNN is that there are several pieces acknowledging that this is a triumphant moment for Trump. I don't get. Not passing an Obamacare repeal was a humiliating failure because republicans have campaigned on doing just that for years. Passing something through the House is hardly some Herculean feat. They shouldn't have had this much trouble to begin with. You don't need to look at this through some binary lens where if you acknowledge that not passing something is a colossal fuck up, then you must acknowledge that passing anything is a soaring achievement. "Governing body passes minimum bar for competency" should not be grounds for praise.
Ratings. A triumphant moment is drama and spectacle.One of the things I don't understand visiting a site like CNN is that there are several pieces acknowledging that this is a triumphant moment for Trump. I don't get.
One of the things I don't understand visiting a site like CNN is that there are several pieces acknowledging that this is a triumphant moment for Trump. I don't get. Not passing an Obamacare repeal was a humiliating failure because republicans have campaigned on doing just that for years. Passing something through the House is hardly some Herculean feat. They shouldn't have had this much trouble to begin with. You don't need to look at this through some binary lens where if you acknowledge that not passing something is a colossal fuck up, then you must acknowledge that passing anything is a soaring achievement. "Governing body passes minimum bar for competency" should not be grounds for praise.
Left wing populism hasn't worked since FDR because that was the last time everybody but whites were second class citizens. You'll never get past the problem of convincing people you aren't taking their tax money and giving it to illegal immigrants.