It's not. Gen is a spinoff with gameplay similar to the main series.
It's not. It was a side game they made as a 'best of' stopgap and to see if the community accepted super moves and styles, which for the most part they did.
If they're simplifying the combat, SwAxe, Charge Blade and Insect Glaive are all on the chopping block.
Pray to the stars that it ain't.
same. I love the Switch Axe explosions and Phial mechanic..If they take out Switch Axe then I will... get very mad about it on the internet, I guess
This game will be DOA in the west if Capcom does the slow early game build up like in previous Monster Hunter games with the egg carrying / herb / ore gathering quests before you tackle any real hunts.
im not that into the MH franchise, but does it matter if its a mainline title or spin off?
Monster Hunter Twitter page has it up: direct-feed trailer yet?
Because Monster Hunter was, is and will always be best on handheld systems.
(Also because apart from the good-looking graphics, the game looks apathetic.)
Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.
im not that into the MH franchise, but does it matter if its a mainline title or spin off?
If it's a mainline title then people like me won't get Monster Hunter games that they like. If it's a spin off then everyone gets games that they want (Although it does suck that the main games wouldn't be on PS4).
Capcom taking the no Switch too seriously.
The way hunts are done and the time they take is perfect for pick up and play systems.How is it best on handhelds? How does handheld change the game? Did you mean it sells better on hand holds?
Why? Because it's not on a handheld system?
its also a game about farming ores, a lot!
How is it best on handhelds? How does handheld change the game? Did you mean it sells better on hand holds?
Sharpening is actually kinda important to the combat because it forces you to spend time occasionally repairing your weapon's durability in a fight. It's a limiting factor. Think having to reload your gun in an FPS.I remember cooking and resource gathering and sharpening weapons. Isn't that fluff too?
They barely showed anything. It was a short trailer introducing the game.
Anyone taking much beyond the fact that there is a MonHun game coming to PS4/XB1 from what little they showed is majorly overreacting.
How about we try to remain objective and reserve judgement until we've seen a full gameplay walkthrough?
Then again it can lead to an easy mount and/or an easy knock down, which is a great way to start fight.
Getting the drop on your prey is kind of like what hunters do. I welcome it.
How is it best on handhelds? How does handheld change the game? Did you mean it sells better on hand holds?
Why? Because it's not on a handheld system?
Uh-huh. Look, whether some of you like it or not this is the next major step in the franchise for Capcom.
....what? When people say spinoff, they mean stuff like Frontier (F2P-style) and Stories (same IP, but spun off into different game). MHG is obviously a mainline monhun game (Notice how it's not off in its own section: ). Monster Hunter World looks like it's a mainline game.
i'm just glad that they actually made new animations lolCan't wait! Animations look a bit stiff sure, but still super excited.
Rock on bruh. Seems silly to me, but we don't know anything about it.
Definitely not a fan of that Dark Souls style MP, if that's true. I hunt with my wife. My favorite part of the MHXX trailer was the ability to play 3DS to 3DS or to Switch. It actually convinced me to buy a switch (when the game releases).
I think some of you need to be reminded of the Monster Hunter 4 reveal trailer lol
This was LEAGUES better than that.
The changes I want are new monsters and new weapon types. I don;t want the core gameplay to change at all.
Can't wait! Animations look a bit stiff sure, but still super excited.
All 14 weapon types confirmed to be returning to MH World.
I think an open world like World actually makes sharpening more interesting, since you can't just run to another room and sharpen without any danger. You will have to either wait until the monster runs away, or find an opening.
im not that into the MH franchise, but does it matter if its a mainline title or spin off?
Lol I love this.This game will be DOA in the west if Capcom does the slow early game build up like in previous Monster Hunter games with the egg carrying / herb / ore gathering quests before you tackle any real hunts.
I think some of you need to be reminded of the Monster Hunter 4 reveal trailer lol
This was LEAGUES better than that.
How is it best on handhelds? How does handheld change the game? Did you mean it sells better on hand holds?
I can't even tell if you're mad at people who like the game or who don't.I fucking hate all this console war garbage. Go back to the fucking 90s with that shit.
Small bunch of you motherfuckers are spewing it and lol'ing about it before anyone has even said some shit. Probably don't even give a half a shit about the games. Go kick rocks barefoot.
I'm here for motherfucking Monster Hunter. Fucking bring it.