Yankai's Peak is a slick and deceptively challenging puzzler from Kenny Sun, who you might be familiar from his previous games Yankai's Triangle and Circa Infinity. Your goal is simple: maneuver around claustrophobic tight grids, pushing other triangles onto their correctly colored tiles. It's a more minimalist Sokoban, with a greater focus on movement as a core mechanic; while you can simply flip side over side, you can also anchor a vertice down and rotate around it, giving you other means to push triangles around. Learning the subtle ruleset among increasingly complex stages makes for some challenging puzzles even in the first section.
The simple moveset that hides surprising variety, the Sokoban-inspired mechanics, and the tight stages that revolve heavily on positioning and movement have reminiscent of the kind of brainteasers found in Snakebird and Stephen's Sausage Roll.
Currently $1.99 in launch sale
YANKAI'S PEAK. is a love letter to PYRAMIDS. A colorful PYRAMID-pushing puzzle game about the beauty and joy of being a sentient PYRAMID.
- Pretty cool gameplay.
- Over 130 handcrafted levels.
- 7 PARTs each exploring a unique multifaceted mechanic.
- Meditative sound design.
- No IAP.
- Taptic feedback (iPhone 7+).
- A sick intro.
The simple moveset that hides surprising variety, the Sokoban-inspired mechanics, and the tight stages that revolve heavily on positioning and movement have reminiscent of the kind of brainteasers found in Snakebird and Stephen's Sausage Roll.
Currently $1.99 in launch sale
YANKAI'S PEAK. is a love letter to PYRAMIDS. A colorful PYRAMID-pushing puzzle game about the beauty and joy of being a sentient PYRAMID.
- Pretty cool gameplay.
- Over 130 handcrafted levels.
- 7 PARTs each exploring a unique multifaceted mechanic.
- Meditative sound design.
- No IAP.
- Taptic feedback (iPhone 7+).
- A sick intro.