”The Devil can cite scripture for his purpose."
Lately I have noticed a lot of discussion regarding ISIS-related terrorism so I thought I would go through some of what I have read on the topic (relatively little) and share informative excerpts that I saved.
Defeating ISIS by Malcolm Nance
- William Shakespeare
Lately I have noticed a lot of discussion regarding ISIS-related terrorism so I thought I would go through some of what I have read on the topic (relatively little) and share informative excerpts that I saved.
- I am not claiming to be an expert (at all).
- These opinions may or may not be the best opinions but they are credible opinions based on expertise, research, and experience.
- All information is copy+pasted from sources but I may have slightly edited for character count purposes.
Defeating ISIS by Malcolm Nance

Opinions on terrorism typically fall into one of three camps:
The first group believes that the terrorists are motivated by a radical form of Islam. To them the religion itself is the problem. They derisively refer to it as ”Radical Islam" or ”Islamic Extremism."
At the extreme, Islamophobes in the West hold the view that because al-Qaeda and ISIS are Muslim, they are the vanguard of the Muslim world's attack on the West. These ideologues believe that it is only a matter of time until all Muslims will join.
Hysterical rhetoric such as this is precisely what ISIS wants.The second group believes that though the terrorists say they are Muslims, attributing their acts to the religion of Islam is incorrect. They assert that the terrorists' behaviors, ideology, and actions fall far outside of the norms of Islam and that makes them un-Islamic.
This opinion is echoed by many Muslim and world leaders who fear that labeling the terrorists as Islamic extremists or calling them Muslim radicals works in their interest.Could all three groups be considered correct? Yes, the arguments have merit. But a fourth argument incorporates the concerns of all the groups:The third group embraced by military officials at the US Department of Defense and NATO labels the terrorists as criminals whose religious or political ideology is irrelevant. They simply want to put bombs and missiles on terrorist targets as effectively and accurately as possible.
The global jihad movement is the most wealthy, influential, and virulent cult in the history of mankind.
As an intelligence professional, I do not use this word to insult a group of seemingly brainwashed people. No, I assert that these groups meet the textbook psychological definition of cults.Many scholars call the Jihadists Islamic extremists, but Christian death sects are not referred to by their religion but instead by the description of their behavior—cults. Why not apply this to religions equally? Why specifically limit the description to groups outside of Islam? Death cultists of all religions are groomed and expected to kill perceived enemies and kill themselves, preferably both at the same time.Taken at their word, and given their actions, the global jihadi terror groups meet virtually every qualifying item on the mass–mind control checklist.
To the cult of Jihad there is practically no single more important guiding principle than one particular phrase from the Qur'an:
So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory—We will bestow upon him a great reward. This sentence guides virtually the entirety of jihadist ideology.Yet the rest of the Qur'an delineates numerous restrictions on jihad, war, apostasy, hypocrisy, and murder. The Prophet Mohammed himself repeatedly cautions and tempers all rash acts with compromise and respect of others specifically and through scholarly interpretations.The terrorist's adoption of the story of the Prophet Mohammed's hijrah, or ”emigration" from Mecca to Medina to found Islam, has been coopted by the terrorists to mean leaving the modern world and one's family behind. Using the word hijrah in this way gives the prospective recruit a religious justification to run completely away from their past and join the cult.In al-Qaeda's time, it took direct contact with a member of the group and convincing to become ‘infected', but now the virus of the cult of jihad is spread virtually, through social media. Anyone who wants the disease only needs to accept that they believe in it and then act on those beliefs.
Bin Laden based his doctrine on the works of terrorists and radicals whose beliefs were read only in the most outer fringes. He bound these ideas and concepts into a cult variant of Islam that would stress living like the companions of the Prophet (Salaf), exercising ability to determine who is and is not a Muslim (Takfir), perpetual Holy War (Jihad) and mandatory suicide martyrdom (Shaheed).From these he would create two new objectives for Muslims to aspire:
- Establish a New Islamic Caliphate from Spain to the Philippines
- Eliminate all tolerance and compromise of the last 1400 years from Islam
Then the path to a clash of civilizations against the West would bring about the blessed End of Times with the defeat of the Anti-Christ by the Prophet Isa (Jesus, son of Mary). These beliefs are scripture in Islam but form the main foundation for the Cult of Jihad.
ISIS believes that it is carrying out a chain of events as prophesized by the Prophet Mohammed.The only way to have the acts of God validated and the wishes of God to come true is the purity of death.They believe that only the most extremely devout Muslim, one that eschews all comfort, rejects all changes, rejects Bidah (the call for tolerance and respect, and accepts science and art). These all must be cleansed to please God.In the interpretation of ISIS, their ideology commits them to work solely in the belief that all God wishes is prayer and devotion to God and commitment to the literal words of the Qur'an and the events it predicts. Nothing less will satisfy.They believe the only way to convince 1.8 billion Muslims that God is pleased with the beheading of children and the rape of women is to characterize those acts as a form of worship. This is the interpretation of ISIS that defines their cultism.ISIS has taken it upon themselves to bring about, on their own, the literal interpretation of the Qur'an. Instead of letting God's will happen, they are making their interpretation of His desires their own will. Nowhere in the Qur'an does it state that men are to take into their own hands the will of God and make it happen. ISIS argues that since God does not intercede then it is his will.None of the al-Qaeda written or spoken doctrine ever implied that they were anything but a religious order of the most extremist of orthodoxies. In fact, al-Qaeda was unlike any preceding Arab terrorist groups. The PLO and even Hamas at their peaks embodied less Islamic fever than al-Qaeda/ISIS.
In letters captured in Abbottabad by SEAL Team 6, bin Laden understood that the al-Qaeda brand was slipping from his ability to control who was and was not a follower. The ideology was becoming trendy and popular, almost too popular. Bin Laden wanted higher quality, professional fighters to run the al-Qaeda brand.Anyone can join ISIS or its affiliates. The era of professionals has given way to the terrorist mobster. No matter what one thinks of the ideology or the new wave of its embrace, with ISIS on the rise and al-Qaeda's older pros observing from the corporate skybox, Osama bin Laden has successfully managed to fight us from the grave.The beauty of the ISIS Cult of Jihad is that they do not need bin Laden or Caliph Ibrahim alive to lead them. It is now a sentient and self-sustaining series of standing orders that has stood the test of time among the believers.Real jihadists individually believe that no one on earth can revoke or invalidate the variant of Islam they have been told will take them to Paradise. Indeed, now that the Caliphate has been declared, the cult is on autopilot.To those who join, the madness is a promise that they will be at the heart of something special. They offer everyone who is filled with hatred, boredom, or who believes that Islam is presently out of proper orbit to come and join.The cult ideology has an appeal to the disenfranchised, the devout, the bored, the opportunist, and the criminally insane. Untold numbers of individuals and supporters are self-radicalizing through the Internet.It offers a simple, appealing answer to the questions of how to advance in life or how to fill emptiness. ISIS says, ”Join us, kill for God, and take your rewards both here and in heaven!" And like all ideologies based on perversion and ignorance, the objectives they seek can only occur through human sacrifice.Everything done by ISIS and al-Qaeda followers—child rape, mass decapitation, sexual slavery, and burning humans alive—requires only the belief that such acts give God, the cult's God, the greatest pleasure and that such atrocities will be rewarded beyond imagination. And God can reward them only if they die.